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Everything posted by IDBillzFan

  1. Dumbest thing I saw from an entire weekend of football. I kept watching Rivers drop back and thinking "Did anyone tell the new OC that KC can't stop the run...and, oh, yeah, he has Melvin Gordon?" (Actually the dumbest thing was listening to Booger explain how a really bad Mahomes pass 'is just not the kind of throw most quarterbacks can make.') And this ashtray.
  2. This ACLU tweet perfectly captures all that is the Democratic Party. Dumbest effin' creatures on the planet.
  3. Can't imagine why. I mean, other than the fact that the left has spent three days embarrassing themselves with ridiculous witnesses who never witnessed anything and continue to piss away 2020.
  4. From 'quid pro quo' to 'extortion' to bribery..... Now it's just embarrassing. You get the feeling Williams and Vindman are regretting hitching their little lives to Schiff. Vindman is clearly the Major Frank Burns of this event.
  5. I figure things are looking bad for the Dems because everything you see posted by Tibs and Gary sounds a lot like "May I mommy dog face to the banana patch?" I haven't seen a meltdown like this since MSNBC started calling the 2016 election results.
  6. Is it over? Is Trump impeached yet? No? I thought Vindman had the goods? Does he not have the goods? Who has the goods? Is there another super secret special witness who will take the stand to admit he heard voices while he was drinking? Sounds like a job for Biden.
  7. Can you explain to me what Beane has done that has you so worried?
  8. I was gonna say, it looks like someone can get hurt on that thing. If they do, it'll be interesting how much the NFL wants to invest in that market. I have this vision of Goodell looking at this problem every year and saying "I don't know why the field is in such bad shape. The Mexicans who do my yard are amazing."
  9. I think it's what happens when you let people drive assault cars.
  10. Perhaps it would help the Dems if they stopped changing the charges every time they came up empty-handed. I think it's dropped from bribery to what? Jaywalking? Maybe one day the Dems will think things all the way through. And maybe not let Schiff be in charge because that dude is absolutely schitting the bed in an embarrassing manner.
  11. Over 70,000 people died from drug overdose in 2018 Almost 3000 people were shot in Chicago just this year. But traffic deaths. That's really got Fauxchanontas lit up. I'm starting to think she's dumber than AOC.
  12. I feel like Samuel Jackson in Die Hard 3 telling his nephews to call 911 because someone is about to get murdered.
  13. This should be a good game. Both teams are playing feast or famine. I wouldn't be surprised to see the Jets get the upset here.
  14. When Obama getting a Nobel Peace Prize doesn't sound stupid enough for you...
  15. Oooooh, they've got him now. THIS time Trump is going down, Jerry!
  16. Glad to have you here. Can you do me a small favor? Can you see if W.O.P. still has the high score on Pole Position at Thirsty's?
  17. This post is like getting a proctology exam. The Bills didn't pick them, they're 7-3 for the first time in 20 years, and I swear some you are dudes LOVE to seek out places and ways to shove a hand up the ass of the Bills and their fans just to see if you can make it fit.
  18. Half.way through the second half, someone on Twitter wrote, "Is it too early to flex this game?"
  19. What I'm about to write is not meant to be disrespectful. It's meant to be honest. Football has a purpose in my life. It's my breather. For a handful of Sundays for a handful of months, I get to watch a sport I've loved since I first learned who Gary Marangi was. When the games are on, if I'm not with Bills fans, I don't want anyone bugging me. I actually purchased my last two houses because I could do the two things I love to do at the same time; cook and watch football. I love prime time games, and Thursday and Sunday and Monday nights in my kitchen during the football season are some of my favorite times. Family's around. We're snacking and eating and drinking and cooking and having a great time. A genuinely great time. And the very LAST thing I want infiltrating this time is a divisive subject. I don't need any of the drama beyond what is happening in the game, between the two teams, who's playing well and who's not, and maybe what role the game plays in my football pick 'em pool. I especially don't give a schittstainratsasshair if people with different effin' views can be effin' brothers in some moronic kumbaya moment. I don't give one !@#$ what that reason is....Kaep and his media sycophants and the pissants who disagree with them are !@#$ up my breather, and I'd appreciate it if you'd all take this childish schitt to a place I don't need to hear it....anywhere but before, during, and after the broadcast of a football game.
  20. I'm starting to think one of the reasons no one wants to hire Kaep is because every time someone is critical of him, they're called a racist. Such childish rhetoric.
  21. Alright. They got him now! THIS time they've really got him! No. Really. We mean it this time. This isn't like all the other times we had him but didn't have him. This time's the real deal. Trump's going down! Third time this month!!!
  22. Man, oh, man, they have Trump RIGHT where they want him. That impeachment should be here any second now.
  23. So is today the day he gets impeached or do we have wait until next week when they bring forward more witnesses who never witnessed anything?
  24. I have been asked to fill in for the resident lefties as they take their mandatory union break. "BOT! BOT! BOT!" Thank you.
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