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Everything posted by IDBillzFan

  1. Have any of you been reading Trump's tweets on losing delegates? Has he always been a whiny B word or is this something new? He's actually become an orange version of Obama.
  2. So let me get this right...the CBO -- which was used on a regular basis by this administration to justify the passing of ACA -- gives an honest assessment of honest numbers, and suddenly it's propaganda? Please explain -- in your own words -- how the CBO is propaganda. We'll wait.
  3. This is what I imagine a gatorman post would read like if he ever took the time to write something his own mind thought up.
  4. Believe me, I know better than to think he'll answer the question because I know that he can't.
  5. Can you cite these existing national HC systems that are demonstrably better? Just stack up eight or nine of them. Begin.
  6. Interesting article. The left does a really good job trying to scare the country by referring to every GOP candidate as an extremist. And now look at them. Kudos to Bill for speaking truth. It's amazing how far to the left the DNC has moved. You'd think having a devout socialist on the ticket was far enough. Trump makes the GOP's uprising noisy, messy, rude and orange. The DNC is in a similar mess...just quieter. And older. And whiter.
  7. Mitch Daniels would be a great choice, but I would like to see Scott Walker. He's done a great job turning Wisconsin around financially and economically, and if he, as a Republican, can survive a union-driven gubernatorial recall in a state like WI, I truly like his chances against Hillary. Naming names aside, at the very least, I would like to see a governor run, not a Senator.
  8. I hope the weather doesn't cause him to cancel his tee time. We all know how cranky Barry gets when he can't get in his golf.
  9. Bernie lauded California and NY moving to $15/hour and literally has absolutely, positively no clue the effect this is going to have long term. But then again, SoProg politicians have only ever been good at two things: raising taxes that negatively affect the income of the working class, and then complaining about all the private companies taking advantage of the working class. Look at the SoProg field: Hillary, Biden, Sanders, Obama, Reid, Pelosi...old, rich, angry white and half-white people who have, collectively, never, ever worked a real job in their entire lives. But hey...they care about the little people, amirite?
  10. Yeah, we'll just have to disagree on this because I have no way to effectively *prove* how he strikes me as genuine. What I do know is this: every person running for president, no matter who they are, is self-absorbed and with a crazy ego. Every person running for president, no matter who they are, have ties to money. Look at the reports coming out today about Trump keeping most of the donations he raised for the vets the night he skipped the debate. This is a common thread with all of them. Rubio will return and I would not be surprised to see him be a GOP presidential frontrunner...especially if Hillary ends up winning 2016, because no matter what happens in this cycle, you can absolutely bet that the presidential campaigns of nutbags like Christie and Trump will likely never, ever happen again.
  11. Be careful, Jim. You're getting dangerously close to another episode of.... Leave gatorman alone!!!!
  12. It's the same down here. You never see people on the right out here because there's not enough money. On the other hand, with the way Trump's lack of discipline is screwing up his nomination, we may finally have a Republican primary coming to CA that will matter, so look for Trump and Cruz to be circling the state soon.
  13. Oh, please. Stop with the childish nonsense. You've been shown alternate plans and, as is typical for non-thinking SoProg, you're stock answer has been, "That's no plan!!!" And to be clear, for every moment you pop off about abortion and gays, the right can pop off about how important your side finds it to force property owners to rent to their apartments to felons.
  14. I appreciate what you're thinking, Dante, but the reality is that neither Barry nor his supporters give a crap about traffic. The left will keep coming here and their supporters will keep emptying their wallets for access, and weddings will continue to get cancelled so Barry can play a quick 18. If the right had a reason to come here, they'd be doing the same thing.
  15. "Bernie, leave mommy alone!!!" - Gatorman
  16. The Christie attack worked because Rubio never saw it coming. The last thing he figured is that the more progressive Republican candidate (Christie) would be paid off by the devout Democrat to take him out. Undoubtedly, this is no excuse. Rubio screwed it up. But Rubio brings something to the party that no other candidate brings: he's genuine. That doesn't mean he's always right and it doesn't mean it assures him a victory, but he comes across as incredibly likeable...and the one thing EVERYONE agrees is that the only person -- far and away -- less likeable than Trump, is Hillary. Rubio speaks from the heart. His comments following suspension of his campaign were probably some of the best from any candidate at any time in years. One on one -- him versus Hillary -- over four or five months would be very difficult for Hillary to overcome because she does not speak from her heart. She speaks from her wallet.
  17. Hey, I admit Hillary is not much to look at, but we should refrain from making fun of her appearance.
  18. In fairness, so did Chris Christie. At the exact same time. Rubio's problem was Bush. He went full gatorman on him with everything he had because he assumed, wrongly, that Rubio was the one to stop. If Bush went after Trump instead of Rubio, it's safe to say Rubio would still be in it because Trump would have paid Christie to go after Bush, not Marco.
  19. Good for a quick laugh. Bernie and Trump in a town hall.
  20. Were these 'shovel ready' jobs? Because, y'know, according to Obama, SoProgs aren't sure what 'shovel ready' means.
  21. He's been a constitutional guy since forever. What I believe is that the things that scare people - his faith-driven views on marriage and abortion -- are not items that he would attempt to mandate via executive order. If he genuinely is a constitutional conservative (and his resume certainly shows that he is) he'll respect and adhere to the constitution, as opposed to taking the Obama route of treating it like his own monogrammed snotrag. My concerns with Cruz is his lack of executive experience. We've seen how poorly the country is pissed on when it's being led by a short-term Senator with no executive experience. This is where the right VP comes into play. Walker, Martinez, Haley or yes, even Kasich would be great for him. I just wish he were a natural speaker like Rubio. He's not. He's mechanical. Fortunately, so is Hillary.
  22. Some of these on Twitter are pretty funny.
  23. It's not near the GW thing you want it to be because there are plenty of leftists in NY right now, commenting on Twitter how they all have to swipe their cards four or five times to get them to work on the subway turnstiles. That said, why in hell would you take Hillary -- a woman who admits that she is such an elitist that she hasn't driven a car in ten years -- into the bowels of the city with a TV camera crew? She doesn't belong there, and there is absolutely no upside to this photo op. None. This speaks less to Hillary's elitism and more to the idiots running her campaign. She has NY in the bag. Sit down, shut up, and stop showing the world what a 1%er pig you are.
  24. Kasich is the new Huntsman. But thanks for the suggestion. We'll take it under advisement. Completely agree on this. I don't write off Cruz vs. Hillary as quickly, but I'll be curious to see how he does if/when it's him vs. Hillary. Having to keep up with Trump is necessary, but takes Cruz away from a general message. Frankly, if we could get Cruz to speak like Rubio, it would be a different story. Sidenote; good to see you back. Don't spend too much time trying to converse rationally with gatorman. He's not interesting in contributing so much as getting paid to copy/paste far-left talking points and then ignoring people who easily point out the idiocy of his posts.
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