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Everything posted by IDBillzFan

  1. Not CNN, but this is the Politico headline about the leftist nut who ran his car unto the Trump organizers this weekend. So embarrassing.
  2. Looks like the class grew up since 2009.
  3. We also know that if we're genuinely dumb enough to believe man-driven carbon emissions are causing the earth to cool, or warm, or whatever else the Q-tibs of the world insist is happening this month, then they should let us know when China is on board of you're just pissin' in the wind. But you can't explain that to the Q-tibs because everything they know about global warming cooling climate change crisis they learned from copy/pasting a Soros talking point. And we know this because they never bring up China. Just ways to take our money to combat some man-made tragedy that doesn't exist.,
  4. One of my employees years ago referred to herself as a Dead Dog Democrat. The only thing she cared about politically was that she would never, every vote for a Republican...to the extent that she would vote for a dead dog before she'd vote for a Republican. I suspect that describes transplant pretty closely.
  5. Funny how leftists ignore all the violence their party inflicts on average, everyday people...but damn if Trump sniffles a few times. THAT is what get the Q-tibs triggered. I hope people are at least keeping track because one day these nutbag Democrat furry Antifa freaks are going to bring an umbrella and sledgehammer to a gun fight, and it will be fast, ugly and all over the news.
  6. I appreciate your enthusiasm, and it's refreshing to have a genuine Bernie Bros here. Most leftists here just hate Trump and are incapable of words comprising more than two syllables other than #orangemanbad. Unfortunately, the Dem establishment has it out for Bernie. It doesn't help that the nutbag squad is with him. He should shed them as quickly as possible because the only thing father left than Bernie are those batschitt crazy women. That said, the reality is that Bernie can't win -- he can't even make it a fight -- for the same reason Obama mopped the country with John McCain's comb over. His body and personality just don't sell. Next to Obama, McCain was essentially a replica of Tim Conway's "Dorf on Golf." At this point, most people watch Bernie and literally see Bernie doing Larry David doing Bernie. He's a caricature of himself, and people are tired of looking at him. If the economy was crapping the bed, or we were in a bad war, or whatever, maybe. But trying to tell people who are happy with their lives for the first time in years that they're really NOT happy with their lives is a losing plan. Just being honest. But keep discussing this. You're a welcome voice.
  7. Ya gotta hand it to Democrats. I know of no one else who can yell at people for being condescending misogynist dirtbags, right before they, themselves, become a condescending misogynist dirtbag. Imagine if a Republican called a woman "a lying dog-faced pony solder."
  8. Imagine what it must be like to watch a liberal like BIden openly lie during an interview and not get called out on it. It's almost like the media WANTS Biden to be the Dem candidate. https://twitter.com/i/status/1226536014426071040
  9. It's still solidly conservative. Ballot harvesting makes it appear like it's a liberal area now. Consider this: the single-most conservative county in all CA turned completely blue in the last election. Not one little are stayed red. Everything blue. The county didn't change overnight. Ballot harvesting changed the results.
  10. An Orange County sheriff arguing against sanctuary cities? That's nothing a little ballot harvesting won't fix.
  11. Some would argue your reasonable success is just white privilege. Some would argue you're making this up, because while it sounds like you pulled yourself up by your bootstraps, we all know that is physically impossible to do.
  12. Frankly, I like having him here. Many Democrats are in denial about the type of people who stick true to their party. We can chat about the incredible lack of intelligence, self-accountability and independent thought that comprises the Dem NPC base. But Q-tip brings it to freaking life. He personifies it. You can read every incoherent, monosyllabic quip and realize the Dem's incredible meltdown over Trump is alive and well three year's in. It's glorious. It's like having our own AOC on the board, but less intelligent.
  13. I couldn't tell if Matthews was being sincere or helping the Dems kneecap Bernie.
  14. Again, you don't see the beauty because it didn't yield the results you wanted. You're entire belief about locking states out of the process is wrecked with one word: Wisconsin. One can only imagine if Hillary spent less time collecting money in CA and more time trying to navigate stairs in Wisconsin. Did the electoral college lock Wisconsin out of the process? No. Hillary did. Hillary and money. Look, you're taking this from an emotional standpoint because she lost. Don't be emotional. Think of Wisconsin. Have some cheese. Maybe Hillary will visit it this time, once she gets the nod because the Dems screwed up the primaries.
  15. Nebraska has 2 million people. CA has 40 million people. In a popular vote, you're not only disenfranchising Nebraska, you're turning them into CA's election toilet paper. Right now, if Nebraska wants a different president than CA, they can play a role in that decision. With a popular vote you may as well tell Nebraska to go eff itself. No one would bother to campaign in that state. I have no idea how you don't see the beauty of the electoral college, except that you're just not a fan of it when it doesn't work in your favor.
  16. Here's the thing about the divisiveness, in my eyes: it's not going away. The truth is, I never paid THAT much attention to politics and world affairs until 9/11. Two things happened then that opened my eyes. First, I was embarrassed to realize it was the first I was hearing names like Bin Laden and al Qaeda. Many people around me knew who they were, and I was embarrassed to be standing in complete ignorance of this enemy; who they were, what they stood for, why they were attacking us, etc. That was Schwarzenegger movie stuff. Not real life. Very embarrassing personally. Second, I remember watching Congress sing "God Bless America" that day and thinking our country had an "Aha" moment and would undoubtedly unite for years to come. Unfortunately, they were no sooner done singing than I started hearing some Dems go after Bush. I remember hearing a little disdain for his megaphone moment, and then the criticisms seemed to creep in more and more each day. And it was then I realized that -- without question and proven often since that time -- that Democrats care more about being in power than they will ever care about this country, or its people. They couldn't unite after 9/11. In fact, they found it necessary to quickly attack OUR leaders. It wrecked me. So it's no wonder why, all these years laters, more Dems openly and unshamedly admit that America deserved what it gat, and that it was no big deal because "some people did some thing." So yeah. Bring the divisiveness. I'm happy for it because it shows more people what I've learned from 9/11. That Democrats are the enemy and a giant pile of money-laudering schittbags.
  17. This is why the left is such a mess. Full denial.
  18. Lock who up? HIllary? We heard it for years. But we never heard it while she was president because, well, y'know. She lost to Trump. How many years did the right do LITERALLY NOTHING but challenge Obama's birth certificate while he was president? That's right. They didn't. Remove the blinders, brother. See the world. It's amazing right now.
  19. Even you can recognize the extent to which the left has gone after this president. For three years the left has done nothing -- literally NOTHING -- but attack this president from every position possible. From the embarrassment of the Kavanaugh hearings to the 3-year-time-wasting impeachment, from RUSSIARUSSIARUSSIA to calling everyone who voted for Trump a hillbilly racist, it's been Bash Trump 24/7 with literally no let up from the Dems and the media that serves them. So first understand where the divisiveness originates. Unfortunately for the Dems, they're using their usual tried-and-true tactics against a man who, finally, isn't afraid to fight back. Finally. So since there is literally no indication that the left will stop...as is evidenced by them now planning to go after Impeachment V2,...I am happy to admit I'm fine with the divisiveness in our country because in the process, the right is winning and the left is losing SO badly that they're blowing up their own party.
  20. Omar must have heard AOC explaining how you can't literally pull yourself up by your bootstraps and thought, "I don't know if I can sound more ignorant that her, but let me try...."
  21. One thing I've come to appreciate about Trump; he trolls the left so hard they don't have time to stop, breathe, and realize how relentlessly stupid they can sound at times.
  22. Are corpsmen really dead men?
  23. Do you think he'll need a plane to transfer the favors?
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