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Everything posted by IDBillzFan

  1. Normally I would suggest this would be something of a distraction, but the culture in Cleveland has been superior the past few years, and I'm sure the fans will see OBJ as the team-first guy that he's always been.
  2. Golden pens on silver platters. I feel a country song coming on...
  3. Everyone is responsible for their own posts, so if they share too much, it's on them. That said, I think doxing a poster on this site should get you banned permanently. It tells me you're too stupid to appreciate the anonymous nature of this site. If you're so insecure about an anonymous poster on an obscure political message board tied to a consistently bad football team (recent years notwithingstanding), and you need to out them, you should stop for just a second, give it an extra thought, and then go eff yourself. On the other hand, it's been a while since someone from this board offed themselves, so we have that going for us. Which is nice. (NOTE: Tom has left the board in the past. I suspect he'll be back. If not, my hope is he as least remembers to wear the t-shirt.)
  4. He got that tattoo the day Gene Rayburn died. (That's right, beetches. If you're going to bring Lenny and Squiggy into this, I'm bringing Gene Rayburn.)
  5. Lenny and the Squigtones. Dr. Demento. The only thing missing was a Pinky Tuscadero reference. Damn, I'm effin' old.
  6. Exactly. I think we'll see more of this as the years go on. And actually, I hope we do. I love this sport and I hate to see what happens to them and their families when they play too long.
  7. Makes you wonder how many times Obama sniffled when he wrote that post.
  8. These nutbags are upset with Vince Vaughn for talking to Trump, and we're supposed to think a single Democrat gives one schitt about what happens to Iranian people who are being slaughtered by their regime? Please. They don't care about anything but their power. Iranians and Americans can all go to hell as far as the Dems concern. Just don't interrupt their donations.
  9. It's funny watching leftists online getting so triggered by this. "I'll never be able to watch another Vince Vaughn movie again!" These people are batschitt crazy.
  10. Liberals. When thinking things through just seems like an unnecessary step.
  11. I'm not going to compromise my ability to ignore stupid, useless, childish schitt simply because people on the left do it all the time. We're smarter than that, and denying that seems stupid to me. Bernie will never get the nod, and if he somehow did, he would never, ever win. McCain lost because people didn't want to elect a guy who reminded them of Dorf on Golf, and Bernie will lose because people don't want to elect a guy who NEVER stops yelling at them, and who reminds them of a very, very, very angry Grandpa Munster.
  12. I'm not one to defend Bernie, but releasing stupid schitt he wrote in 1972 is disingenuous at best.
  13. NOTE: After reading the article, this is kind of like a Timmah Graham article; reporting something that happens every year, however, but in a manner that suggests something different is happening when there is no proof. "It would appear to be, by those who are in the know, that it has been cleaned out in way that perhaps it has never has been cleaned out before." So ridiculous.
  14. No. And Brady knows that, which is why I'm convinced he'd never go there.
  15. It makes no sense to you because you're essentially just a fan of a team, not of the game. Many of us watch every prime time game, regardless of who is playing, because we love the sport, and it gives you a good idea of where your team sits, regardless of who is playing. Not to mention, unlike other sports, you just get 16 weeks. Then it's months before you see people put pads on again. So yeah, I'm going to watch every snap that I can. Hell, some of us watch every preseason game, including the last one, because as I've said many times, after months of no football at all, preseason football is like the Cinemax of porn. It's not really porn, but you'll still watch it for a while. Some of us even watch the Pro Bowl. Hell, I watch the Pro Bowl just to watch the extra point attempts. Funniest thing you'll ever see. But again, just because you don't watch every game doesn't mean no one does. It just means you don't.
  16. Maybe. But doesn't move the needle away from the rest of the 2020 pack and toward her anymore than Bernie is helped by yelling how the 1% can wipe out college debt. No one is going to change their vote from Bernie to Warren, or from Warren to Bernie, or from Biden to either of them. It's just stupid. Her bubble cares. Literally no one else does because we know even if she was elected, no one else is stupid enough to put biological men in a women's prison. In the end, I think it just confirms what most of us know; you have to be one effin' dumb muthereffer to be a Democrat.
  17. I don't understand how someone like Warren managed to earn millions of dollars and yet is unbelievably stupid enough to think that putting trans men in women's prison is even remotely close to something that is cared about by more than .05% of the country. It's not just pandering. It's useless pandering. Stunned the left keeps propping up these idiots one election after another.
  18. He and Booger are, by far, the worst announcers. I'm so tired of ESPN trying to personalize the game with trivial, moronic facts that virtually no one cares about. Tessitore: "There's yet ANOTHER tackle by 3-time Defensive Player of the Year JJ Watt, who seems to single-handedly be taking over this game, and that was his 28th tackle since November when, coincidentally, Watt's step-sister, who was initially adopted by a family of dwarves in Muskogee, PA opened a serve-yourself yogurt shop in a town close to the city of, you guessed it, Watts. CA." Booger: "So that's just a good, heads up play by Watt's step-sister to bring delicious frozen desserts to people who usually eat their dessert after their main meal. Just really good stuff." Alternately, the Romo bit yesterday when the cameras were on Reid and Kelce with Kelce trying to convince Reid to put him back in the game was hysterical.
  19. There are few things more entertaining than reading a game day thread after the game is over. First quarter: OMG! The Bills should be hosting the AFC championship game! This hurts worse than our loss to Houston! It's too bad Allen sucks! Second quarter: OMG! Suck it, Houston! I hope you choke this one away. Oh, and Allen still sucks! Third quarter: OMG! I can't believe this Houston defense held the Bills! Allen sucks again! And so does Daboll! Fourth quarter: OMG! Mahomes is amazing! Kelce is a stud! Allen sucks more than he did in the first three quarters! Thanks for the entertainment.
  20. Roid Rage. Don't leave NE* without it.
  21. If that were Josh Allen, some fans here would have suggested he was having a meltdown. Dude was frustrated and it clearly showed. If he wasn't, he surely was after the sideways 4th and 1. They hit on fourth and short 100% of the time during the season, and yesterday went 0-3. Something people need to remember; just because they may have the blueprint to beat Baltimore doesn't mean they have the personnel. Tennessee did, and so did the Bills. Going to be fun to watch the Bills D again next year.
  22. Dear "When is muh QB gonna throw for 300 yards?" people, Tannehill threw for something like 9 yards for the entire second half. Do everyone a favor and STFU for now and forever. Sincerely, Football fans who aren't stupid enough to live off stats.
  23. That war ended so quickly you could feel a draft in the House.
  24. When he and Trump turn the 9th Circuit red, you'll hear leftists whining like they're watching Hillary lose again. And that means she ain't going anywhere. She could lose her Speakers position, but she can work in Congress until she looks like RBG scaling a flight of stairs holding Hillary's arm.
  25. I genuinely doubt he's dumb enough to go to the Chargers. First of all, there's no guarantee he wins. Rivers didn't turn into a schittshow over night. They have no line. As a result, the minute he plays the Patriots* in the new LA stadium and it's filled with nothing bt Pats* fans yelling at him, he'll fall to his knees like Brett Favre watching Strahan get a sack record.
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