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Everything posted by IDBillzFan

  1. Seems like only yesterday Schiff said he has seen all the evidence and Trump will be impeached. Anyone know what's taking so long?
  2. Not to take this discussion sideways, but Christianity aside...'the church' is every bit as screwed up as the government. Christianity is not a complicated thing. But it is made complicated by people who call themselves -- and are seen as -- Christians. There are a lot of "Christian voices" (i.e. Jen Hatmaker) who have many followers, but who -- over the past few years -- have suddenly decided God and His Word are probably wrong on a couple of things. One popular guy (name escapes me right now), who still considered himself a Christian, explained that he has different views on gay marriage because Christ's view on marriage only being between a man and a woman was simply something he read in "some letters written 2000 years ago." It didn't fit his belief, so instead of deciding he was not a Christian, he decided to become his own kind of Christian. So it's no surprised there is a church for Nancy. And their is a church for Cuomo. I'm sure there is a church there for Biden since he was refused communion by his pastor, which was admirable, but even when you look up that story, "Snopes" explains that while the priest said he did, the Biden campaign would not comment, so it is considered "unproven."
  3. There was a time I considered myself a Republican, but John McCain put an end to that. I found myself more closely aligned with the Tea Party, until the GOP co-opted it and everyone associated the Tea Party with Michelle Bachmann and a corn dog. I was also a Breitbart guy until Andrew died and it got co-opted by nutbags. I spent more than my share of money donating to various campaigns, but it never mattered who I donated to, it was still like donating to the Red Cross: yeah, I gave them money but it never went to anything I *thought* it's going to. Ultimately, I consider myself a constitutional conservative, meaning my preference would be to reduce the government to administer its original role as outlined in the US Constitution. That will never happen, and it's clear when you remove the individual issues to be discussed, the people behind the issues really only care about their own power on both sides of the aisle. I became a Christian about six years ago, but I have no interest in government trying to force my belief on people. Unfortunately, the governments we have are increasingly less interested in enforcing Christian beliefs, and MUCH more interested in enforcing beliefs that are designed to !@#$ with Christianity and anyone who is a follower of Christ (i.e. gay marriage, abortion, etc.) That's a losing battle, too, as long as the church considers people like Nancy Pelosi a Christian. In the end, I grew tired of being told what I had to do by government, and what I had to pay for, and realized I am unable to make a difference. So I opted to make my own change and focus on where I can live out the rest of my life with as few nutbags and few embarrassing laws around as possible. They'll find me here, too, but hopefully I'll be dead by then. Othewise...
  4. Hey...the Clintons did a LOT of good work with the .0325% of donations that ultimately went to charity work. They put a sno-cone machine in a homeless shelter in Waterloo, NY. True story.
  5. As I've said before; because Dems like Bloomberg are followed by idiots, they assume everyone is an idiot.
  6. It's interesting to me that the Dem candidates are now, without hesitation, making it clear they are for open borders. Good for them. Embrace your true desires, Dems. America is ready for it. Open borders. Medicare for all. Confiscating guns. Late term abortions. And publicly targeting specific people for massive tax hikes because they have too much money. America overwhelming WANT these things. They just don't know it. And you're just the party to show them what they've been missing.
  7. Wow. Biden is schitting the bed. Harris is living in Iowa and she can't out-poll Klobluchar? What a schittshow. Bring it on, Fauxcahontas! Nothing would be funnier than watching the left candidate lose the popular vote to Trump. I suspect at that point they'd start explaining how the only votes that matter are in NY and CA, and all other states should turn in their electoral votes.
  8. And without Whisenhunt.
  9. The funny thing about the Dems is just because the people who support them are dumb as bricks, they somehow think EVERYONE is dumb as bricks. You'd think they'd lose registered voters who are just tired of being embarrassed. But no. They all show up every day with their REO Speedwagon meltdown evidence that starts with "Heard it from a friend who heard it from a friend who heard it from another you've been messin' around...or maybe I read it from a friend who read it from a friend...but either way...ORANGEMANBAD!!!"
  10. Only if you like him. Or her. Or it. Or whatever pronoun they need. Side story: every day I drive by a local business that repairs and rebuilds transmissions. Dude has a big sign outside with his business name on it: Trans Doc. He'd have a totally different clientele walking through his doors if he set that up in California.
  11. But hey...knock yourselves out, leftists! America is TOTALLY behind your impeachment plans. Funny how leftists are suddenly SO QUICK to say "Oh, hey, nevermind that whistleblower! Nothing to see there!" So funny. So unbelievably funny.
  12. I like how you think employers would give each employee a raise of over $190/week and be happy they get to keep $7.69/week per employee. That's pretty damn funny. You want fun with math? How about the employer finally gets back the $10,400 a year per employee they've been forced to fork out because of Obamacare, and the federal government finds a way to trim $10,400 a year per working person from some other budget, and then they can pay for it and allow companies to expand and grow with their businesses? Then we increase taxes of all federally elected employees by 11.89%, and give that money to all the families who were promised their annual health insurance would drop by $2500 a month? Now that's change you can believe in.
  13. Damn. Do you think anyone in power on the left ever, for one moment, stops in the middle of their latest meltdown and thinks, "Y'know, before we do (fill in the blank), maybe we should take a moment to think this through." They're like the Adam Gase of politics.
  14. Typical moronic leftist thinking: you can only judge a person's true intentions if you don't know who they are! Who they are is irrelevant. You have to be a GaryTibs-sized chucklehead to believe this crap. Free. How's life on the Dem plantation?
  15. You have to be a fourth-grader to not know the fate of virtually every whistleblower in the history of whistleblowers. If you're stupid enough to think someone like Schiff is going to protect you, you get what you deserve. Ciaramella is just another piece of toilet paper the Dems will use to wipe their asses clean to avoid the schittstorm they've created for themselves. But I'm sure you see the plan: Ciaramella is outed...commits Arkancide...and the Dems insist Trump caused all of it. Onward to 2020!
  16. From what I can tell, the left keeps trying to release 'new' information that really isn't new and it really isn't even helpful, but it provides an incoherent unsubstantiated possibility of an updated report from a previous testimony to a new event that no one can corroborate. I want to suggest it's too bad the left is too stupid to understand that they're doing more damage to themselves than to Trump, but, honestly, all I want at this juncture is for Trump to get re-elected so I can see how long the left can self-destruct before they finally realize what they're doing to their party.
  17. Passing for 300 yards is, by far, the dumbest stat in professional football and anyone who insists that it plays a pivotal role is simply showing their inability to understand football. Don't believe me? Ask Andy Dalton. He has three 300-yard games this year. Where is he? Bench. But hey...keep beating the horse. Well, that's because if you remove the plays which scored TDs, the Bills lose that game. That's how bad they are. Not to mention, do you have any idea how much it hurts their post-season prospects by beating a team in the NFC? Bad things, man. Bad things.
  18. I'll never understand the need to mock this guy. He's the best thing to bring order to this club in years. He has the team at 6-2 for the first time in years, So ridiculous.
  19. Exactly. The very first play should have been Marshawn up the middle with his hair on fire.
  20. Dumbest play call in the history of dumbest play calls.
  21. Not even this is funnier than Booger doing a 3-minute intro on the perfection that is Zak Prescott vs. the Giants, and what a command he has of the offense and of reading defenses...and the very second he stops talking, Prescott takes the first snap of the game and throws a pick.
  22. There are two things that always lead to the Bills adding some Ls: national sports writers clamoring that the Bills may be for real, and a game in prime time. I'm very good without either. Just keep winning.
  23. People who think we're a #1 seed need to stop drinking and, if possible, stop calling into "Movin' The Chains" on Sirius XM. Every time a Bills fan calls into a national NFL radio show, an angel has their wings cut off with a dull blade.
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