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Everything posted by IDBillzFan

  1. That's the common thread. He simply loses track of what he's discussing. Dems better do something because if he blanks out like this during a national debate vs. Trump, you can bet Trump won't let it slide like everyone else.
  2. This just in: Democrat Voters are Sexist.
  3. From the party of "Our issue isn't our policies...it's that we just don't explain them well enough..." There's a fine line line between inferred and implied. Too fine to accuse.
  4. One day I hope to meet a Dem who finally understands why we accuse them of lacking in self-awareness. Embarrassing days for Dems.
  5. My view is that, per usual, people are losing their minds long before they have to, clearing grocery stores and overwhelming doctors with a hangnail that looks suspicious. NOTE: Are you suggesting that because I'm not a scientist, my view isn't valid?
  6. Sure glad to see no one is panicking, amirite?
  7. Unwanted kissing. Got it.
  8. Bold accusation. Link? I mean, if its on tape, and you heard it, and it's true, then you must have the link right?
  9. Trump didn't win because the claims by the far left about him being an unhinged ps$$iegrabber were overlooked by most of the electorate. Trump won because the media thought it would be a good idea to air every single moment of every single Trump rally while, simultaneously, Hillary couldn't scale a flight of stairs up OR down, all while calling Trump's people 'deplorable.'' By the time she finished ignoring the flyover states so she could collect her coastal donations, she proved herself to be one of the single most unlikable candidates in years. All you're doing with Biden (and even Bernie) is swapping one white hot mess of a candidate for another. You all should have gotten behind Tulsi when you had the chance.
  10. He is dumb enough, but I suspect he knows he needs a black woman by his side. He'd probably choose Abrams, but that would be a bad idea because Abrams is just as unhinged as Joe and would bring the wrong black vote, in my opinion. You don't need people who call other blacks Uncle Toms for having a different opinion. The DNC would never let him pick Robert Francis because the only thing equal in difficulty in trying to sell a socialist on the ticket is trying to sell a man on the border of full-blown dementia next to a man who promises to forcibly take every gun away from every American who owns one. It'll be a woman. Maybe even Warren, which would give them the batschittnutbag vote.
  11. Watching football with my father after the death of my mother in '71 was essentially the only time he spent with me when he didn't have me working or was yelling at me or killing a bottle of Johnny Walker Red, so yea, it was a pretty great effin' thing in life at that time. But hey...thanks for the broad stroke. Try not to cover too many perceptions with it.
  12. Growing up in the 70s, having the lone TV on for anything was a luxury in my house. My father turned it on for a very short list of things we could watch:. NFL Harlem Globetrotters NBC Wednesday Night Mysteries (which included McMillan and Wife, Columbo, Banacek and McCloud) It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World, West Side Story and Wizard of Oz, when they aired. Make no mistake. At the time for 12-year-old me, MFN was certainly one of the greatest things ever.
  13. Howard's halftime highlights were the best. I was never allowed to stay up that late on a school night, but sometimes my father would let me stay for Howard's halftime. It mostly depended on whether his bet looked good at the half.
  14. It may have changed Frazier's mind about going somewhere else for more money. Here's a new title. Here's some more cash. Now don't go anywhere.
  15. That's actually my point. There's more to pretty much every story. People saddled with medical debt is real, but there are more transgender kindergartners than there are people who file bankruptcy for medical bills. Funny how most of America was happy with their health insurance until Obamacare passed. My company paid full boat for all employees and their family members. Obamacare stuck a dagger in that within two years. Lastly, my father died five years ago at the age of 92. Son of Italian immigrants going into the Bronx. Do the math. There was no money for college, but it sure the hell didn't cost $100K for four years in the early 40s. He worked odd jobs, got into sales, fought in WWII, eventually sold cars in Hackensack, eventually opened his own Ford dealership. Different time.
  16. I suspect that has more to do with bad habits merged with the immediate gratification vibe than it does with making less money than their parents. My parents didn't carry $1000 cellphones and watch every sporting event or TV show they could imagine on a 60" $400 big screen TVs, and PCs and tablets for all their kids with streaming data plans. They didn't stand in line for three days to get the new iPhone. Or earbuds. And they sure the hell didn't pay $100,000 for a four-year degree.
  17. I thought Biden was going to bust an artery at the last debate. Who knows what body parts will fail him if he has to debate Trump.
  18. Even if she DID get death threats, you ignore Bloomberg's other comment: he pays for his security out of his own pocket. Armed muscle isn't something you get assigned to you because you get death threats. It's something the wealthy can afford. And who's to say she doesn't get a death threat one day. Who's to say some loonie Bernie Bros doesn't open fire near her? In what world is it okay for Bloomberg to have armed protection in that scenario, but not anyone else, simply because Bloomberg says so and he can afford it? And when Bloomberg and Biden and Beto take her guns, who's to protect her from their tyranny?
  19. Lots of other news sources are saying a friend of a student who knew someone who went somewhere and shook someone's hand next to Mike Pence may be connected to someone who is being looked at for Coronavirus?
  20. I'm a Trumper now?
  21. I lived in CA when they instituted the ban there. I can't remember the specific details, but the state passed the ban, but made it effective something like six months later. The problem is virtually no one reminded residents, so suddenly...one day...people are being charged 10-cents a bag because they didn't remember to bring their own reusable bags. This pissed off pretty much everyone, and they would take it out on the checkers. I actually got into it with a person in front of me at checkout one day for berating the checker. I found myself saying rather loudly, "Look, I understand you're upset but this checker has literally nothing to do with your problem. You're yelling at the wrong person. Leave them the hell alone." I had checkers in that Vons thanking me for three months after that. Viva la Checkers!
  22. Oh my gosh! I am so embarrassed! I should have said VIRTUALLY every nook and cranny! The CA State Supermajority says "Thanks for the correction."
  23. Yep. Perfectly legal, which is why every single nook-n-cranny of CA is completely blue from Hilt to Otay. They will choose who they want and the voters of CA will have little say in the matter. But hey...is that a beautiful view or what?
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