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Everything posted by IDBillzFan

  1. There's a lot you can say about the current Bills administration and team, but being historically accurate to previous admins and teams is definitely not one of them. This team doesn't give a crap about what has been historically done.
  2. Michael Moore for Best Meltdown Ever!
  3. Not only was he in the Middle East, but the helicopter he was on came under sniper fire and he almost died. Oh, wait. That was Hillary's lie. My bad. Carry on.
  4. This is CNN. http://twitter.com/CNNPolitics/status/1213170673994084353/photo/1
  5. You're trying to communicate with a person who laughed at the Benghazi deaths and is upset with the death of Soleimani. Do the math.
  6. I thought Fuller was a go, no?
  7. I was thinking this morning how long the left would have mourned if Trump were president on 9/11. My guess is about 30 seconds of mourning before they jumped on Trump for causing the attack, and apologizing to terrorists for Trump making them angry.
  8. I'm probably at fault for evaluating this like I evaluate projects my company considers; when someone says "We have a great job for you, but the last nine people who took the job were fired before they could really get traction," I walk away. That said, there are more than 32 jobs available in my world, so it's not a fair assessment.
  9. That explains a lot of it, thanks, but that owner is batschitt crazy and you would think McDaniels would want his second HC shot would have better odds.
  10. Answers like yours confuse leftists like Gary and Tibs because independent thought is not a leftist's strong suit. It's impossible for them to believe that right-leaning people can be critical of right-leaning politicians. Notice how they laughed when Obama and Hillary left people to die in Benghazi, but are apologetic to Iran when their murderous leaders are killed. Tells you all you need to know about leftists. There isn't clean pair of leftist panties west of the Mississippi this morning.
  11. I read today Ian Rappaport reporting that McDaniels considers the Browns HC position as 'a dream' position. In what world does anyone look at the Browns and consider that HC spot a dream anything?
  12. Are you under the impression Trump's poll numbers are in a tailspin?
  13. Few things will show the depths of TDS than something like this. Look at the left right now. They don't care about this country. They care about killing Trump. At this very moment, all they can do is attack the leader of our country who killed a bunch of American-killing badasses. Just when you thought it couldn't get more embarrassing to be a leftist...
  14. I have no evidence for what I'm about to write: I think most of this is wrong, though I agree his pissiness about losing AB after 11 days was real. My sense is that Brady* and Bellicheck* wanted the one whale that has eluded them: the perfect season. There was something of a cry from Tommy* when they lost their first game this year and it became clear to me this is what they really wanted to do: Win it all undefeated and go out as the best ever. Brady* is a lot of things, a cheater first and foremost, but he's also not completely stupid. He knows he can't just take what he does to another team and make it work. There are too many variables that could trip him up. There is no Denver team waiting for him to just be competent. I'm of the mindset that he retires this year, as does Bellicheck*. They have no one in the wings. No heir apparent to either of them. They leave at the end of the year, and Kraft's* team takes a nosedive so everyone in NE* whines about the Brady*/Bellicheck* days.
  15. This explains why the university moved the Chancellor's office to the ground floor of the admin building. No stairs for Hillary.
  16. If the movie bombs, it'll be funny listening to the left explain that it bombed because the world is too transphobic. That said, I was surprised I enjoyed End Game as much as I did. Best Thor of them all.
  17. In fairness, the Pope did recommend changing the Lord's Prayer a couple of years ago because he doesn't accept the translation that God leads people to temptation. It's a translation thing more than anything, but I think one of the reasons people on the right don't like some of the stuff the Pope says and does is because it's easily taken out of context by leftists, who still are unbelievably stupid enough enough to think that Christians who support Trump can't be real Christians because they don't fit the leftist idea of what a Christian should be. But like pretty much everything else they opine about, leftists will speak on most topics as an authority, in spite of their true lack of knowledge and understanding of most subjects.
  18. Wifey turned to CNN as they were counting down, and apparently the NYC New Year's Eve Party has turned into one big advertisement. Beyond everyone wearing some stupid Planet Fitness hats, they turned the camera to a giant digital sign with ten seconds to go, and instead of the sign counting down 10, 9, 8, etc., there was an image of the Hulu logo followed by an ad running for what looked to be some kind of all-in-one app or service or something. It couldn't have been more ridiculous is the message said "Drink your Ovaltine."
  19. ...while on his way to a Vegas fundraiser...
  20. I've done some crazy schitt to rub some nickels, and I've done even crazier schitt in hotel rooms. But lancing your own boil in a hotel room? That's some bold schitt right there.
  21. And yet, that is misleading, because put more truthfully, IDBillzfan > LABillzfan.
  22. The bed-crapping started the moment you assumed no one on this part of the message board has any idea what it's like there. You're wrong. In fact, I go back and forth with @Chef Jim , who lived in Oakland before returning to SoCal, because while he understands the problems with CA, it's completely worth every penny for him to live there. And that's great. But ask him if he'd move back to Oakland. Alternately, I own a small software firm, and the cost to do business in CA as a small company was just ridiculous. And that doesn't even take into consideration my personal taxes, and property taxes. So I made a conscious decision two years ago to begin the exit plan, and left the state in May. Best move I've ever made, and kick myself for not making is sooner. You're welcome to dismiss people who piss on CA, but do yourself a favor and stop pretending like you're the only one who sees the real CA. When you pretend you're the smartest person on a subject, you can count on a lot of us to correct that ridiculous thinking.
  23. I lived in CA for 30 years, doing business in the Bay area for 25 of them. There will forever be nice parts of CA because not even its supermajority can screw up a good view. A lot of people mock CA, but you're absolutely right. You can get great food there. And when you're done with dinner, you can walk into the local grocery store and just take a dump in the aisle without having to pay for the toilet paper. That's being woke.
  24. They’re willing to sacrifice any interest or principle for power. See, e.g., the rehabilitation of Ralph Northam and Justin Fairfax. . Good for Tulsi, but bad for Tulsi because now she'll be relegated to cleaning toilets in the basement. It's become clear over the past few years that the leaders of the Tibs and Garys of the world only care about obstructing Trump. To find out they'd rather leave people rotting in prison should surprise no one. Not sure how much they plan to schitt their pants when Trump wins 2020. But I suspect it will be another spectacular schittshow brought to you by the oldest, angriest people ever to rule Washington.
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