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Everything posted by IDBillzFan

  1. I'm with you. When you call everyone a racist, then no one is a racist. And that's not fair to people like you. An actual racist.
  2. Hey...he listens to Sheryl Crow. He knows irony, okay?
  3. That's funny schitt right there.
  4. I disagree. That was HIllary in 2008 before Barry took the stage, and prior to beating her, he was nothing but an ideas guy. (Wait. I know. Feed mayonnaise TO THE FISH...) Granted, Barry's ideas...like Sanders'...are ridiculously impossible ideas, but ideas beat Hillary last time. Won't beat her this time.
  5. Perhaps you thought I have been joking previously, but I am not. This is a guy who is getting paid for posting nonsense in various message boards, Twitter and website comments sections. He neither has nor wants the intellectual capacity to actually *think* about what he's posting. He's just doing it for extra income. You know those spams you see sometimes in comments sections that say "My brother just paid off his Land Rover by working from home! Ask me how!!" or "I earned $4000 my first month working from home! Ask me how!"' That's gatorman. Probably a leftist Bills fan who sees a chance to post his stuff on a political website and earn a few extra bucks. This is why he constantly posts stuff he doesn't understand, and occasionally posts stuff twice. He's a copy/paste basement dweller who just happens to be a Bills fan. And no, I'm not kidding.
  6. And because his wife married a Jew, who knows Jews better than Trump? No one! He's the very best at knowing Jews, which is why he's the best choice to exterminate them. Because he knows where they hide because his son-in-law tells him! They're over there! Under the couch! Out, damn Jews! Out! Believe me, disaster for the Jews, okay! Total disaster.
  7. It's the kind of battle people say they're winning when they have literally lost every other battle.
  8. Not a fan of April Fools Day, but this is pretty good: Daily Wire Endorses Trump.
  9. Not only will he kill all the Jews...he's going to be the best at it. Drudge has a poll on who would kill the most Jews, and Trump won it again by a lot, okay? Believe me, you don't want to know how many Jews he'll kill 'cause frankly it'll make Hitler look like an amateur, okay?
  10. When your job each day is to copy and paste comments and links provided to you by your overlords, it's not surprising he forgot he already posted it at this website.
  11. It will come as a surprise to exactly no one that one of the most devout disciples of the angry, old, white 1%er DNC presidential candidates would read what I wrote and absolutely, positively, and completely miss my point. Feel the Bern, Geno! Grab your walker, your Depends and your Geritol and get out the vote!!!
  12. Oh, yeah. That's right. Hey, everyone, don't forget. Baskin was a long-time GOP guy who felt the party left him so he's backing the old angry white Socialists.
  13. It doesn't seem like it right now, but this is a MUCH better time for the GOP than the DNC. Trump and his posse of slightly-smarter-than-racist-skinheads put the GOP in a position of forced self-scrutiny and evaluation. The correction to the error, assuming it is genuine, should be deep and relatively long-lasting. It's one of the most difficult things for most entities to do -- be they politicians, small business owners, and even slightly-smarter-than-racist-skinheads -- in any genuine and meaningful manner. Who knows what Trump will cost the GOP this round. But whatever it is, it will be farther along the field of self-correction than what gatorman, etc. gladly accept from their party: completely settling for either an old, haggard, angry white socialist with absolutely no chance of winning, or an old, haggard, angry white female 1%er who is not only under FBI investigation for lying under oath about sending classified emails over an unsecure server, but is someone who laundered millions of foreign funds through her "foundation' for a Russian uranium deal while acting as SoS, all while turning Libya over to ISIS. For all Trump's faults, he'll disappear shortly and the GOP will be left with a self-corrected bench while the DNC will continue to have, y'know, two very old, angry white people to turn to for leadership.
  14. If Rand Paul falls for Trump, I'll not only be stunned, but will also realize the level to which I've been wrong about certain politicians and pundits is brutally deep and wide I've always considered Paul, above all else, extremely principled. Backing Trump would shatter all the respect I have for him.
  15. Trump reneges on commitment to back whomever the GOP candidate is...and may now lose his 50 SC delegates in the process for breaking the pledge. Some would call this YUUUUGE! And a total disaster!!! Yet others would just call it Trump talking first and, again, not thinking until someone points out what he did wrong.
  16. Guess who that would be if Trump didn't exist. Let me give you a clue:
  17. So it comes down to this: everyone who doesn't like Trump is cucked and everyone who does like Trump is slightly smarter than a racist skinhead? Interesting way to group the world there, Ozy.
  18. It's already declining. His unfavorables in WI alone are over 70%. He could get nothing in WI, and that would be the beginning of the end. Now that Rubio is getting his name off the CA ballot, Trump could be sucking hind tit in no time.
  19. This is what happens when you hire people who are slightly less intelligent than the slightly-smarter-than-racist-skinheads.
  20. Do slightly-smarter-than-racist-skinheads even PLAY golf?
  21. Yes, but there are more people realizing what a nutbag he is and fewer of you supporters who self describe as slightly smarter than racist skinheads. Perhaps we're seeing the result of Trump's plan to surround himself with unsuccessful people so everyone will respect you. Keep up the good work, you slightly-smarter-than-racist-skinheads! The world is your swastika!
  22. He's not tanking. He's Trump. A ridiculously flawed candidate whose base describes themselves as being just slightly more intelligent than racist skinheads. As I've said repeatedly...he's been lifted as high as possible because of all the fun and money the media will make when he starts his fall. Somebody tell the fat lady she's on in five.
  23. How can it be Trump's fault. He's barely smarter than a racist skinhead...or so I'm told.
  24. Get used to it, Bernie. The overlords have spoken, and their SoProg sheep will quietly do as they're told because they are mindless nutbags. But hey...at least they don't consider themselves a slightly-smarter racist skinhead. So they have that going for them, Which is nice.
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