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Everything posted by IDBillzFan

  1. Glad to see the Panthers pick up Bridgewater. I felt like if anyone could keep NE* competitive, it would be Bridgewater.
  2. There seems to be a lot of this going on right now. If it works, good. If it doesn't...TOTAL DISASTER!!!!!
  3. I like your options: either it's a trade that works, or it's a total disaster. That's some funny schitt right there. Never change, Bills brother.
  4. Rumors from some CA officer friends of mine is gasoline goes on lock-down in CA tomorrow. Just a rumor, but, y'know, fate favors the prepared.
  5. He's also a cheater, so most people know his accomplishments are tainted.
  6. How embarrassing it must be to be a Democrat these days. Every facet of their establishment is foaming at the mouth for the destruction of this country. It's difficult to watch.
  7. This virus is the Democrat's golden ticket to 2020 and there is no way they aren't going to promote panic and deaths to win in November. Blame is their game, and right now it's their Super Bowl. But don't lose sight of what you can do to help and unite.
  8. Yes, but we all had toilet paper. Thanks, Obama!
  9. If I recall correctly, cocaine wrecked her.
  10. I'm with the OP. Some people are crazy. I heard on the radio yesterday that 73 men got on a ship in the Bay area. They were yelling something like "We're calling everyone to ride along to another shore, where we can laugh our lives away and be free once more!" It was creepy. But it had a nice beat.
  11. I put stupidity on ignore, but I'll question misinformation and challenge those who need to always, always, always blame someone.
  12. The truth is pretty much the opposite. I'm watching a lot of right-leaning folks work together to help those who can't help themselves, organizing ways for people to get help with groceries and the such. People on the left...as this post and every from @Tiberius proves...is point and blame. Everything. There are never solutions with leftists. Only blame. It's extremely embarrassing, and if there is a small chance you chuckleheads could keep your NPC thoughts to the message boards at Moveon and Huffpo, the rest of the people on this board would greatly appreciate it.
  13. I saw a similar video about 10 years ago. It was called a Dawn dish detergent commercial.
  14. Yet millions of people currently believe that the single most important item required to survive this virus...is toilet paper. People are stupid. They're just effin' stupid.
  15. You know the funny thing about this? If you look at the sticker, often times 'license plate cover" is listed as one of the standard features. So it's not just that they put their ad on your car, but sometimes you're even paying for it.
  16. Once the initial inconvenience is past, it's not a big deal. I mean, granted, it's about as effective as a ban on straws, but it's not a big deal. It won't be long before local companies are handing out branded re-usable bags, and you'll have more than you could possibly want to so you can transfer all the germs you want every time you go to the grocery store!
  17. The Gloria Gaynor you know you need...
  18. Wait until he tunes into the next Dem Presidential Debate.
  19. Anyone able to think for themselves know it's way overblown. Which is why libs are doing all the panicking.
  20. Keep looking for that needle. It's GOT to be there SOMEWHERE! How many will die before you find the needle! Quick! Everyone! All hands to the haystack! Slim needs something else to whine about! Seriously, dude. Take a break. Maybe self-quarantine your keyboard because it seems to do nothing but puke up stupid schitt every day.
  21. They do not, and by 'they' I mean Democrats, leftists, progressive socialists...whatever they're calling themselves these days. Their larger problem is they watched the first black president piss away the single greatest opportunity to lift this country up to amazing heights, only to use it to elevate racism and division. Unable to pin anything on Obama's predecessor for the past three years, they get what they consider the gift of a virus. People dying. Markets jumping up and down. Media hyperventilating. People frantically buying toilet paper for some embarrassingly stupid reason. Unable to think for themselves, in the deepest part of it all, the first things that come out of their collective pieholes is, yet again, "racism, xenophobe, it's all Trump's fault." So tiresome. So embarrassing.
  22. Who are the extremists here? Point them out, please, and show example of what makes them an extremist? Extra points if you can muster up an original thought in the process. Go.
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