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Everything posted by IDBillzFan

  1. Some would argue that people get paid what they're worth. Others would argue that no one makes that driver accept dirt wages to drive their own car. Some would even argue the person accepted that choice and those conditions on their own. Some would argue that if you feel you have no value to the workplace that you should do what you can to better your prospects. They'd argue you could learn a good trade at the local community college for virtually free in any state in the country. They'd argue that you could even get an apprenticeship to learn a trade, to work your way up from gofer to nail guy to roofer to even starting your own construction business. A simple general rule: most of the time things don't just happen to people because most of the time people let things happen to them.
  2. This is what you get when you elect people how have never worked a day in their lives and have no clue what it means to run a business, They care about themselves and their power. That's it. This is another reason why you don't see many leftists here, @BullBuchanan. Their party is too stupid and embarrassing for leftists to show up to defend.
  3. The reason you think this board is overrun with extreme rightists has nothing to do with the number of extreme rightists and everything to do with the lack of extreme leftists. The reason for this is because what you perceive to be extreme rightists are actually a bunch of people who lean right, but who also employ logic and critical thinking, the two things that make extreme leftists melt like a witch and burn like a vampire. Leftists come and go here. Some stay to try to rile people up with words like "Trumptards" and some stay to earn money posting leftist talking points, like Tibs, but as a whole, extreme leftists stay away from this board because it holds a mirror up to their bankrupt ideology, and when they are confronted with lock and critical thinking...well....
  4. Even MSNBC can't stomach what Pelosi and Schumer are doing. How effed up do you need to be as a Dem elected official to have MSNBC piss all over your efforts to screw the American people?
  5. Just incredible. This is the Democratic Party. In for themselves, average working Americans be damned. How unbelievably tone deaf are these Democrats? How much hatred do they have for the American worker? Answer: Immeasurable. Go eff yourselves, Dems.
  6. I can't believe Dems are blocking more PPP aid because they want mail-in voting. Wait. Yes I can. Because these selfish, power-hungry, nutsukcing twatwaddles don't give two schitts about the American people. A lot of people are about lose their paychecks over this.
  7. It may be oversimplifying it, but I think it comes down to laziness borne through a lack of self-accountability. If you listen to the rantings of leftists, much of what you hear is based in what they purport to be unfair. It's not fair that the person who created their own path in life, through a series of decisions aimed at removing barriers, is earning xx amount of money or living xx kind of lifestyle while others are not. It's not fair that the minimum wage job doesn't provide the kind of upward mobility they believe it should. It's not fair that some have and some don't. They either can't or won't do what is necessary to create their own path. They want someone else to do it for them, and they justify that belief in the name of fairness. In reality, people like Gary and Tibs and Qtip are simply too lazy to be accountable for their own lives, so in lieu of them having a successful life, they find it easier if the federal government could make everyone stupid and lazy so they don't suffer by comparison. So they argue that everyone should get free college. Everyone should get free health insurance. Everyone should get a free phone. Everyone should get government handouts. It's only fair. Laziness and a lack of self-accountability. Think about those two things every time they post here and everything will make more sense.
  8. You're bickering with someone who has repeatedly shown that original thinking is not in his quiver of tools, which means he needs the government to tell him what to do. He is happy to relinquish any freedoms he can't understand because only the government knows what it is best for him. Though I will cede that he has also been proven to be an authority on pandemic stupidity.
  9. Think about who you were responding to. Now think about your statement above. Gary is a lot of things, but reasonable is not one of them. It's pissing in the wind because he's gone from zero to Greta on the meltdown meter and reason is out the window.
  10. They literally explain how they go to houses to collect mail in ballots, and then fill them in with their own preferences. You don't see evidence because you don't want to see evidence. It's also very legal in CA, and that's fine. That schitthole can have itself. But if you implement this nationally, which is what Pelosi tried to do, you can even kills YOUR vote goodbye because everyone will canvas for mail-in ballots and the people's voice is muted. It's very simple: Voter ID. Bring your vote. Show your ID. One person. One vote. You need to bring your ID literally EVERYWHERE, whether to board a plane, collect your welfare or buy some booze. Why won't the Dems embrace this very, very, very simple solution? What are they afraid of?
  11. I am happy to be wrong about this, but I simply am unable to watch all the recent interviews with Biden and believe for even a moment that the DNC will keep him as their candidate. He is literally losing his ability to carry a thought without babbling something incoherent. This works if he's on CNN or MSBNC, where they just pretend like he had a real thought and move along, but put him on stage with Trump for two hours and and we could actually watch a presidential candidate soil himself on national TV. I feel an Arkanside coming on.
  12. What she has is a good surgeon.
  13. See DR's links. Start with the SF Chronicle to save you the trouble of dismissing messengers. Move to harvest balloting and the country turns into CA, where you vote means nothing until the people in charge of the state decide it does.
  14. Washington and Oregon are Dem strongholds. Like CA. Because of Ballot Harvesting. Which is why you see such a high percent of people voting. Except it's not a high percentage of people voting. It's a high percentage of ballots being cast by the local DNC. There's a reason those elections often times have results help up for 2-3 days after the polls close. Because they get the tally, and then use the harvested ballots to make up the shortfalls.
  15. Nothing. If you have Voter ID. One person. One ID. One vote. In person. What do you have against that? I mean, you need to show up to get your driver's license. You have to show up to get your freaking fishing license. You have to show up to get welfare. What's the big deal about voting that has leftists in a tizzy. Answer: Voter ID...one ID one vote blows up ballot harvesting, the biggest Dem Party scam in the country. Are you not famliar with ballot harvesting?
  16. It would seem to be the very people who believe we should go door-to-door throughout this country and check every single American for the Covid virus would have no problem if we go door-to-door to sign everyone up for a Voter ID program, and then make arrangements to transport anyone who needs it to go to a voting booth...with their new Voter ID. No Voter ID? No vote.
  17. How dare you...(said with scowling grimace)!
  18. Imagine swapping out a guy who is unable to carve out a coherent sentence with a woman who is unable to navigate a flight of stairs. Now look at this board in terms of who supports these candidates: Q-tip, Tibs, BIllztime (and his merry band of 18 usernames). Coincidence? Absolutely not.
  19. Not at this point. Wells Fargo is still trying to figure out the extent they want to get involved. I'm looking into other banks as I type this, but I'm just a little concerned with having duplicate loan apps out as I'm hearing that can screw things up.
  20. No. They just acknowledged they had it. But again, it was a Wells Fargo app, not the SBA app, which I have filled out and tee'd up.
  21. Their readiness is the key. My company banks Wells Fargo, and I was working with them right up to submitting a WF-created app on Saturday a.m. that essentially allowed them to size up the requests more quickly based on their own designs. This, then, led them to stop taking applications as of Monday a.m. and capping their total loan amount to $10M, focusing on companies with 50 or fewer employees and non-profits. They acknowledged my paperwork, and now I wait because you're not supposed to apply to more than one bank. They insist you can't call them them about this...you just need to be patient. In other words, they have apparently decided they're willing to lose $10M in this if things go wrong, and that will essentially hang me out to dry. It looks like the feds are trying to add another $250B to this. If I don't hear anything today, I'll have to risk going to another bank.
  22. What's funny is that the leftists who are melting down over every Trump sentence somehow think THIS GUY is the one they want running the country. Joe can't run a freaking VCR at this point. Every time he comes up with something we should do about the Covid virus, it's something Trump already did two weeks ago.
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