Not especially.
The only things I gather from this answer is (1) be prepared to spend a lot of time using the phrase IMO when defending Trump because not even YOU know what he's saying and (2) you have idea what a hillbilly is.
That wasn't outrageous. It was stupid. Which is where the irony lies; the stupid guy trying to convince you he's smart.
Here's a tip; when you have to tell us how smart someone in, they're not.
How many people mocked Obama for saying there are 57 states?
How many people mocked Biden for thinking the word 'jobs' is a three-letter word.
Liberals are, quite honestly, not that smart. And Trump...a lifetime liberal...fits that mold perfectly.
Why do you SoProgs ONLY see people by skin color? Do you have a problem with people who look different than you?
Why, if we didn't know better, we'd think you sound like a racist.
Have you always been racist?
Oh, please. You're a SoProg. You don't know how to complain. The only thing you know to do is sit down, shut up, do what you're told, post what you're given to post, then get in the kitchen and make your overlords some pie.
You Trumpettes sure are picking a winner. You must be very proud of how insightful and articulate he can be about important issues.
Here is Donald commenting on his foreign policy advisers.
"I'm speaking with myself, number one, because I have a very good brain and I've said a lot of things."
Phucking idiot.
Oh, you're so right.
Here's the Trump tweet going around. He really is just the bestest with the mostest.
Wow. It's like he's talking right to you personally.
His point, which you insist on missing, is that things have already BEEN DONE in the name of compromise.
They are clearly not to your liking, but that's too bad. Compromise with yourself. My side is done compromising with people who insist they always need more.
Hey know who is pushing for the Senate to consider Barry's SCOTUS pick?
The president of America's taxypayer-funded Baby Parts Super Store!!!
Barry sure knows how to prod the bear. I genuinely can't wait until we one day have a leader who isn't so intent on dividing the country with moronic decisions.
Just when I think we hit the bottom of your empty noggin, I find there really is no end to how little you know about pretty much every topic known to man.
Says the guy wants everyone to vote for his white angry uber-rich 1% racist.
Hey, when your overlords feed you this stuff, at least take a moment to THINK about what they're asking you to post. You can cut in half the number of people convinced you're a no-nothing blowhole with the mental capacity of a mop.
Grow up, buttercup. Meazza isn't running for president.
I understand little nuances like that are lost on sheep like you, but try not to make it so obvious to everyone.
By the day this will be clear to you, but put it in your bonnet for future reference: "Who knows?" is not a viable reason to vote for someone.
Trump is the leading GOP presidential nominee, so in case you haven't been able to smell it yet, we're heading toward the sewer at warp speed right now.
Ignoring this SCOTUS thing means nothing to anyone other than the far left.
And where, precisely, would you like the right to compromise on abortion? Or gun control? Let's start with those two. Precisely WHAT would you like to see happen as a compromise from the right?