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Everything posted by IDBillzFan

  1. Tibs isn't posting something he found on his own because he's not trying to make a point. He's trying to make a living. He's paid to post lies and link to misleading stories and photos to advance a leftist narrative. He's the guy who spams the comments sections of Fox News and other right-leaning site. You know sometimes you see comments like "My brother just paid cash for his Land Rover! Ask me how!" Tibs asked them how. I suspect he's just a Bills fan who found another forum to get paid for posting the same stuff he posts on other message boards. Put him on ignore and watch how much cleaner the board becomes.
  2. Sometimes here it seems like you're the Bernie Sanders in a Hillary Clinton world. Try reading comprehension. Let's start with the hypothetical if/then syllogism. IF Schiff is found sitting on a couch with teen boy toys, drugs on the table and Ed Buck in the same photo, THEN he should suffer the consequences Buck is currently suffering. I know the left likes to hide and accept sex and drug trafficking, but I'd feel that way about anyone sitting with Buck while luring teenie boy toys into Buck's house of death with illegal drugs so they can have their way with the near-dead bodies. Schiff, however, is one tipped Guam away from being the biggest idiot in DC and I won't cry if this story is proven out. It would be the ultimate addition by subtraction in DC.
  3. It's funny to me how there are countless examples of people of color at the event, and yet every leftist STILL insists it was a bunch of white supremacists. Leftists are the dumbest, most racist nutbags this country will ever see.
  4. And now a word from the peanut gallery about something she doesn't understand based on something she didn't see.
  5. The first sign of a lost argument emerges when someone who is unable to refute a message is left trying to kneecap the messenger.
  6. Enemy of the people...organized and orchestrated.
  7. I'm not a fan of the salacious because as a culture, and especially in the media, have decided anyone accused of anything salacious and disgusting is automatically guilty and must pay. It doesn't matter if you're incorrectly accused of touching a little girl, or if you're Tawana Brawley, or Duke lacrosse, or the fake "A Rape on (UV) Campus," guilt is immediately assumed and penalty is immediately extracted simply because most people don't care if the stories are true. They want blood to prove they are against such vile things happening. But Schiff is a proven unethical, lying douche canoe, and if these pictures surface, I hope he finds himself selling oranges on a Tenderloin District street corner for the rest of his disgusting life. Buck is a bad, bad dude who should rot in prison, and if Schiff is partying with him and the boy toys, I hope he confesses what he's done in Buck's place and agrees to accept being part of the inquiry into Buck's killing of young gay boys.
  8. White supremacists leave trash all over state of Virginia.
  9. Racists everywhere in Virginia.
  10. Scenes from a white supremacy gun rally.
  11. What it told me is if your game is all about play-action, you better learn how to keep your lead.
  12. Jerry Sullivan hydrates his body with the whiny tears of every Bills fan he whips into a frenzy. Timmah Graham uses is to shampoo his hair. True stories.
  13. Pats* fans, probably. Oh, and Bills fans who enjoy watching Pats* fans complain.
  14. I read a great, old article recently about Marangi having a good game vs. the Fish in '76 after Ferguson got hurt, and when Ferguson came back and was having a bad game, the stadium broke into chants of "We want Marangi! We want Marangi!" If one more person tries to tell me how smart BIlls fans are... The good thing about age is you have a better understanding of the things over which you have no control, and are smart enough to put your energy toward things over which you have control. Peabrains like Sullivan knows most fans don't think this way, and he grabs those fans clickbait by clickbait until he gets the paycheck he somehow thinks he deserves. I'm no fan of people like Sullivan who makes his living off of low-hanging fruit, but there will always be weak writers like Sullivan and weak fans who care less about the team and more about telling everyone the four dumbest words ever to make a sentence: "I told you so."
  15. Who the hell cares? If everyone understood what it was instead of what social media tried to make it, not a single person would give a care. You're arguing either (a) they're being immature with an immature game and should grow up, or (b) they should stop doing something that they think is funny because someone with twisted panties tried to redefine the gesture because they're too busy looking for racism to actually understand what racism looks like. Either way, you're trying to dictate their actions based on your thoughts. Bad form. They can do what the hell they want and if you don't like it, you can ignore it.
  16. So you're saying that a hand gesture virtually no one considers racist must now be interpreted as racist since a handful of media outlets incorrectly and suddenly reported it to be racist based on some far-left people referencing it on Twitter? Okay, then.
  17. Agreed. Plus you give a first-year head coach someone who has been a head coach for years. From a process standpoint, it's a very smart move. Garrett can help Judge navigate his way through a number of organizational things, from training camp to game-day preparation, etc. Whether Judge and Garrett will make a good team will be told in good time, but this is big help for Judge.
  18. Peaceful means is to vote him out of office next time. A recall is a waste of time and money in any state, save for something particularly egregious. In CA, where ballot harvesting is legal, it is and forever will be a waste of time for everyone except the persons collecting donations to launch the recall. I'm pretty sure both of us have voted Pelosi and Schiff into office multiple times.
  19. Waste of time. All the signatures and all the votes will never remove a Dem from a CA seat unless the Dems want it to happen. They control the ballot box and can do whatever they want, regardless of the will of the people. But hey...look at that view!
  20. Too bad you quit them. They're odds-on favorite about to become very good for a long time, and with Brady starting to play like Hillary Clinton navigating stairs, and the Jets keeping Gase and the Fish being Fish, Bills should run the table on the AFC East pretty soon.
  21. I used to be of the mindset these are people who just quit on life, but what you're saying is absolutely correct. There is no 'one size fits all' solution. And this is why nothing gets done. Many of these people are unable to care for themselves beyond the lot they've created for themselves. Whether they're addicts or just batschitt crazy, they've figured out two basic skills; how to find food and how to create shelter. But that's not everyone. It my mind, this is a city/county/state problem, first and foremost. They need to develop a task force of sorts to begin digging deeper into their own homeless communities. The tent cities operate a bit like a regular community, and if you spend enough time with the people, you can drill down to establishing the primary causes of their homeless IN THAT COMMUNITY. Once you do that, THEN you can come up with a more cohesive plan for that community. Plus, by starting smaller, you can be more nimble and quick in your responses. Then use your successes and failures and apply them as you move on to the next community. It will take a long time, but literally NOTHING is being done now, so cities should use the Frank Reich Down-By-32 Approach. One play at a time. Each city picks one homeless community and start there. But spending billions to erect buildings in hopes you can push them all in there is ridiculous. Just look at Haiti after the earthquake. Lots of empty buildings with no water or electricity. And people still in tents after all these years.
  22. Meanwhile, the Dems are looking at the country's teacher unions saying, "Now, now, just relax. There's plenty of taxpayer money to be laundered for everyone!"
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