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Everything posted by IDBillzFan

  1. Back in my gambling days, this would be a great first-half under bet. Just like this past Sunday. It'll probably sit around 16 or 17.
  2. Something tell me Kraft no get happy ending this time.
  3. I find the fastest way to get a Patriots* fan to shut up is to ask them their favorite Steve Grogan game. They kind of go into this lockjaw-of-the-brain thing as they start thinking, "Who the hell is Steve Grogan?"
  4. Once they hired Gase, I stopped worrying about the Jets.
  5. Bills fans should move on from paying attention to a divisional foe who has been repeatedly caught cheating? With fans like this...
  6. Except this is how the Pats* have cheated for years. In fact, it's the reason Kraft* had to pay a million dollars, and forfeit and 1st round pick, and sit Brady* for a bunch of games. Besides, don't you think it's odd that the cheaters got permission from the Browns to film the Bengals? Exactly. Cheaters cheat.
  7. When you have a proven history of cheating, it looks like cheating. It's like if you see your girlfriend sitting close to another guy and having a conversation. If she's always been loyal to you, she's just having a conversation. But if she's cheated on you in the past, then she is clearly lining up another bone to jump on when you go on your next business trip.
  8. One thing you can count on after a Bills loss: the McClappy fans put down their sippy cup jump into action.
  9. Don't cheat, Patriots*. Just that simple.
  10. Yes, but he has three 300-yard games this season, so that makes him a winner!
  11. No There are plenty of reasons Pats* fans are douchenozzles. It just helps fortify them as douchenozzles.
  12. Can you believe those entitled little douchenozzles were booing? So funny.
  13. The way the Cowboys lost to the Bears takes the shine off the Bills win, but the way the Bills beat the Cowboys doesn't put the shine back on? They didn't beat the Cowboys, on the road, in Thanksgiving Freaking Day, on a technicality, or a bad call, or poor time management. They beat the piss out of them in one of the best performances on offense AND defense this year. This team increasinlgy focused and disciplined. It's not perfect. It has work to do. But this team is growing successful right before our very eyes and to spend any time grading it on the curve is ridiculous.
  14. Not to mention how well the offense executed its plan against Dallas. Just because the Cowboys are starting to look like a paper tiger should not take away from the success of the well-executed game plan in a road game on freaking Thanksgiving Day. But no. Chicago's three-game win streak is just a fluke, so beating Dallas at home really takes the shine off the Bills' three-game win streak. If this were the Patriots*, these same BIlls fans would be talking about how the Pats* are starting to get hot at the right time. But it's the Bills, so these fans need to be miserable.
  15. As soon as she can get Pelosi's heel off her throat.
  16. That damn show scared the ***** out of me when I was a kid. No idea why. It was just creepy.
  17. Is it over? Is he impeached yet? No? Not yet? Weird. I keep getting told the evidence is overwhelming, and yet here we sit. Oh, well. Maybe tomorrow.
  18. Man, I love this chick. She perfectly personifies the Democratic Party. Perfectly.
  19. I don't now about 'we,' but you know what I would like? I would like people who post on this board to stick to one username. Just pick one and stick with it.
  20. I used to hang with the crowd at Bobby McGees when I first moved to LA years ago. Damn near turned me into an alcoholic. I'd get there at 9 a.m. for the early game, and the windows and doors were all blacked out, so my East Coast body and brain was telling me it wasn't really 9 a.m., but noon, and I always drank at noon with some wings when I hung with the Orlando backers. It took me about five games of getting drunk by 11 a.m. before I pulled back. That was just the time when DirecTV introduced Sunday Ticket and almost saved my liver. Lesson learned? It's much better getting drunk at home at 11 a.m.
  21. Part of the problem with all of this higher ed issue is the ridiculous belief that simply 'being from Harvard' or 'being from Yale' etc. immediately means you are intelligent and must be considered an authority on whatever topic that Harvard or Yale graduate is speaking about. That's simply not the case, and the degree does not grant them immediate classification of intelligence. It simply grants them a better opportunity to prove they are intelligent. People like Warren and Obama prove this on a regular basis every time they open their Ivy League mouths. They're not near as smart as we're supposed to believe they are.
  22. Why, it's almost like anyone can be a sports writer these days.
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