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Everything posted by IDBillzFan

  1. It Tips still dancing at the Sundowner?
  2. Correct. It's what she applies to her skin after she finishes her Jean Nate' bubble bath splash. That's right. Elizabeth Warren. In a bubble bath. Let THAT burn your eyes for the weekend.
  3. In a way, ya gotta hand it to whomever is pulling AOC's strings. (We know it's not her because she's dumb as bricks.) But to tell the DNC she's not paying their quarter-million-dollar dues, and putting it behind more liberal candidates to go against more moderate Dems, is pretty bold. It's suicide, and she'll be a puddle of piss when Pelosi gets done with her, but the only way the DNC is going to get fixed is if its member correct themselves. Step one is to get rid of Pelosi. Ironically, the fastest way for that to truly happen is for her to force Biden as the 2020 Dem candidate. She barely escaped forcing the Clinton embarrassment. Not sure she survives forcing the Biden embarrassment. But she seems hellbent on doing it.
  4. That was about the same time we were warned the ice caps were melting and America would be underwater soon. Global warming cooling climate change crisis: Is there nothing it can do?
  5. When I was growing up, going to Albany was a really big deal in that it meant we were going to Colonie Center. This meant Orange Julius and dinner at some steakhouse attached to the mall which, in my foggy imagination is a Texas chop house but in reality was probably a step up from Beefsteak Charlies.
  6. We're north Idaho, about 30 minutes east of Spokane, just outside Lake Coeur d'Alene. I can run my company from anywhere, so we sold virtually everything in CA and bought five acres overlooking the city. We have my son in one of the top 10 charter schools in the country. Business regulations are very lax here, taxes are very low, people are ridiculously friendly and neighborly, we're three minutes from a boat launch at Spokane River into the lake, and we're genuinely living our best life right now. That said, I grew up in the Catskills just below Windham Mt. Ski Slope. I spent most of my life believing I needed to be as far away from mountains and snow as possible, and it turns our I was desperately wrong for most of my life. We're much happier around the mountains and lakes and hills and snowmobiling and boating and skiing. Both of those are on our radar. Sandpoint is just north of us (we're in Post Falls). The whole area is beautiful.
  7. The news told me it was caught in the crossfire with the US, and Trump is to blame. Is that not the case?
  8. What is it about Idaho that makes you think it wouldn't be a good idea? Serious question.
  9. Funny. Asking people who can't think for themselves to attempt to think for themselves. Good stuff. Keep it coming.
  10. My father went through 3 packs of Camel a day and insisted it wasn't an issue because Camel was pure and clean tobacco, and didn't pose a health risk. He lived to be 92, much to everyone's chagrin.
  11. Because he only gets paid when he posts the links, even if they've already been posted.
  12. That can get you sued in some states.
  13. Who said anything about electric lawnmowers? Welcome to California!
  14. If they start this next week, it could literally lead to Biden getting the Dem nod. And by literally, I don't mean figuratively.
  15. I genuinely can't figure out why someone in his position would be so hostile toward the current administration in times like these. I know he's a far-left Obama nutbag, but as a former CIA Director, I have to imagine maybe he would put country first, and if nothing else, just shut his piehole. I've been skeptical of the whole "He knows he's in trouble with Trump in the WH" idea, but he should at least be smart enough to know that the crap he spews helps Trump more than it hurts him.
  16. Such self-awareness. Gonna pay off big in 2020!
  17. How many times did he sniffle when he said that? Playing you mindless tools like a harp from hell.
  18. What's amazing to me is that you would think, at some point, one of them would realize how ridiculous they look and sound. But no. It's like they WANT us to laugh at them. So weird.
  19. Every time I see a new photo of Whoopi, she looks more and more like a Thunderdome extra.
  20. Outside of most Busey posts, has there been a more clear and embarrassing case of TDS than listening to the entire left caution not only about WWIII, but the possibility of a draft? Just when I think the left can't schittthebed any more than they have for the past three years, they render the mattress into a giant party-size box of Depends. Well done, Dems. Keep this up and even Busey will see how imcompetent you are.
  21. Wait. So am I to understand even Dems are starting to recognize how much they've lost as a result of the impeachment effort? Am I to understand even Dems realize that they are handing 2020 to Trump with a big pussyhatbowtie on top? Yeesh. Just when you though the left couldn't FUBAR their status any further.
  22. Hey, you should just be glad we don't have a president who is unable to navigate a flight of stairs while laundering money for her charitable "foundation." Your hatred for Trump is embarrassing. Give it a rest. Take a nap. Go on vacation. Maybe visit a foreign place. Like Wisconsin. They haven't see a far-left nutjob there in years.
  23. Where else is Busey going to get his inspiration to hate?
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