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Everything posted by IDBillzFan

  1. It's less of a cult and more of an 80s David Lee Roth cover band.
  2. The bottom line is that there are plenty of places on this side of the board that have discussed the entire, stupid 'grab them by the puzzy' thing, but instead of discussing the accusation of assault on Biden, you bring up Trump. If it weren't so preditable and overdone, it might actually be a little interesting, but the entire left in America schitt their pants over Kavanaugh and yet have literally nothing to say about an accusation against Biden. Forget your own political bend. You only have to be a smidge smarter than Qtip and Tibs to see the hypocrisy. Be better. Try harder. It's not difficult.
  3. I really wish the drive-bys would take some time to read this thread from the beginning so they'd stop repeating the same stupid questions and observations that were debunked eighteen times already over the last month alone.
  4. Now I know you're only trying to defend Biden because you're starting to sound just like him. The only thing missing was you mumbling about that...uhhh, y'know...the thing...with bread thing... the Earl of Sandwich and so forth and such as... Do yourself a small favor: understand the point GG is making, digest the entire quote from, then break down where he admitted to sexually assaulting someone. Otherwise you sound like every other leftist: believe all women if they accuse a Republican, but rely on whataboutism if the woman accuses a presidential candidate of fingerphyucking her against her will.
  5. He's also an online troll who gets his jollies posting things to intentionally piss off fans. At one point a fan questioned him on Twitter during a game and he told the fan to "go hump a fist." He has since deleted that tweet because it was brought up so often here. He's surrounded by those fans who love to hate the Bills and always have that 'woe is me' attitude no matter what is happening. They love Timmah because, as I've written here many times, the easiest thing to do as a fan in the NFL is to predict failure and, not coincidentally, the laziest thing to do is say "I told you so." Timmah and his followers fit that bill perfectly.
  6. Seriously? This is where we are? If only the rich billionaires would buy us all a toy and leave us alone to play with it? Man, I hate the off season. Some of you people lose your minds. This team stands in the best position it has been in in years. Now, if we could just get rid of those pesky billionaires who ruin everything! Batschittcrazy.
  7. He probably bores them to death by showing them all the stupid schitt he posts on message boards.
  8. The fact that she blocked you exemplifies everything wrong with the far left (in spite of your love for Bernie, I do not assign you to that group). All you did was offer a differing opinion and backed it up facts. Her response was not only to ignore you, but actually block you, which says she probably assumed you were a Trumphole because she's not smart enough to understand there are more than two opinions. Few things are more ironic than how a party who claims to promote tolerance is intolerant of everyone who doesn't think like them. I can see how frustrating it must be for someone like yourself to get lumped in with those nutbags simply because you support Bernie.
  9. I blocked your username with a Z. I'm guessing the fact that you need two usernames points to the fact that you have twice as much stupidity to share and were functionally unable to do so with a single login. But when it's over, you'll still be viewed as someone whose only contribution to this crisis was to cry, whine, point and blame because your crippled hag couldn't navigate a street curb let alone a trip to Wisconsin.
  10. I have to give you credit. I remember how furious you were when you found out Hillary was laundering billions through the Clinton Foundation. The plutonium deal she cut was enough to feed a third-world country for years. You were FURIOUS about that. Nice to see you are consistent in your concerns.
  11. The longer this last, the more obvious it becomes what kind of character certain people have. Many rise up to the challenge and want to help this country get out of this crisis in ways too numerous to count. Feeding elderly. Changing their mfg. plants to provide masks. Helping people pay bills and keep their houses, etc. And then there are the BillStime/BillZtime of the world; mentally astute to the extent the ONLY thing they can do is point and blame because they are too childish to overcome the simple fact that the crippled, money-laundering hag of their party lost the election to a candied yam.
  12. You would think people like Handler would have someone by their side to read what they are about to post to keep them from embarrassing themselves with stupid posts like the one above.
  13. That wasn't them. That was Trump. He told everyone to go out in public. He even recommended some movies to go see. He told them to visit Chinese restaurants and attend Mardis Gras and head to the beaches for Spring Break. All this while de Blasio and Cuomo and Pelosi sounded the pandemic alarm. (Editor's Note: Coming soon to a junior high history book in your neighborhood.)
  14. It's simple math, actually. America - Hillary (Gorsuch + Kavanaugh) = Trump support. I was never a Trump supporter, but if our country was being run by Hillary right now, it would be the very definition of a schittshow because in addition to putting wacked out leftists on the Supreme Court in replacement of conservatives, we also know actions mean more than words, and Hillary's actions during this pandemic would begin with her trying to navigate a few steps on her way to a podium while accepting some more money from China into her "foundation." So to recap, I don't celebrate Trump. I celebrate no Hillary. It's the purest form of addition by subtraction because that hag would truly destroy the country.
  15. Biden would actually be a better candidate if he was inanimate and people had to control his every move. They can't control his every move, which makes him a liability. Especially around little girls with long hair.
  16. Biden is a lot of things, but a shoo-in is not one of them. The dude can't even read a teleprompter without urping up some morning tapioca. I still have no idea how he will be able to stand up in a two-person debate for two hours when he can't sit-down and read from a piece of paper for five minutes. By the time Trump points out his ties to China, and reminds everyone how he finger-p[hucked one of his assistants against her will, the left will be BEGGING to have him replaced with a can of tuna fish.
  17. If you believe Trump is guilty of sexual assault for talking about banging a chick to another guy, you must absolutely HATE Biden. I mean, the dude finger-p[hucked one of his helpers against her will. Surely you are ready to have him arrested, no?
  18. Now imagine you're a poster here who says China is blameless because the virus really came from the UK, where a New Yorker got the virus and became patient zero for the entire US pandemic. These leftists have lost their collective minds.
  19. I haven't spent much time thinking about the padding issue because I can't come up with a legitimate benefit to doing so beyond what will inevitably be the "Trump killed 35,465 people!" But that's coming no matter what the number is because leftists just get their jollies on death counts and blame. I've been told there is money to be had at the hospitals based on the death count, but I don't know that to be true. Murphy is what you get is you elected Tiberius. The dude is a total crackpot.
  20. Are you making the case that two men talking about wanting to bang some chick is considered sexual assault?
  21. It's the least she could do after clearing the pathway by sucking away the Sanders support.
  22. I got more #badorangeman news for you; watch what happens in two months when millions of Americas realize they continue to receive their paychecks and health coverage -- able to keep the roof over their head and the children fed and cared for -- because of PPP. Now think about how Nancy and Chuck held up CARES for over a week just so they could push their fake Green Deal garbage. But yea...I can see where this is all Trump's fault.
  23. A church, as a building, has never been necessary. It's just a building. But forcing people to stay away from that building while letting those same people gather in another building erected for a different purpose like, say, selling lottery tickets, is the issue. Not that I would expect you to understand that.
  24. I have a very close friend in CA who was tested positive with it, and recovered from it at home. Only example I know.
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