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Everything posted by IDBillzFan

  1. That's a load of crap. Even Kasich is shown as beating her right now, while virtually every poll shows Trump losing by up to 18 freaking points. Yes, polls change...but this is ridiculously damning right now.
  2. So did Charlie Sheen.
  3. They're both retweets. The first in response to an SuperPac ad that is not tied in any way to Cruz. And let me just say this. It's embarrassing. Believe me. And let me tell you something, okay? I love the people here, but I know embarrassing, and no one was more embarrassing than Bush when the Muslims were all coming here, and dancing in the streets, and I saw that, okay, so we shouldn't let them in because if you think about Lyin' Ted and his ugly wife, okay? And I don't mean that in a bad way. I'm sure her menstrual cycle is fine. Believe. I know menstrual cycles better than anyone. I actually have one, that's how well I know them, okay? This guy is going to get creamed by Hillary.
  4. Listen up, Trumpettes...it's time you start getting your heads wrapped around the guy you're going nuts for. Here are two back-to-back retweets from the man who wants to lead the free world. Is this really who you identify with? Is this who you are?
  5. Neither do people like baskin or gatorman, which is why they adore Obama so much.
  6. What kind of dumbassery is this? Even gatorman can count that just Hasan and San Berndardino left 27 dead while Obama was in office. Or is this the part where you explain how Hasan was 'workplace violence?"
  7. Twitter has taken to calling the Emerson students "Emmeroids."
  8. It all starts to blur after a while. But when it comes to gatorman, we all know...
  9. I quoted the wrong post. Now I can't even find the post I meant to quote, so....nevermind.
  10. 1billsfan has gone full gatorman on Trump. If you haven't read his stuff, consider yourself lucky.
  11. That would actually be 1bills fan. Ozy is more like his birddog.
  12. Of all the idiocy that has come from this administration, going to court with the Little Sisters of the Poor has to be, quite possibly, the most idiotic of all idiocies. Yet we all know, right now, the far left circles are watching this with drool from the corners of their lips, waiting and hoping for the Little Sisters of the Poor to be forced to do something against their religion, like Brigette Niesen getting wet while Drago killed Creed. Power to the little people, eh, SoProgs?
  13. As much as it pains me to write this, Breitbart is pretty much the last place anyone should turn to when it comes to reporting on any of the GOP candidates. Breitbard has become Donald Trump's Salon. His Huffington Post. His DailyKos.
  14. No. I'm pointing out how often you bring up skin color. Which is every day. Why do you do that? Why all the focus on whether someone is black? Wait. I know. You're a racist. No other way to explain it. Stop making everything about skin color, okay?
  15. What are you talking about. He got to do the wave at a baseball game on ESPN. He's got game, man. You notice, though, no one asked him to throw out the first pitch.
  16. What is it with you always calling out skin color? It seems like the ONLY thing you bring up anymore. You have to be, hands down, the biggest racist on this message board. What do you say you stop with the racism, okay?
  17. The common suspicion is that Kasich is in it to be Trump's VP. Soros backing him would make sense since it helps Trump get the nomination, and literally anyone with access to a website knows Trump will get his ass handed to him by Hillary.
  18. Now Barry's doing the wave! All hail fearless leader!
  19. You guys all need to relax. Take it easy. Take in a Cuban ballgame or something.
  20. Here's your regularly scheduled university nutbag story. Professor at Univ. of North Dakota hides under desk, calls 911 because of two ROTC cadets carrying fake guns en route to a class.
  21. Finally a promise he may actually keep. That's not my candidate. My candidate wouldn't sound like such a dumbass. Kind like your DNC candidate, who not only thinks global warming cooling climate change is not only worse than ISIS, it created ISIS.
  22. It's a good thing this was an airport. If this was a golf course, Barry would be PISSED.
  23. Oh, is that what Trump was doing? Not showing his cards by changing the subject to Bush before asking to meet other people? This is, by far, one of the stupidest damn things EVER explained on this board, and that includes the ...lybob quote in my signature.
  24. I'm sorry...isn't she running for president right now? Here's an oldie, but goodie. I think that's you leading them in song at the beginning, no? Listen to Clinton push for the US to go to war with Iraq and talk about WMDs. It's breathtaking how eager she was to get us into that war.
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