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Everything posted by IDBillzFan

  1. Hey, knock it off! They have an entire day ahead of them to point and blame! They can't spend all their time pointing and blaming if you bring facts into their world!
  2. Point and blame. Point and blame. Rinse repeat. It's a good thing thousands of people aren't about to die or we'd think the leftists were ignoring a major crisis in hopes of gaining more power. Ohhh, a whole 15 minutes went by before the Unhinged Brigade needs to spout off. Point and blame. Thanks for the sole contribution to this global crisis. Now let the adults take it from here.
  3. The reality is that the leftists posting that stuff are simply unhinged at this point. In spite of the virus, it's incredible watching people in this country come together to help each other out; whether it's neighbors getting groceries for the elderly or companies turning their mfg. facility into a place to make needed supplies. Almost everyone is pulling together. Almost. The left can't help but break that mold because it doesn't fit their narrative. All we hear from the left is this ISN'T the greatest nation and we're NOT the world's best hope. All we hear is how bad America is at doing things and how America is to blame for all the problems in the world. And how other countries, like Venezuela and China, are MUCH better at this than America is. Which explains why so many people sneak into the country illegally. I trust America is watching this, because once again, in a moment of crisis, the left sticks to its plan: point and blame.
  4. This virus is going to reset a lot of things, and the DNC push to throw the presidential nod to Biden is going to be one of them. The Dems are working too hard to destroy Trump to leave it in the hands of a man who spits up yesterday's tapioca lunch every time a camera is pointed at him.
  5. Unfortunately, the disruption caused globally by this virus, coupled with the batschittcrazy media pissing themselves to see who can scare Americans faster, is falling right into the hands of the American left, who absolutely LOVE to take something out of context and repeat it as far and often as possible so it becomes a new truth. I'll say it again...if you're watching what is happening in the world right now and your instincts are to spend every minute casting blame and shouting what SHOULD have been done, you're part of the problem, not the solution. Sit down, shut up and let people who WANT to fix this issue start fixing it. Blame does nothing but make the weak feel better about themselves.
  6. Trump inherited a booming economy from Obama! Hillary Clinton can step off a curb all by herself! Joe Biden knows what office he's running for!
  7. Yeah. Okay. He inherited a roaring economy from Obama. It just took two more years than Barry had! And he did SO much for minorities! That's why they all came out to vote for HIllary! You're delusional. Obama was a racist embarrassment and we can only thank America for keeping the she-hag out of office to continue his incompetence.
  8. If you believe Trump inherited a roaring economy, you must clearly agree Trump made it look like a recession in comparison to what he did. Lowest unemployment for minorities in years, which is especially incredible considering how badly they were treated by the last president. Everyone was seeing their incomes rise, and everyone could find a good job if they wanted it. Too bad Congress was so busy trying to impeach him that they wouldn't heed his warnings about the Virus. Imagine how he shut down travel to China so early, and all the left could do was complain that he was a racist. Do you ever wonder how much blood in on Pelosi's hands for this pandemic? I know I do. I mean, you don't even need to 'think' anything to know this is true.
  9. Given how stupid the last bill was, I'm not real confident about this. Let's see if Nancy tries to slide in ballot harvesting so we can stop voting and let DC just see who can fill out the most mail-in ballot6s.
  10. I must be okay because I'm not stupid enough to think Obama created a roaring economy. Perhaps you should hook up with the Peace Through Green Jobs dude. I have a feeling you two would hit it off like Nancy Pelosi and a bottle of gin.
  11. It's actually on you to produce the facts to support your absolutely batschittcrazy take. If you weren't just a new username for the same old predictable farleftnutbag tripe, you might even understand that. But I don't want to get into some message board fight with a guy who likes to TYPE BIG LETTERS IN RED!! So, so scary. Beware the big red letters!
  12. Holy crap. Worst president ever? An already booming economy? Burned it to the ground? Damn. Your thought process is scarier than watching Hillary trying to navigate a flight of stairs. It's scarier than listening to Obama talk about himself. It's scarier than being a blood relative at at an Ilhan Omar wedding. It's scarier than Biden looking at a teleprompter on pause. Scary, scary stuff.
  13. Damn, dude, you're completely unhinged. Question: Are you a Biden supporter?
  14. Ah, yes. The rarely used, but always available "I know you are but what am I" retort. Excellently crafted. A true masterpiece of NPC crowd. For future reference, there is plenty to criticize Trump about. A fake story is not one of them.
  15. Another leftist showing you what matters most to them. The welfare of the country? Of course not. This is the Democratic Party. Vile, selfish and disgusting.
  16. All this tells me is you don't understand Christianity.
  17. You're riled up and say '***** him' to his efforts because he mentions God? Now who needs to R-E-L-A-X?
  18. I'm riled up that so many people holding megaphones in this country are so full of hatred toward someone that they comfortably sit on their little perch to cast judgement on a person who turned his business into a place where he is paying people to make something he's giving away for free to help save lives. You don't mock these people. You celebrate them. In this moment in time, it should rile you up, too.
  19. I see the blue checkmark brigade is now going after the My Pillow guy for modifying his manufacturing to head for 50,000 masks a day. Brutal. Just brutal. I'm terrible at posting Tweets, but hopefully someone will show how embarrassing these people are. FFS, people are literally changing their companies and manufacturing to help the country, and these blue check douchecanoes have the elitist snobbishness to mock them.
  20. This is getting very tiresome. I've never seen media work so hard to convince everyone that Trump said something he didn't say.
  21. This begs the question, who do they get to be Hillary's stunt double when the script calls for her to climb down a small flight of stairs?
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