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Everything posted by IDBillzFan

  1. This just popped up as a conversation on the NextDoor app for a beautiful area up here called Cougar Gulch. Mostly 10-acre plots, but you don't just drive your car there. A new owner questioned what it would take to pave the roads up there and it was more embarrassing than the time another person complained that social distancing does not mean leaving your trash cans on the road. My hope is all the gunfire white noise you hear throughout the day triggers too many leftists to move here.
  2. I give to you the textbook example of addition by subtraction:
  3. Not my discussion, but to be perfectly frank, the idea you that you find him being obtuse makes his point.
  4. I'll take "Ways To Destroy Your Credibility in 20 Seconds" for $200, Alex. You're a real champion for women, Gillibrand. I suggest you start hanging out with Kamala Harris so she can give you tips on how to retain your senate seat.
  5. Actually, one of the reasons we chose Northern Idaho over Wyoming is it's protected by a continental divide that mostly shields it from the blistering cold and winds you see in Montana and Wyoming. So we get down in the 20s for a bit, and even into teens, but not for long, and that's it, on average. We were skiing in long-sleeved shirts near winter's end. To give a better idea of proximity, I'm a 20-minute drive to Spokane, WA, the other reason we chose this area, because we have a nice, small international airport for when, y'know, I have to actually work for a living. My concern is that a lot of people are going to look at this area and realize this is where they need to be when the next pandemic hits.
  6. Other than that, he TOTALLY nailed it.
  7. There's an empty Solyndra building he can use to prop up his green dreams.
  8. You didn't just have the partial quote; you attempted to paint him as being wrong by using incomplete information as fact. This board already has enough chuckleheads like Tibs and Billstime and TH3 and Zevon, etc. making up quotes and lines to advance a narrative because they're too effin' stupid to think for themselves. Don't be that chucklehead.
  9. I'd consider my little plot in Northern Idaho pretty rural, and as much as I'm surrounded by families on acres of land growing/raising to sustain themselves, it could be very ugly if we had to be the sole source of basic food products. That said, the difference here, and it was pretty clear when this pandemic started, is that this is not an 'every family for themselves' place. The minute the shutdowns started, there were immediately communications going out via various social media platforms to see who needed help. I know the 'we're in it together' ads are tiresome, but that's not an ad up here. It's the way of life. So if the schitt DID hit the fan and the push was on to shut down the supply chain, I'm ridiculously grateful to be here.
  10. Agreed, but you still hear silence from the leftist posters here. This was Tibs during the Kavanaugh hearing...
  11. It's impossible for me to register how tone deaf this is. On the other hand, Hillary should be fine provided she doesn't need to navigate a street curb.
  12. The silence from the resident leftists on PhingerPhuckerJoe is overpowering. We should fire up the ol' Kavanaugh thread and start plucking some leftist opinions to see how they align with their view of Biden today. I really enjoyed this oldie, but goodie from @TH3 (aka baskin).. So if Kavanaugh did it, surely Biden did it, right, baskin? He's guilty, right? Believe all women, right? Or not so much this time.
  13. Kamala Harris is precisely the kind of person who sets women and minorities back years by doing whatever bidding she must, to get wherever she can, by and through whomever she can, exclusively for her own benefit, and to the benefit of specifically no one else but herself. I've tried to be more purposeful on this board in terms of not mocking female politicians based on anything tied specifically to their gender. But she is quite possibly the most disgusting, vile ***** to enter the political landscape since Hillary met Bill, and getting her out of office is the truest example of addition by subtraction. That will not happen, unfortunately, because CA ballot harvesting ensures she'll be a US Senator until she has the physical consistency of RBG with less water.
  14. So to recap, you don't blindly take Trump or Pence's word as fact, however... ...you're okay with Cuomo, who lost his skull about not having any equipment, only to have Oregon send him a bunch, right before he found a warehouse full of equipment to the extent that he was able to send extra equipment to...wait for it...Maryland and Michigan. Trump/Pence bad. Cuomo good. Got it.
  15. Let's see what we can line up. What states specifically are complaining? Can you post us links?
  16. Are they the same governors who claim the federal government needs to bail out their state's pensions because of Wuhan Virus? Asking for a friend.
  17. I see the left has their new marching order. Compare this to Vietnam. Let's see how that works for them.
  18. I used more words because I was hoping it would be easier for you to digest. That was a mistake. I don't care if Trump doesn't know the difference between Nobel and noble anymore than I care that George Bush doesn't know what a grocery scanner is or that Obama can't pronounce 'corpse man' or can't throw a baseball without looking like an extra in "Revenge of the Nerds." Weak minds get caught up on that schitt because ALL of us are stupid at varying times. All of us. Everyone single person. You included. So, y'know, I don't put as heavy a price tag on stupidity since it's such a commodity, but I do put a heavier price tag on the accomplishments of Martin Luther King and Mother Theresa when you have to sidle them up next to a guy who just gave a good speech.
  19. This is where people like @TH3 will tell you China and WHO handled this way better than anyone else, and in fact the virus came from a NY'er who got it from the UK, so it wasn't even FROM China!
  20. We have a history of stupid presidents. Obama was one of the dumbest bricks in the box. Everyone, in fact, is stupid to a degree. But we have a history of people who truly deserve the Nobel Peace Price. Giving it away to a guy whose only talent was to read a teleprompter well demeans the people who actually deserved the award. That was my point.
  21. So you think the federal government should bail out Chicago's pension problem? Is THAT what you're saying?
  22. Why don't we do what China does? Stop counting! Then our numbers will go down! Tremendous!
  23. You can't tell a whiny intern like TH3 how the states work. He needs his government to tell him how to lean against the wall and take the Biden finger like a good little hypocrite.
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