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Everything posted by IDBillzFan

  1. Just when you thought the name Bloomberg couldn't get more embarrassing. Next from Bloomberg news...who was spotted at Buffalo International Airport? Details at 11!
  2. Internet killed the sportswriter star. Anyone with a keyboard and dial-up can be a sportswriter now. Tough to compete with that.
  3. This is becoming a daily thing with him. One can only imagine how freaked out the Dems are about a Bernie nod if the plan is to keep Biden upright, even if the face of these daily meltdowns.
  4. You can almost hear them yelling, "C'mon, Coronavirus! We need you now more than ever!"
  5. It's amazing how desperately some people hate Trump. Its beyond meltdown status. To believe that they hate him so much that they become the racist they wish that he was. Crazy.
  6. You're comparing a guy who's extemporaneous nature has him making up words with a presidential candidate who thinks his son was a AG, thinks he's running for the Senate, and calls women horse-faced liars. Trump ain't that smart, but Biden is borderline dementia.
  7. Joe Biden is one egg away from having tapioca for brains. The number of embarrassing gaffes he's made just in the past two weeks is enough to make ME wish he was the front runner at this point. The left needs to put him in the attic.
  8. Hey, if I want to read unreliable media people contradicting their earlier rock-solid prognostications with a newer, cleaner rock-solid prognostications, I'd read Jennifer Rubin.
  9. Except, y'know, the markets.
  10. I'm betting you're one of those people who believes Trump called coronavirus "a hoax." I genuinely wish people would calm the eff down. So many people are creating panic almost exclusively because they need another reason to piss their Pampers about Trump.
  11. Yes, but look at that view!
  12. Desperation dies in darkness. And leftists will still stand around, explaining to everyone that the media isn't an enemy of the state.
  13. This is terrific. And this is primarily why I could never, ever support a Democrat, let alone a communist. The idea that Americans are owed something simply because some people have it better than others is nothing short of a ridiculous money grab by people in power. Leftists have never been good about thinking things through, which is why they'll never be smart enough to understand that if you take away the incentive to earn as much as you can, you run out of other people's money very, very quickly.
  14. I would drill deeper into those who say they're not finding sufficient help to assess what steps they did take and what barriers they ran into. Most success comes down to elimination of objections. Its easy to say "There just wasn't enough help," but it has been my experience (through conducting job interviews, etc.) that many of those barriers are personal preferences and expectations. An extreme fictional example, to be sure, but to make the point; Cousin Eddie in Christmas Vacation -- unemployed for six years because he's "holding out for a management position." I can't tell you the number of applicants who were barely qualified for a job paying XX, but passed the job because they kept insisting they had to make "XXXX" to pay their bills. That's ridiculous. The people who helped me did so, in large part, by showing me other options. I wanted to be a writer, but I had no money. So they helped me see what I had to do to pay my way through college, and they explained to me that I was never too good to take a job that paid. They helped me get work, and I was introduced to the concept of needs vs wants. I worked as a dishwasher, busboy, waiter, and bartender. I spent college summers traveling the NE state fair circuit with a dude who made pulled pork sandwiches in a tiny trailer while sleeping five to a nasty hotel room. I did construction and painting and at one point was just banging on people's doors to see if I could do any odd jobs. So when someone tells me "there just wasn't enough help," I drill down and point them to the countless programs at all the local community colleges that will teach them a trade...many times for free, if they're eligible for interning. There are plenty of options for people willing to learn and do the work, even if it's not what you want, or you consider it beneath you.
  15. Which shouldn't surprise you at all since the libertarians, as a group, are unable to get out of their own way for traction. So it increasingly looks like they have two choices in this election. Republican or Communist.
  16. Because he wants players to come to Buffalo. It's just that simple. It's not like this team has a long history of winning, so he needs to let players know that if the Bills want them and they're willing to come to the Bills, the team will do their best to make that player the best they can be...on and off the field. Have you never been recruited to work for a company? Or recruited to attend a college? People put their best foot forward to recruit the best people they can. It's really no more or less than that. Unless you don't like McDermott. In which case he's clearly covering for something nefarious!
  17. What's not to like about an ecosocialist who believes in peace through green jobs? I mean, he's like AOC, but with an ECO in front of his title.
  18. This is ridiculous. PR aspect? Flip the narrative? What in the actual hell? Here is what McDermott said: How does anyone take issue with that statement? The players on the team's roster run through walls for this guy. This team is in the best shape it's been in years, and it's about to get much better on a solid base. And it got that way because of Beane, McDermott, the coaches and the process. Every well-respected NFL talking head agrees they're doing a great job building a competitive team for the long term. The only narrative that comment is flipping is the one in your head that somehow seems to believe McD is making pretty talk to cover for the fact that you don't think he's a good coach.
  19. You screwed it up.Take the L and move along, Gary.
  20. The embarrassing part of this is that the she-males are proud of kicking the asses of actual women. The simple answer is to have trannies compete against each other in a tranny category. Hell, maybe even give them their own Olympics, like the Special Olympics, but call it something like the Fabulous Olympics or the She-Male Women Haters Olympics.
  21. What the hell does this even mean?
  22. I'm starting to wonder what happened to Taibbi. He has made a career putting the 'echo' in echo chamber. Lately, he seems to be a bit more retrospective. Of course, maybe it just seems that way against an echo chamber backdrop that features Ruben, Boot and Kristol.
  23. What you're discussing, in my mind, is the single biggest difference between Conservatives and Liberals; self-accountability vs. victimhood. The left has done an amazing job pushing entitlement. This frustrates people like myself who came up from being dealt a bad hand. A lot of people helped me along my path, but they wouldn't have helped if they didn't realize I was trying to change my trajectory. It makes me crazy listening to lazy, entitled chuckleheads insist health care is a right, or that it's not their fault they borrowed a $150K to get a useless degree. There is simply NO excuse in this country for not carving out a successful life for yourself. It doesn't matter what hole you fell down, virtually everyone can better their lives by turning their back on victimhood, turning their back on the idea that the rich should cover their meal ticket, and ask what resources are available to them to build a career. Unfortunately, the left figured out the way to stay in power: control the school curriculum. They did it, and here we are...with a communist about to run for president.
  24. Same here. She would bring the perfect professional balance against eight years of Trump's unpredictable trolling, and would provide a great comparison to the current "Dem" candidates, who will all show up again in 2024...except Biden, who will be eating jello in diapers...probably by next Thursday.
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