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Everything posted by IDBillzFan

  1. I'll put BillZtime on ignore and keep from adding to the degrading of content. It's kind of hard to leave her alone because she's so unhinged that I find it funny. But I'll do my best to lay off her.
  2. Oh, I thought you were the whiny little b1tch at the news conference. Apparently you're just a whiny little b1tch here.
  3. Forgive the overused cliche', but...do you want more Trump? Because that's how you get more Trump. Watching the left piss their pants every day never gets old.
  4. Was she screaming like a whiny little b1tch that the virus started in the UK, not in China, and it was passed on to a guy in NY, who then passed it on to the rest of the world? Because it's been a while since @BillZtime was in this thread.
  5. True, but that was mostly because they knew Obama lacked the intelligence to speak extemporaneously. Biden gets the teleprompter to remind him who he is, where he is and what he is supposed to talk about before he starts yelling at voters or sniffing little girls' hair.
  6. I refuse to accept an article that ranks moons without even giving a spot to Zappa.
  7. So you're saying that the entire nation of Covid cases and deaths came from Patient Zero in NY? And the virus spread from NY through the rest of the country? Because that's pretty much what you're saying. Did patient zero go to St. Patrick's Day celebrations with the rest of the city after DeBlazio urged them to? Or was Trump supposed to warn that person to stay home. Meanwhile, China thanks you for letting them off the hook. Extra fortune cookie for you.
  8. John Prine represents an era of music that could barely survive today. I actually learned about him after hearing him sing "Angel From Montgomery" with Bonnie Raitt. Beautiful song.
  9. Does your husband know how much of whiny little b1tch you are online?
  10. You can't handle a little ribbing? Did you sell your passcode to transplantbillsfan?
  11. Walked into a gun shop here last week at 4:30 p.m. and walked out with a Walther 9mm by 5 p.m. 'Merica.
  12. I suspect it would take at least 30 of those days to get a gun in CA at this point.
  13. Tell that to John Prine.
  14. Simply can not resist...
  15. Predictable, but yeah, he did. I wonder from your username if maybe you're the guy who we kept in the bathroom?
  16. The Orlando Bills Backers back then was an incredible group. I was there when it first started up because a few people posted an ad in the Orlando Sentinel along the lines of "Bills Fans! Want to gather for games?" In short order that bar was wall-to-wall Bills fans. One of the guys I used to hang with there was a huge dude named Rocky. Classic hard-core Bills fan no matter what. You had to be careful if the Bills scored because he could crush your ribs lifting you off the ground. If memory serves me, the owner's wings originally sucked, and someone in the group showed him the right way to make it. By the time he put Genny Cream Ale on tap, it became the only place to watch Bills games. (Though I was there for years, I believe he never killed that keg.) That was the bar where I watched the Comeback game. Probably my favorite memory of any Bills game. No one left that bar, even after the pick six to start the second half. One of our friends was in the bathroom when the Bills finally scored. We decided this was why the Bills scored, so every time the Bills got the ball, we sent him to the bathroom. Impossible to talk about how rocking that place was when the final points went through. Except for, y'know, the guy in the bathroom.
  17. The entire world knows what you posted is a bunch of crap, which makes you quite possibly the dumbest muther[hucker to post on this site. And if you've ever read ANYTHING from Tibs, Qtip or Gary, you know what an astronomical feat that is. Well done. Just when I through you nutbags couldn't melt down any more, you go full Biden.
  18. I gotta hand it to de Blasio. Asking people not to sensationalize what is happening there is just the right statement.
  19. And just like clockwork, #TrumpBurialPits trends high on Twitter. Leftists are nothing if not predictable. Funny how there's no #CuomoBurialPits trending.
  20. Are they not cremating the Covid deaths?
  21. Biden 2020: "I'm not going nuts."
  22. My understanding is that everyone who dies of Covid is cremated. So the coffin thing is the first thing I question. But 7,000 are dead in NY, so who knows.
  23. One of the things business owners got wrong was the idea that if you make the workplace more like a cool place to hang out, people will love to work there. Give them open work spaces, a gym downstairs, a couple of baristas, maybe free parking...even a place to nap. It worked at first because it was cool and different. Then workers realized the idea was to keep them at work. But after working many years as a regional sales director with staffs of anywhere from 10-20 people, I realized what I believe is one of the most important keys to having happy, productive workers: the collective understanding that their job should not be the single most important thing in their lives. I believed if you could convince employees that you want their life outside work -- their hobbies, past times, family, church, community -- to be the priority, they would be more committed and productive. No, we don't want you working more than 40 hours a week, and weekend work was avoided...UNLESS we had a rush of business and everyone understood we all had to peddle a bit faster for a couple of weeks. Yes, we want you coaching your kids baseball team or being a deacon at your church or take your child's class on a field trip. Turns out, at least for me and my company, it works wonders. In 15 years, one person quit to get a big payday. Everyone else is still here since the start. Not bragging. Just making a point. Work is important, but when we make people feel like it MUST be the most important thing in their world, we're not helping anyone.
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