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Everything posted by IDBillzFan

  1. Politico: Woman Who Sleeps With Crotchety Old Men to Get Ahead Emerges as Biden top VP Pick
  2. Apologies if previously posted.
  3. Thank you, Jesus. Great news.
  4. Now it's back with at top with 1.5M and #Trumpgate is gone. Hey, Twitter, just let it go and see what happens.
  5. I know Trump's been owning Obama for the past few years, but I had no idea he owned Twitter, too.
  6. Now my Twitter page says #TrumpGate at the top, trending with #Obamagate. Does Obama own Twitter?
  7. That won't happen. By the way, anyone seen @plenzmd1 lately? No. Wait. I got him. Nevermind. Thanks, Google!
  8. #Obamagate is now trending at this moment with 1.7M tweets. About 15 minutes ago it was at 3.75M. But hey...Twitter is straight up just providing a service.
  9. Media that pissed "Russia, Russia, Russia!!" for years has no idea why it's still a big deal. Apologies if posted earlier.
  10. Would you stand still for one moment, please? I'm tracking you on Google maps and I can't tell if that's a receding hairline or a bad camera angle.
  11. We had it sent to us over the weekend from our CA friends, and while it proved to be untrue, let's be honest: who here wouldn't believe it if it were true? CA is already eager to threaten to take your kids away via some obscure homeschooling laws, so this isn't a stretch.
  12. How funny is this? First, #ObamaGate trending on Twitter gets throttled by Twitter, then the left tries to get #TrumpGate trending, and it's an embarrassment, at least until Twitter can correct it.
  13. You want a positive comment on Obama? He redefined social media campaigning. Especially against John McCain, who was essentially Dorf On Golf. You want a negative comment on Biden? How stupid do you have to be to not leverage what you saw with Obama and complete FUBAR the technology that allows you do to virtual town halls. The image is so clear of Biden, sitting in his basement, staring at his Victrola, yelling out loud "Why can't I see anyone? Is it on? Am I on now?" I don't care what you think of Trump, but if you think Biden offers a better choice, you're braindead.
  14. Normal part of business. Alameda has no good reason to buck the rest of the state. Hell, just look at the number of recent Covid deaths as of this morning. Sort it by 'new deaths.' CA literally has zero. Yes, we're not out of it, but for the love of Pete, they should open the hell up and let Tesla get back to work.
  15. Could you imagine if a face plant as embarrassingly stupid as Solyndra happened on Trump's watch?
  16. The issue isn't the state. The state has already permitted the return of manufacturing. The issue is Alameda County, which is making him stay shut down regardless of what the state has done. I hope he pulls out, sets up shop in Texas, and tells Alameda to eff itself in the process. It's stunning to me how many people hate him simply because he isn't falling in line with leftist desires to crush the economy. Just stunning.
  17. Would it be so bad if we ignored the low hanging fruit and instead of calling this Obamagate we had a little fun and called it ChoomGate? I mean, if he's going down, let's have him go down with chuckle.
  18. Anyone know how much orchestra seats cost to have a front-and-center when the fit hits the shan? Asking for a friend.
  19. It's interesting to me that Obama has to pipe up on current events unlike pretty much every president before him. You would think a person who essentially baited his wait into office would shut the piehole like everone else, but as we've seen before, he was never as intelligent as people portrayed him. He simply is too stupid to clam up and retire.
  20. Gimme Al Michaels with Tony Romo and you'd never hear a peep from me. Of course, I'm the one person who misses Gruden in the booth. He was like my modern day Cosell.
  21. This is the guy I follow whose recipe kicks ass. The six-day brine is kind of important and not a step you want to skip for this, but I'm sure there are other recipes that don't call for the brine. I just know that when I cut this pastrami, it's like every great pastrami I grew up eating in NY. https://www.atbbq.com/thesauce/homemade-pastrami-recipe/
  22. My recipe goes at 250 degrees for five hours, then double wrap it in foil (Texas Crutch), raise the smoker to 300 and put in another hour or two until internal meat reaches 200 degrees.
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