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Everything posted by IDBillzFan

  1. Now you're just mailing it. If you're going to be the resident idiot, at least try harder.
  2. Clinton lied to get us into the Iraq war? Really? Do you have proof?
  3. So you don't have a problem with them lying about the Youtube video. You don't have a problem with them imprisoning the creator of that video after everyone learned it played no part. You don't have a problem with them lying to the victims' families. You don't have a problem with them lying ABOUT the victim's families. But those eyewitnesses testifying about the stand down order makes raise your eyebrows? Yeah...you served.
  4. On this we agree. The way Obama and Clinton lied about what happened in Benghazi, blaming some ridiculous Youtube video, imprisoning the creator of the video, lying to the victims' families and then lying ABOUT the victims' families...just just to get Obama re-elected...remains one of the lowest points for any American president. They made their deaths political, and one day they will reap what they sowed.
  5. I'm not sure which one is more ridiculous... Here is FP reporting on an Obama tweet sent out just as Brussels was attacked... And here is an excerpt from a recent WaPo interview with Trump. Remain calm. All is well.
  6. Find me a military vet who served in the ME who thinks four Americans left for dead in Benghazi is a laughing matter.
  7. He is a vet. He's spaying a poodle at 11 this morning.
  8. Not gullible. Just stupid. You would at least think he'd understand that when a sentence starts with "If nothing else..." it is usually followed by some tiny morsel of results that inadvertently broke off the massive failure of the original intent. Gatorman is trying to prove the strategic and historic importance of Obama's visit to a country that has a long history of abusing the civil rights of its people. If nothing else, he completed a full sentence on his own.
  9. Like that's a real challenge. He's confused by salt and pepper shakers.
  10. You'll have to forgive gatorman. He will tell you that Hillary didn't mean to vote for that war. Bush made her do it. Literally grabbed her by the throat and may her vote yes. True gatorman story.
  11. Gee, it seems like only a few hours ago you were justifying how awesome Obama is by comparing him to Reagan, but now Reagan is evil? You really are a white hot mess of idiocy. Regardless of what username you use.
  12. The Trumpettes keep talking about how Trump is getting dissed just like Reagan did. The SoProgs keep talking about how Obama's trip to Cuba is just like Reagan talking to the Soviets. So much wrong. Watch this video, and it will be clear to you neither Trump nor Obama are fit to polish Reagan's shoes. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qXBswFfh6AY
  13. Nice photo, Barry. Did you get enough Che tshirts to bring back for your friends?
  14. I dig you Mead, but if you really mean this, you must REALLY not like Trump because he spends more time making things up on the campaign trail than even Obama. The first step to recognizing a liar is when they spend every waking moment telling everyone that his competition lies all the time.
  15. You were probably really another outraged Republican back in those days.
  16. Why, to do that, he'd have to be in cahoots with the left to mobilize all these people, and a staunch conservative like Trump would NEVER do anything like that. Why...he's just like Reagan.
  17. Once the press stops carrying his water after the nomination, he's going to need cash, and Trump -- a guy who gave money every which way to Democrats for forty years -- s going to take in so much secret cash you're going to think Hillary is one of the good guys.
  18. You have to love the irony of SoProgs so enraged that Trump wants to build a blockade to keep illegals out of the country that they to build a blockade keeping people out of a Trump rally. You'd think some of you would change parties just so you're not surrounded by so much stupid. Meanwhile, the right is being conned. This gives Trump the pity vote...which is precisely what Hillary wants.
  19. Hey...the GoToMeeting phone app is the best! You don't even need to be at a computer. You can run your company from your bathroom! I don't know why all the other CEOs don't run for president! It's so easy to do with all that free time!
  20. This has to be the single dumbest tying I have read all month. Do you have any idea how many gatorman, ...lybob posts that includes? Are you not curious how a private enterprise multibillionaire can just stop everything to run for president? He LOVES the constant crap storm of criticism. It's his lifeblood. And the more you try to paint him as a selfless giver of life for liberty, the more you out yourself as just another member of the mindless, thoughtless Branch Trumpinians.
  21. The most obvious thing about Trump is he doesn't give a schitt about this country. He cares about himself; getting his name out. The same thing he's ever cared about. It's an even more obvious con than Obama's, and that's saying something. The most interesting thing happening is the divisiveness among the true, genuine conservative ranks. It's one thing when someone like Ann Coulter or Sean Hannity get in bed with him because they're not much different from Trump: self-promoters of name and personal brand, caring about little other than their next book. Bill O'Reilly may as well just change the name of his show from "The O'Reilly Factor" to "I'll Suck Trump's Dick" because you can't turn on his show without him interviewing Trump. Same with Hannity. And perhaps most regrettably, same with Greta, who was always someone I enjoyed to watch from time to time. I thought Laura Ingraham would know the difference, but was wrong. I thought Breitbart would definitely see the difference, and was way wrong. I thought Matt Drudge, of ALL people, would see the difference, and he's probably first in line to let Trump stick it ever hole at any time. There are still a number of true conservatives who haven't fallen to his money; Mark Levin, Dana Loesh, Ben Shapiro, Michelle Fields, etc. But I've probably cut my Twitter feed in half because while I will never be confused with the great politicos of our day, I can tell an opportunistic nutbag from miles away, and I want no part of a party that leads with Trump in any respect.
  22. As opposed to bitter people in their later years who laundered foreign kickbacks for uranium deals through her "foundation" before being crowned as the DNC presidential nominee?
  23. The GOP as a whole, undoubtedly, is about to be purged, and to perfectly honest, I'd rather belong to some subset of a party where members don't take it in every hole regardless of how they feel. This is the party that voted out a crony Senate minority leader in Eric Cantor. It pushed it's House speaker to early retirement because of his ineffectiveness. They won back a ridiculous number of state gubernatorial and assemblies from the left in the last seven years. Meanwhile, have you seen the angry old white 1%er you SoProgs put up as the best you can come up with? Try to stop her. Go ahead. Try. You can't. Do you know why? Because the DNC knows members like you are nothing but gatorman-level sheep who would NEVER go against what their overlords push on them. You get Hillary. That's it. You have no choice. I'll take my self-correcting nutbags over your STFU and Do As We Say Overlords any freaking day.
  24. No more than if there was a White Congressional Caucus, I suppose.
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