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Everything posted by IDBillzFan

  1. Geez, Trumpettes....when you're losing Michael Savage...
  2. My favorite reference to it on Twitter last night: "On a lark, sparrow stares down a loon."
  3. I've been very clear. I want no part of Trump. I didn't pick up the conservative fight years ago to have it run by a cartoon nutbag who spent the last 40 years backing Democrats, only to turn to the right because he saw an opportunity. He's playing you, and everyone else falling for his ridiculous soundbites, and to make matters worse, he's being played by the media, setting him up for the big drop at the hands of a Hillary ass-whooping. If there is any surprise here, it's not that I'm critical of Trump but that a more genuinely conservative poster like yourself actually thinks he represents your views. Cruz isn't getting bit by an affair and Hillary isn't going to get indicted, and even if they both happened, there is no way I want any part of Trump because he simply does not represent my political beliefs. I'm actually surprised you think he represents yours. Dial back. Please. If anything, you should embrace the internal strife because when you're willing to settle for whomever pops up, your party ticket ends up with a socialist and an angry white entitled women who laundered foreign funds through her 'foundation' while acting as SoS.
  4. You guys seem to be spending an awful lot of time trying to win by taking down your competition with salacious tabloid idiocy, while offering absolutely no reason why your candidate is worth the run beyond a 10-year-old campaign slogan. Kind of reminds me of another guy who won the same way, and I think we see where the last seven years have gotten us with THAT guy. Maybe soon Trump will pick a position that he can explain to people beyond "Believe me, it's gonna be great, okay?" But hey...thanks for embarrassing everyone by running a classic liberal campaign. You Trumpettes must be really proud. Sad!!!
  5. When Trump is president, let me tell you what will happen to these guys, ok? You don't even want to know because it's going to be amazing, okay. Believe me. I'm the best brain I know, and I talk to myself and China doesn't even want to get near me, that's how great I'm going to be. All the polls at Drudge say I'm a winner! Not like that whore Megyn Kelly. Who even watches her? No one! I heard shes going bankrupt. I'm not saying, okay, because believe me, I like that whore, i'm just saying you hear things. Oh, and 9/11? Total disaster that wasn't even real because some of my best friends told me that heat can't melt a building, okay? Total disaster. Sad! There's your Trump presidency in a nutshell.
  6. Did Katrina confirm the story? Does she have the video? Where's Trump's spokesperson? She can make this all come true and end the Cruz campaign! Where is Katrina Pierson? Katrina knows the truth! Bring her out!
  7. That's weird. He also announced he didn't really mean it when he said he wanted to ban all Muslims from entering the US. It's almost like Trump has been making stuff up to get attention. Sad!!!
  8. Where is Katrina? She is Trump's spokeswoman also called out as having an affair with Cruz! Where is she? Where is her press conference? When will she take the mic and confirm her affair to put an end to the Cruz campaign??? Enquiring minds want to know!!!
  9. They will cover him, yes, but he won't get anywhere NEAR the coverage he gets now, and will need the money to go against Clinton. The story of him "not being beholden to other peoples' money" will be eliminated very quickly.
  10. Who are these "Republican voters" you are referring to?
  11. It's simple, baskin. Get Katrina Pierson to the mic! And while I understand your desperate need to smear people, you should probably know that all Christians consider themselves broken sinners. Even Trump. Sad! Where's Katrina Pierson? Get her to confirm the affair!!!
  12. When is Katrina Pierson's press conference to confirm her affair? It should be anymoment now, right? This isn't rocket science, Trumpettes! Your overlord's spokesperson is one of the women Cruz had an affair with! Giver her the mic and end the Cruz campaign today!!!
  13. Trump and the Enquirer: BFFs Did Katrina Pierson confirm the affair yet? What time is her press conference? Sad!
  14. This will all be settled once Katrina Pierson confirms or denies the affair. She's had the mic for months on all the major networks. She's the one who makes or kills the story.
  15. I can't wait until the Trumpettes claiming he isn't tied to political money see what happens when Trump gets the nomination and the networks suddenly stop carrying his rallies for free. He'll be taking money from everyone but Hillary.
  16. The National Enquirer? The one that endorsed Trump? The one that says Hillary has brain cancer is will die any moment? One of the women is Katrina Pierson, Trump's spokesperson for the past few months? Don't you think that Katrina would have come out with that story a few months ago...or maybe sooner? Why did Trump need the paper that is endorsing him to tell him about his candidate having an affair with his spokesperson? Wishing for something to happen doesn't make it news. But you keep jumping into the abyss with the rest of the Branch Trumpidians.
  17. Bernie will never run as an independent because Wasserman-Schultz will have him killed before she lets anyone stand in Hillary's way.
  18. Then let him do it as a Democrat. Not posing as a faux conservative.
  19. Yes, which is where the Trump thing comes from. Again, the GOP was handed a schittstorm of state assemblies, governor's seats, House and Senate...and still gave in to the left's needs for more spending, etc. They really are no different. But Trump is not the way out. It's the way down. It's gatorman-level stupidity. He's a self-promotional fool who will only make the conservative movement even less of a force than it is right now. #nevertrump, man. No matter the cost.
  20. I think the point, at least from my perspective, is that you already get that with both parties.
  21. Let me put it another way; if the GOP is going to lose, I prefer it lose with someone who represents what conservatives genuinely stand for, and I think we all know that while Trump grabs the headlines, he's no more a conservative than Bernie Sanders. Trump as the face of the GOP would be like gatorman as the face of the DNC. I'd be out.
  22. I thought he could beat Obama. Landslide? No way in hell. Obama's community service minions had the GOTV folks in overdrive. And Mitt was simply unable to be as aggressive as he needed to be. This is gatorman-level trolling right here. There is no world where anyone confuses John McCain with Ted Cruz, and there is especially no world where Cruz is an establishment candidate. The Senate GOP hates him, which is why Lee is the only one who endorsed him. No matter how many times anyone tries to paint Cruz as establishment, it just isn't going to stick because there is overwhelming evidence to the contrary. Alternately, McCain was tapped by the GOP in 2008 just like Hillary is tapped for the DNC this year. Both have establishment blood running through their varicose veins. What you nutbags seem to miss is that even if Trump gets the nomination, guess he will be by his side in his campaign. Yes, the GOP establishment. I swear, between Trump and Sanders, some of the biggest fools are creeping out from the dirt.
  23. You really are unable to comprehend even the most simplest of statements. Turn off the computer and take a nap.
  24. RIdiculous. Saying it over and over doesn't make it true. Cruz, with the right VP choice (preferably a woman like Haley or Martinez) would take Hillary to the mat. Trump would take her to the gutter.
  25. Hey...they're just doing what Reid, Biden, Clinton and Schumer told them to do. You should embrace it.
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