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Everything posted by IDBillzFan

  1. Seriously.
  2. Race discussion? Is that what you call it?
  3. Unreal. Do all you Trumpettes just regurgitate whatever his hitsquad tells you? Look for yourself here. Here is his plan in terms so simple, even a Trumpette can understand it. Are you afraid of a world with no IRS?
  4. Do you blame Obama? Do you blame the GOP? Relax, you two. Shimmer is a floor wax AND a dessert topping. Obama did a masterful job of poisoning the well of GOP opposition by immediately making everything about race. It started in the primary against Clinton, but got full support once he was elected. Think of how Obama, Pelosi, Reid, et. al dragged race into everything. Think about Pelosi lying about a black congressman getting spit on while she walked through the Obamacare protesters. Remember how if he had a son, he'd be Trayvon, and how he sent all his people to the funeral of a black guy who got killed by a cop for trying to take the cop's gun. Think about how the cops "acted stupidly" or how every single thing the GOP did in opposition to Obama was overwhelmingly tied to racism. You still have nutbags who insist the GOP won't vote on a SCOTUS nominee because Barry is black. The GOP turned pussified against these claims, afraid to take them head on, and when the GOP voters handed them back the House and the Senate and countless state and local governments, STILL did nothing to oppose Barry's executive orders for amnesty, or his leaving people to die in Benghazi, or any of the other moronic things he's done. Because they didn't want to be called a racist. Again. And again. And again. Unfortunately, this has led us to this moment, where the ONLY thing people can do is discuss who is to blame for what is going on.
  5. Seriously. How is it you post here as often as you do with such little grasp of what you're talking about. Saying Palin was the conductor of McCain's crazy train is like saying Mitt lost because he put a dog on his roof. This is not a defense of Palin. She had no business being picked as a VP, and she would still be relatively unknown to the rest of the world had the GOP not nominated the political equivalent of Dorf on Golf. He never had a chance against Obama BEFORE he chose Palin, and by the time he was in favor of bailing out everyone in a bad mortgage, he was done with anyone interested in voting against Obama. But yeah...you keep thinking how Palin was the problem. It would explain why you think Trump has a chance against Hillary. You're likely sitting around today talking about how substantive Trump was at the debate last night, happy to get the endorsement today of a guy Trump once called a child molester. Sometimes it's better if you just think twice before you post every little moth that enters your noggin.
  6. Yeah. Okay. Swing and a miss. But a funny swing nonetheless. You made me laugh. So that's good.
  7. But a Cruz/Kasich tiicket?
  8. How much per month do they get from their pensions? How much is the rent they currently pay? How much is the rent going to be if it increases? What is their total monthly budget? When does their rental contract expire? Define 'getting up there in years'. Are they healthy? Any history of health problems?
  9. Cruz sees he can beat Trump one-on-one, which is why he'd like Rubio out, but if Rubio somehow wins Florida and Kasich wins Ohio, Trump is in trouble...which, as I read it, is the GOP establishment's hope. Then Rubio and Kasich drop out, and Cruz runs the tables with all the closed primaries coming. Anyone paying attention knows Trump in closed primaries is a dead dog, especially one-on-one. Then again, I'm just regurgitating what I'm reading from some optimists. I'm starting to resolve myself to a Hillary presidency.
  10. Trump did the same thing during the last event, and even as the Fox News crew tried to get him off the stage, he refused to listen to them and leave, so they decided to let the other candidates talk to their advisers when the gutsier move would have been to remove him from the debate. But that wasn't going to happen because Fox is eyeballs deep in it for Trump.
  11. So many policies. So hard to choose just one.
  12. Can he win the nomination? Yes Can he win the general? No way on this earth. He is winning because the media is covering him 24/7 (on Tuesday, all the networks covered his victory speech for an hour while ignoring Hillary, who was giving one at the same time), and the networks are doing this because they are already counting the money they'll make reporting Trump's fall...and it will be a magnificent fall. Unlike anything you've ever seen. How bad? Ryan Leaf driving an Edsel off Dead Man's Curve while towing a Ford Pinto, drinking a New Coke and watching a betamax movie bad.
  13. You have to admit, Hillary and Donald are neck-and-neck when it comes to unfavorables. Both are underwater by about 70%. WINNING!!
  14. I just want to say this is my new favorite word. That is all.
  15. Why does everything come down to skin color with you SoProgs? You'd think people who yell 'racism' all the time would stop being so fugging racist all the time.
  16. If history suggests anything, I'm sure will Hillary drag her name through the mud, have her operatives push her to the brink of homeless, and then stand by her husband to talk about how much respect she has for women's rights.
  17. Hillary. Getting embarrassed again and again.
  18. Not like your vote matters in this state anyway.
  19. Good. Then let them consider the idea of not considering. It's probably the biggest issue facing the long-term prospects of this country, and letting Barry replace a true and genuine protector of this country's rules of law with one of his special snowflakes is not acceptable to me. Since Harry Reid has decided his can bitchslap the Senate rules to his liking, it's time he take it in return. What's gonna happen? The opinion of the Senate falls to 6%? Who the phuck cares at this point? Besides, once Trump gets the nomination, Hillary wins in a landslide and none of this will matter. May as well stand firm while there is anything resembling a spine left in the GOP.
  20. Yeah, because the GOP's strength right now is its credibility. You really think anyone gives a crap about a party who's presidential front runner is the political equivalent of the Shamwow guy? Let Barry recommend someone. Let the Senate consider. And consider. And consider. Until the next president is elected.
  21. Let me know when a Republican makes that statement.
  22. In pure SoProg style, Barry is skipping her funeral to attend an arts festival in Texas. He skips Thatcher. Skips Scalia. Skips Reagan. What a class act.
  23. Yes and no. I recognize the inherent laziness and gimme-gimme mindset of the average SoProg. It's very difficult to fight a large portion of the population who no longer believes in personal accountability, and instead all consider themselves precious snowflakes in need of safe places to whine. It's especially difficult when the SoProg leaders are pulling money from the earners to give to the takers simply in the name of fairness. Hillary -- like Trump -- has really, really, really bad unfavorables, which means unless you're a mindless dolt like gatorman, you'll be inclined to stay home. It's my hope that the earners realize what is at stake and come out to fight. They'll do it for Cruz or Rubio, but they'll never do it for the Trumpsters. They just won't. The only hope is to take out Trump. Or you'll assuredly get four years of Hillary, two or three of her SCOTUS appointees, and from that point all you can do is huddle down, take care of your own, and avoid procreation.
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