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Everything posted by IDBillzFan

  1. We Biden Finger Phuckers will take back the WH and make it a respectable place again!
  2. We leftists suck at original thinking, but our whiny posts are a great asset!
  3. You leftists are like a bunch of three-year-olds. Tell us again how Trump made a Biden supporter drink fish tank cleaner. Tell us again how Trump told you to ingest Lysol. Tell us again how old you need Biden's intern to be before he shoves her against the wall and finger-phucks her against her will. C'mon. Contribute SOMETHING, you mindless dolts.
  4. And I would rather the president not know how to spell Nobel Prize than give him one for doing absolutely, positively nothing.
  5. Every time I think I have the most annoying posters on ignore, another pops up like you can't get enough usernames amongst yourselves to genuinely believe you contribute anything to this board other than the most embarrassing, childish tripe the left could ever devise. My ignore list hasn't been this long since the nigh everyone found out Hillary lost to the candied yam.
  6. If they have to jettison Biden over this, it would be one of the most most embarrassing unforced errors I've ever seen.
  7. Dems everywhere: "Did you have to grab her by the pu4$$y, Joe?"
  8. So far they don't appear to be proven wrong at all.
  9. I'm starting to think many voices will be unable to ignore the schittshow Cuomo has been running.
  10. I hope you're right. He needs to be the MC. Introduce the act, step aside until it's time for the next act, then introduce the next act and step aside again. Take the air out of the media's poison balloon.
  11. I can't imagine how the left sticks with Joe, and yet Pelosi double-downed on him today. It seems almost surreal how cleanly this is being ignored. But it is also starting to feel a bit like the Al Franken thing in terms of 'enough' people finally starting to clamor. Could be a rough week for Biden if the noises continue to rise a bit.
  12. Let me save you some trouble. He never has a point. He shows up, blurts out some Grampa Simpson gibberish, then rolls away for a few weeks or so before he feels like blurting out some other incoherent thought.
  13. I know we've never met, and the extent to which I think I know you is limited to the written word, but I still feel very comfortable saying "I'll take 'Things I never thought I'd see Chef Jim type,' for $200, Alex."
  14. You're not going to get me to defend Trump's extemporaneous nature. I genuinely wish he would open with a few comments and let others talk. But that's not what we have. What I do not understand is this odd sensation from the media that says they will no longer cover Trump's press conferences, and then when none of their followers see the press conferences, the same media parse out statements and the entire leftist world jumps on them completely out of context. Trump is an embarrassing speaker. But you simply need to understand and accept that pretty much everyone in this schittstorm is embarrassing. The left/media's desire to destroy Trump is exhausting, and if he'd pace himself a little more, the rest of the world would see it.
  15. Exactly. Unfortunately there are no reasonable people on the left, and they needed something new to jump on Trump about, so the media gaslights his comments, the drive-bys come in to repeat them as though they finally, at long last, got that evil Trump "this time!" It's embarrassing to watch these discussions.
  16. I don't spend much time on the football board during off-season because there's a lot of embarrassing content, so I genuinely thought your over-the-top Chicken Little routine on PPP was you being a far-left Tibs/Q-Tip/Gary/TDS-dementia thing, but then I saw your posts during the draft last night, and I stand corrected: it appears you're just one of the most pessimistic people in the world. Things aren't bad to you. They're the baddest bad that could ever be bad. You look into the future and all you see is misery. Whether it's millions will die fro Covid or Miami will run the draft board and destroy everyone next year, you are one pessimistic mutherfugger. You should break open a Kit-Kat bar. Maybe a Snickers.
  17. Okay, if it's all the same, I'll trust what I'm hearing and seeing from, y'know, Cedars Freaking Sinai, than I will from a message board poster who thinks that Cedars Sinai is ridiculous for being damn close to a solution. I suspect you just want to stick with "Trump is ridiculous" at all costs. It's understandable, what with all the media and elected Dems telling everyone Trump told them to inject themselves with Chlorine. We're running out of original thinkers, that's for damn sure.
  18. In development at Cedars Sinai. Or are they ridiculous, too?
  19. Step 1: cut a hole in your mind.
  20. The best part of Lamb not making it to 22 is we don't have to spend the next four months listening to the ridiculous concept that a team built to make a run now -- a team primarily lacking a true 'must be accounted' for #1 receiver -- could have had a guy who is is unknown in the NFL and will have an undermined learning curve INSTEAD of a young guy who is a proven, viable, hungry, must-be-accounted-for receiver. I swear sometimes I think fans just want to catch management making bad decisions so they have something else to whine about.
  21. Your real problem is you just wish Lady Maopants was president and not Trump. Just admit it. Let the hate flow from your body with one good cathartic post instead of just writing "I hate Trump" every time you touch a keyboard. It's old. It's boring. And in year, it's going to be old and boring and you'll still have Trump as your president.
  22. People unable to think for themselves love to mimic what they want to hear. The funny thing about this whole "cult" thing is that it's a false assumption that doesn't hurt Trump or the people who support him NEAR as much as it hurts the ignorant chuckleheads who are convinced we're Team Trump 'til we die.
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