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Everything posted by IDBillzFan

  1. Appreciate this. We have five acres, but the garden and coop comprise a 35'x35' area. We are going to do potatoes, mostly because they're easy to grow but also because my son loves the movie "The Martian." We also have an apple tree, but are preparing to add a couple of more for the reasons you cite above about the corn. My neighbor has 5 acres next to mine, and we plan to bring in some cows and make use of the 10 acres for our own beef, but also to sell. The goal was never to come here to become as self-sufficient as possible. The garden was my wife's way of ensuring everything we eat is our own. But she looks really, really smart right now and I have no intention of suggesting it was just a lucky call on her behalf.
  2. The reason leftists remain in meltdown mode is because they're unable to realize their Scott Farkus approach to Republicans doesn't work with Trump. They bully and demean and push and shove and the moment Trump swings back, they all whine about what a bully he is.
  3. Agree completely. And I would add two other observations: 1. He's not really losing support from his base, but he is gaining support from people who not only appreciate the daily updates from him and his team, but people who are watching the media pummel him at every turn, and they really don't like it at a time of crisis. People like Acosta are simply not able to grasp how much they are helping Trump get reelected. 2. Assuming PPP gets pushed out quickly and funds get to their targets in time, it's impossible to count the millions of people who are going to be able to keep their paycheck, health benefits and mortgages because of PPP. We will keep paychecks going out while forgiving the loans (in compliance) to avoid undue burden by the companies getting the loan. It will not be hard for people to not only see who wanted PPP, but the people who killed an entire week holding it up for more power.
  4. You are absolutely correct. Unfortunately, some folks hate the president so much they are not interested in hope. Sadly, a lot of people are suffering. Fortunately, the country is coming together in ways it hasn't done in most of our lifetimes. It's an amazing time to be encouraging and helpful and hopeful. But some just prefer to put that energy into hate. I make myself feel better by believing they're the same people who think Tom Brady* didn't cheat. We would rather have you contribute than walk away because some people say stupid stuff all the time. If you use the ignore feature, you can filter out the stupid and still enjoy the site. Sidenote: this thread was moved to the political side of the TSW, but what I write still works. Stay and contribute.
  5. Fear not; they'll be back soon to explain how it was actually global warming cooling climate change crisis that caused COVID because Trump eased up some stupid EPA law Obama phoned in.
  6. Keep in mind most of those comments are not from actual people with opinions, but from the Tibs brigade; people getting paid to reply, retweet, etc. These aren't original thinkers. Just hired basement dwellers.
  7. Let me know what pearls of wisdom you hear from Jim Acosta today.
  8. That's next on the list. My wife wanted to do it in the midst of everything else, but when it comes to things I've never done before, I am more of a crawl/walk/run person. The chicks are still alive, most of the seeds are in or are in the guest room waiting to be moved out. Next week we put in fence posts, then fencing, the move chicks out, etc.
  9. I'm kind of surprised ANYONE is looking at the world right now and trying to sell us on how great socialized medicine is in other developed countries. Perhaps they can finally take that embarrassing talking point and put a bullet in it.
  10. Let me preface this by saying my move to Idaho had nothing to do with what is happening right now, but my family been building my wife garden with about 10 raised planters and a coop for eight chickens. I have no idea why someone views seeds to be non-essential, but you can buy seeds online from a gzillion different seed companies. You can also track down your local homesteading group and they will absolutely go out of their way to help you get set up with whatever you need to start growing your own produce. Local climate notwithstanding, if you really want to grow fruits, vegetables, herbs, etc., you can absolutely do it regardless of the local grocery store or your local government.
  11. As long as there is a Republican in the WH to piss and moan about, few people are going to go after DeBlazio. Especially out of NYC. The left in America is not interested in accountability, and never has been. They're about destroying opposition through blame and fear.
  12. Not to mention, they want people to show up to work. Do you think an 18-year Wegmans employee wants to be coughed on at this point? The ACE Hardware by me installed these as well. And even if it IS about liability, at least people are doing something about the issue. Unlike some people who just feel the need to whine and complain all the time. They're mocking him regardless. Because that's what a weak mind does in a crisis. It doesn't help. It doesn't contribute. It mocks and ridicules to get other weak minds to pat their backs. Look at Jim Acosta. He's getting to the point where his own mother is embarrassed every time he opens his piehole.
  13. One more time: If you are watching what is going on in the world right now and your sole contribution is to point and blame, then please do everyone else a favor and sit down, STFU and let the adults deal with the issues at hand. We're watching this country come together to help each other out in ways we haven't seen since WWII. Imagine watching this in real time and having your contribution be "Trump won't wear a mask!" Embarrassing and sad.
  14. Washington Post: China COVID deaths likely about 42,000. Hillary Clinton: I thought Trump said we'd be #1!!!
  15. Correct. Independent Contractors apply starting April 10th.
  16. One of my closest friend's wife is just now recovering from it in SoCal. She picked up on it early about 13 days ago, and locked herself up, got a test, got it returned in a day testing positive, and is about to enter her third day with no fever and reduced coughing. I fear we will reach a point where we will all know someone who has/had it, and ultimately we'll all know someone who knows someone who died from it.
  17. That's where my company sits as well. But most of my business comes from larger companies who sub my company to provide programming services on small/med/large technology installs. Pretty much no one can go to job sites to do the work, so everyone is home waiting for this to pass before they go to a site. I fortunately have one customer who was built for this and has been issuing smaller orders for upcoming projects, and even got his person in AP to set us up with ACH payment so they don't have to write/mail checks. Guess which of my customers will get full-blown concierge service from us when we're done? It's probably not a bad idea for you to get into line for the SBA loans, provided you stick to what is forgivable. The trick, I'm learning, is to start with the bank who handles your business banking. DM me if you need me to push you some data beyond the stuff you see at the SBA site. You can start getting your documentation ready in advance and fill out the app, which is about as simple to fill out as you could hope.
  18. The video above was very useful in that you can toss that paper towel and wash your mask, and you can easily make a week's supply. Very helpful. The only problem, and this is not with the mask but with the biggest caveat to wearing masks, is the guy's last comments: "I wear mine to protect you and you wear yours to protect me." If people aren't wearing a mask, my mask doesn't protect me from them. So even in a pandemic, the truth remains: you can't fix stupid.
  19. The biggest challenge to the CARE Act, at this moment, is many banks are reluctant to put up the cash because of how they took it in the shorts in 2008. Some are taking applications right now, but many are still trying to get details, so they are saying we have to wait until next week. BofA is essentially telling people that if they don't have a relationship with your business, they won't take your loan. The problem is that most of us don't have a month to wait because in addition to having no new billables, customers are holding onto their cash and ignoring receivables from little companies like mine. That said, "permanently" is a bit misleading. Even if I have to shut down because I can't carry payroll against no new billables, the billables will return and we will be able to return to work once this passes. On the other hand, no one has any idea of how long "once this passes" actually is. Meanwhile, it's great to see people are finally stopping the blame and focusing on the issues at hand. Oh, wait. No they're not. Nevermind.
  20. What you said was he banned travel BECAUSE he is a racist. You can't just change the conversation because you puked up stupidity an hour ago. Seriously. Do yourself a favor. TH3 is here with his weekly contribution of NPC puke. Give him the reigns for a bit and take a nap.
  21. Way to keep your eye on the ball, Democrats.
  22. Once again, if you wake up in the morning and see what is happening in the world and your first plan is to point and blame, perhaps you should STFU and let the adults do the work. Exclusive and repetitive blame is a tool of a weak mind in a selfish body. I genuinely hope when this is over that most of America will see just how destructive the Democratic party has been during this crisis.
  23. All that says to a Democrat is that China is handling this better than Trump
  24. I think you are correct with your last point: if you were already sick, but stable, and then got the virus and died from complications, that becomes a Covid death, which I think makes sense. Frankly I desperately wish media would chill every time a new number comes up. But, unfortunately, y'know, the boys in the newsroom got a running bet.
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