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Everything posted by IDBillzFan

  1. Man, between this blockbuster news AND getting an endorsement from Sam Donaldson, Bernie must be having a great weekend.
  2. I agree. If you think about, it plays well with the public because you rarely hear anyone being accused of using a racial slur these days.
  3. The only deal I was referencing was your need to quickly attack the right for doing something (swift boating), and then admitting you don't really know what you're talking about because -- in your own words -- you haven't looked into it at all. My point had nothing to do with Mayor Pete and everything to do with pointing out how you, along with most of the other leftist posters here, typically repeat what you read or hear instead of taking a moment to think for yourself.
  4. That only seems that way because the left loses their collective schitt over every single thing Trump does. They're counting ice cream scoops and sniffles, for crying out loud, and insisting America as we know is going to spiral into a doomed, horrific society because of ... (checks notes).... he sniffles a lot! Maybe get the Q-tibs to quit attacking people for a red hat, or driving vans through their booths, or telling white people to leave a multicultural center because they don't belong there. Or maybe just get them to STFU for 24 hours. Just STFU. But they can't. Cuz Q-tibs gotta Q-tibs.
  5. But hey...how about that view!!!
  6. The inability to release a lost cause will cost the left much more than it will ever gain them. Years from now history will not look kindly on Dems in the Trump years. Unless it's history in public school history books, in which case they'll hear how successfully the Dems persisted following Hillary's presidential election in 2016.
  7. Best meltdown ever. The Q-tibs go batschitt again.
  8. Rich, old, and senile. Dems really know how to pick' em.
  9. I just hope that juror doesn't commit Arkancide! Meanwhile, I have to appreciate the pace at which the Dems are destroying their party. Imagine how much work it took get that person as the jury foreperson.
  10. BREAKING: Political party that whines about money in politics eager for billionaire to buy his way to the White House!
  11. You haven't looked into it at all, but the minute someone criticizes the mayor, youe first reaction is to post "The Swift Boating is officially under way." This is why we refer to folks like you as NPCs. Think for yourself, not for your side.
  12. Mayor Pete is a military vet like Elizabeth Warren is an Indian. Pete's military experience is the equivalent of a participation trophy, which is why veterans who truly served this country are mocking the schitt out of him. He does the unthinkable; he makes Michael Dukakis look like he can actually drive a tank. One day you leftists are going to be able to acknowledge unforced errors. Next thing you know, you'll start explaining how great it was for Warren to take the last few bucks of a broke college student. EDITOR'S NOTE: No one worth their salt would criticize Tulsi's service because it very easy to see it wasn't fake...like Pete's.
  13. Warren is done. The numbers don't lie. She has no way to get there. Biden is virtually done. He's inches away from punching an old lady in the face because she said her dad was a "hunter." The only thing keeping this from Bernie is, again, the DNC, who will probably shift to Bloomberg and his billions and find a way to screw Bernie again.
  14. I don't mind admitting I'm glad to see voters see Warren for who she is. Voters were quick to dismiss someone who lied her way to her place in this world. And she lasted longer than Harris, who slept her way to her place in this world.
  15. Bold move by Cook County because Smollett clearly is disturbed and needs some help. But don't let that distract from reminding everyone of yet ANOTHER embarrassing leftist meltdown. You'd think losing their minds when the kid stared at the indian would have been enough. You'd think losing their minds on Kavanaugh would have been enough. But this...this was a special meltdown...and Chappelle hit the nail on the head: while the left was predictably melting down in their desperate need to tie this to Trump, the rest of the world was like "Dude's lying." And again, anger blinds the Q-tibs.
  16. You know what's funny? Cenk looks directly into the camera and tells the DNC it's war, and they are going to blow up the DNC and take control. And three years later they're about to put Trump vs. Bernie.
  17. Renounce it? Hell, I think we just met Bernie's running mate!
  18. So do you advocate for getting rid of Botterill, or would that mean a house-gutting, which would be bad for everyone? Again, I don't follow hockey, so I'm naive to the dynamics, but even where I live I see Sabres license plates on the road (taking my son to school, no less) and will likely need to have conversations with these folks one day.
  19. Sounds like a John Wayne movie starring Ru Paul.
  20. Or abortion, which offs about 650,000 per year.
  21. The issue isn't whether he can pay for it. The issue is whether he can get it all passed, and that assumes he can win the presidency, which I find to be a long-shot. Ist's impossible for me to imagine a majority of the electoral college going to Bernie's ideas. He'll get the big ones (NY, CA) but I don't see Florida or PA or Wisconsin or even Colorado going for an avowed socialist. By the way, note to the regular leftist Q-tibs posters: see how @KayAdams holds the discussion? Thoughtful. Detailed. Honest. Humble. Informative. Friendly. When you're done with your meltdown, follow her/his lead.
  22. So they have offense, but no defense? Is there a goalie to be had in the near term through trade?
  23. Is Eichel starting to be publicly pissed?
  24. Does anyone here follow the Sabres? I'm not a hockey guy, but I keep seeing comments on Twitter about Eichel's career being wasted in Buffalo. Can someone give me the TV Guide version of why the Sabres suck? GM? Coaches? Bad drafts?
  25. I think a few things play a role, but when you hear the agita I express about it, understand I am coming from a lifetime position of personal accountability and self-reliance. First, the interesting thing about Bernie is the way he attracts younger voters. He does this, in my mind, because many younger voters don't know jackpoopoo about personal accountability and self-reliance or most of them would not be saddled with the embarrassing amount of college debt that they simply never should have signed up for in the first place. You can't be smart enough to go to college and equally stupid enough to think it's worth borrowing six figures to make it happen. No one forced these people to take on that debt. So while it's popular to tell these kids we should cancel their debt, it's simply not only impossible, it keeps Bernie from winning big because those of us who worked our way through college and did what we could afford will be damned if we'll ever drop a red cent to help someone stupid enough to take on that debt. Second, we live in the most accommodating country the world will ever see. It has created the laziest generation I've ever had the displeasure of interviewing for jobs. No one wants to work their way up from the ground up. They don't want to hear about work challenges. They want to hear about vacation days and benefits and if there's a freaking barista on staff. They expect schitt handed to them...and Bernie is just the cranky old dude to tell them he can make it happen when the rest of the world knows that he can not. But traditional Dems are losing to Bernie because traditional Dems (Pelosi, Reid, Schumer) have spent their entire careers pissing on traditional Dem voters. They've destroyed the party. With nowhere to go, and a lazy-as-***** culture, young Dems like Bernie because he bucks the establishment, and is promising free candy at the same time. He will lose worse than McCain because he's disengenous at best and unable to deliver his promises at least. But he's all the Dems have at this point. Another old, angry white dude.
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