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Everything posted by IDBillzFan

  1. The next time someone mocks the Bills for 'the process' and 'culture,' remind them of these moments. The Rams are the perfect example of how to not manage a team for the long game.
  2. It was a disappointing outing at a number of levels, starting with the fact that both lines were not very good and were getting pushed around. I'm still not sure how the entire world knows Edelmann is the go-to, and the Bills couldn't stop him. Very frustrating. Allen missed some passes, but if you think Allen is the reason the Bills lost, then you don't watch football. If you're going to surrender hero ball then you're going to hold the ball too long and take sacks. The dude has work to do on things like that, and what you should really want at this juncture in his career is to see him getting better. If you can't see his game improving, then I suspect you just don't want to see it. In the end, as a homer, what I was encouraged to see was the team doing a great job of not beating themselves. No stupid turnovers. No lack of composure. No McKelvin-like moments. These are the ways the Bills get blown out in the past. It's a team that is getting better, and yesterday's loss doesn't change that.
  3. As long as they keep Gase next year, I don't care about the rest. He'll wreck that team, which is okay except it's unfortunately for Darnold. He deserves coaches who know how to help him make the transition to the NFL, and Gase can't do that. Same goes for Mayfield. Kitchens can wreck him. All the more reason I laugh at Bills fans who still have a bug up their ass and call our coach McClappy.
  4. I just saw in the other thread that Warren is in big heap trouble. Maybe she can work as an extra when they do a reboot of "F-Troop."
  5. Wow. The left is going to wipe out Warren? Are you telling me the party of diversity is going to lead into the 2020 race with two of the oldest, angriest white guys in the country? Yeesh. It's like the left hates women and people of color. Who knew? Oh, wait. All of us knew.
  6. Tell us again why DT got impeached. Can you get us the evidence while you're at it? I never heard evidence. I just heard the scratching sound of Schiff moving goal posts like a SNL skit. It's collusion! It's treason! It's quid pro quo! It's a floor wax! It's a dessert topping! Wait you guys! Trumps impeachment is a floor wax AND a dessert topping! Funniest schitt ever. At this pace, 2020 is going to be a bloodbath. Especially if someone like Warren gets the nod.
  7. The difference between someone on the right like Graham and someone on the left like Pelosi or Schiff or even Barry or Hillary is that when someone on the right realizes they are wrong, they admit it and change course. When someone on the left is wrong, they find someone on the right to blame for it and explain how "it wasn't so much that we were wrong as we just didn't get our message across properly." That's why every time a Safeway stain like Busey posts one of those old posts, it makes me chuckle, because he'll simply never be smart enough to understand the irony of his own posts.
  8. I never got to live there, but I spent a lot of time there when I lived in Santa Clara because one of my friends lived there. It was also in my sales territory for 10 years, and one of my sales reps took me in to meet clients every few weeks so I got an up close look at the best the city has to offer when we took clients out for lunch and dinner. In fact, I was always grateful my sales guy drove me around because I had such a hard time navigating the roads. We were leaving an appointment at Berkeley and about to head back to the airport when I had to let him go. The conversation was something like: "You're letting me go?" "Yes." "Does that mean I can leave you hear in Berkeley and not take you to the airport?" "Not if you want your last commission check." SFO has it's issues, but Berkeley used to be a true schitthole.
  9. The minute an NFL talking head makes a statement like "If Duck Hodges didn't throw four picks, he would have been better than Allen," you know it's time to turn it off. You shouldn't be stupid enough to have that thought as a fan, let alone someone paid to give their opinion.
  10. You will be made to care.
  11. I'd like to see what would happen in North Tonawanda the moment a homeless person took a dump in the aisle at Wegmans.
  12. I suspect that massive spending bill the House just passed has something to do with it.
  13. When you wake up this morning and find out why your statement is so incredibly wrong, you will also find people who will mock your lack of knowledge. I would like to take a different approach. Use this opportunity to dig a bit deeper into (a) why you think the impeachment in the House meant his removal from office and (b) ask yourself this; if it doesn't remove him from office, what is the next likely result of this effort? If you can answer both of those questions honestly, to yourself, then you will also start to question your political alignment. And before you say "You don't know my political alignment," trust me when I tell you anyone who believes what you wrote above is, without question, a Democrat.
  14. Doesn't matter. You can't do it. Because it's wrong.
  15. It just doesn't make it right. Obama was a mindless dolt who always needed to do stuff like that to get his way. If Trump does it, the next guy does it and the next guy does it. Bad form.
  16. On the upside, politically speaking you can find yourself now with people who truly think for themselves, and who don't simply believe everything they are told.
  17. On the other hand, I hear Gary's new recording of "I Left My Deuce In San Francisco" is climbing to #1 in the MoveOn.Org Top 10 Progressive Hits.
  18. It's interesting to me that hundreds of leftists can get together to people to carry a big piece of paper in a public setting, and yet you all are unable to figure out that a grocery store aisle is no place to drop a deuce. Surprising? No. Interesting? Absolutely.
  19. My business partner did work up there at Airbnb HQ recently on Brannan in the Design District, and couldn't believe how so much of the area smelled like piss. It's nice to see they locals are moving indoors to take a dump. Granted, by indoors I mean in Aisle 7 of the local Safeway, but still... You notice how Tibs never talks about how badly the left has wrecked that beautiful city? Probably blames capitalism.
  20. You should change your username to "I am the old man". I have learned to hate prime time Bills games. When I think of Bills on Prime Time, I think of the little kid Billy from the other side of the tracks on "The Polar Express" when asked why he doesn't like Christmas. "Christmas just doesn't work out for me. Never has." I'm conditioned to seeing Leodis McKelvin fumbling a punt, or Dallas coming back from 21 down after a crazy first quarter, or any other number of prime time schittshows. This team won on Thanksgiving AND Sunday Night Football. That schittshow is over.
  21. Remember the people going nuts when they started moving Watkins, etc.? Funny stuff, in retrospect.
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