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Everything posted by IDBillzFan

  1. My son turns 15 the day after Thanksgiving. For his birthday we got him VIP tickets to see a special viewing of "Christmas Vacation" with Chevy Chase on black Friday, featuring a Q&A and private meet-and-greet with Chase after the movie. He's gonna go crazy.
  2. Thanksgiving time-saving tip: if you spatchcock your turkey and lay it out on a pan after piping some stuffing under the skin, you get a very moist, delicious turkey that takes half the time it takes to roast a regular turkey.
  3. Can you imagine how mind-numbingly stupid you have to be to want anything to do with a political party that is THIS embarrassing? You'd think at some point the Tibs and Garys and Jrobers would look at the people they rely on for information and think "I refuse to be this freaking stupid." But no.
  4. How is it you know the answer to this question, and yet still have no idea why you're wrong about everything else? Perhaps you should not believe what your overlords are telling you. Maybe you should cheque the facts.
  5. Now, now, we all know that was a Youtube video.
  6. It's not that he's dense. He just refuses to accept what is really happening. It's like going to the Bills board after the Miami game and finding people complaining that Josh didn't have a 300-yard game yet.
  7. I remember the last time the Dems did something significant that was xclusively on party line. I'm sure this time it will have a better result. I'm just sure of it. If you like your impeachment, you can keep your impeachment!
  8. These meltdowns never get old. Never. It's like...this is what I envision when I read posts by Gary and Tibs.
  9. Let's get this impeachment started! It's another bombshell that is the beginning of the end of a tipping point of the walls that are closing in!
  10. The beautiful thing about being a Democrat is you don't need to understand or even believe what their candidates say. You just need to nod and smile and repeat what you hear so loud and so often that people walk away, giving you the impression that you won the argument. Dumb as bricks, these people. Just once I would like one of the opponents to turn to Harris and say "When you say you took on Kavanaugh, do you mean in the way you took on Willie Brown?"
  11. Is that the same no access which the state department said was not true today? I'm starting to think maybe you're the one who didn't watch today. Maybe, just maybe, you're regurgitating what you're told to believe.
  12. Then you'd think he'd remember being specifically told by Trump about the quid pro quo even after Trump specifically told him it was NOT quid pro quo. Are we getting this right? Because it sounds a little like you're confused. But other than that, it TOTALLY happened. In fact, that's what Sondland really means...even though that's not what he's saying.
  13. It's almost like he's not thinking for himself or something. Weird. Or maybe...and I'm just going out on a limb here...maybe he's just not thinking for himself.
  14. I'm suggesting that if you want to impeach a president, you might know specifically what day and what time Trump specifically told you the information upon which you plan to impeach. I'm suggesting if this happened, then why did all the things we're told Trump WOULDN'T do, like hold a meeting and release funds, acutally take place without the investigation? Sounds to me like you don't need proof. Sounds to me like you just need 'somewhat close enough.' Buy hey...I'm sure you're just thinking for yourself on this whole thing.
  15. And tell me again when, specifically, did Trump tell Sondland to execute the quid pro quo? I assume it was a face to face meeting? Or a phone call? Or a video call? I'm curious, because, y'know, I wasn't following along too well and missed the part where Sondland gave these details.
  16. So Sondland was told directly by Trump that there would be no meeting at the WH unless the Ukraine publicly announced they would investigate Biden and Burisma? And this was always about no meeting? Odd. I thought it was over the release of funds. So when did Trump tell Sondland this information?
  17. Tell us in detail specifically what quid pro quo Sondland confirmed about Trump and Ukraine today. C'mon. You can do it. In detail. Go.
  18. The testimony that says there was no quid pro quo? The testimony that said repeatedly that Trump did nothing wrong? THAT testimony? I rest my case. The Trump/Pence 2020 Campaign thanks you for your donation.
  19. Folks like you are why the Dems are schitting the bed with these useless hearings. You believe everything you are told. Everything. Unable to think for yourself, you grab whatever flag they give you without thought and wave it enthusiastically without stopping to realize it's not a flag, but a parachute with holes in and that wind you think is at your back is coming from below you. Stop. Breathe. Look at everything again objectively. The truth will be there, but you have to see it for yourself because your party leaders are lying to you.
  20. Jets beat the Cowboys...there is that... Yeah. I know. I'm just sayin', the Eagles aren't ahead of the Bills because of they way they handled us.
  21. I loved watching him stand in the pocket against Miami. Probably the most confident I've seen him standing back there, going through progressions. Let me say it again for the Veruca Salt people; rational fans were never under the impression the Bills were going to the Super Bowl this year. Playoffs, preferably, yes, but the key this year was to come out of the season confident you have your quarterback, and if you don't absolutely see how much better he is getting, and how much better this team is getting, then you're just another fan who gets their joy from watching Bills fans in misery. Hell, his redzone success alone should have fans thrilled.
  22. KYLE Brandt? Oh, crap. I saw the headline and thought it was Gil Brandt. I'll go back and listen to it now that I don't have to worry about falling asleep at my desk after the first five words.
  23. How can I be on the rag when I'm in my second trimester?
  24. When is the last time Brady* went three games with only one TD pass? He didn't even throw a TD against the Eagles. Edelman had to do it. I know it's popular to believe Brady* is some kind of god, but he's playing the worst football he's played in years and you don't even need to look at this stats. Just look at his mug. When Brady pouts like this....bad things, man. Bad things.
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