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Everything posted by IDBillzFan

  1. Hey, tell us again how the CBO is a propaganda machine. We'll wait.
  2. They're just doing what Obama, Reid and Biden told them to do. It's bipartisan.
  3. Not to mention, if a Republican made the joke, the media would be asking EVERY Republican to denounce the person and joke, and then the person who told the joke would have to go on the Al Sharpton/Jesse Jackson apology tour before finally being forced into the final atonement for their racism; going down on Paula Dean on the Cooking Channel.
  4. Same here. Then, one day, the concept of "There's no sense getting pissed off about things over which you have no control" finally made sense. It was a difficult transition, to be sure, but it didn't take long for it to become second nature, at which point it became a lot like the moment when, after having quit smoking for a while, it suddenly dawned on me that I must've really smelled like schit for the past 30 years.
  5. Everyone knows about journalistic duty. All journalists have to adhere to it after they take the Hippocratic oath.
  6. On our return from Italy last year, our connecting flight in Heathrow was cancelled. We were in a long line handled by two agents, and this one woman was laying into an agent not unlike what you see in the video. When the lady moved on, the next person started in on her, and while the agent was silent and patient, I kept telling my wife "Man, I hope we don't get her because she looks like she's going to pull a knife on the next customer." Sure enough, we get this woman, and the first thing I said to her was "I' m really sorry for all the grief you're taking. You're not responsible for the flight cancellation. Just let us know where we're going to spend the night and we'll worry about getting home tomorrow." I thought she was going to cry. She spent the next ten minutes on two different phones until she got all three of us on a different airline's flight to LAX that afternoon. Upgraded. No charge. There's a lesson there, I reckon.
  7. It's a little known fact, there, Norm, that the Emperor's use of thumbs up or thumbs down to decide the fate of a gladiator is actually a myth. But I like your thinking.
  8. Yes, but once the California bullet train is completed in 2028, you'll be able to get there in three hours.
  9. Oh, I have a sense of humor. The difference is mine can actually detect things that are humorous.
  10. And she's actually trying to sound like Trump. You have to believe a Trump-Clinton ticket is probably a gatorman election come true.
  11. Is it me, or was this just a headline everyone knew would come? I don't follow the sport, but I have an friend who fights UFC and I am quietly worried for him. Will the death of Carvalho from injuries sustained in a bout cause any changes? Or is this just a case of "They know what they're getting into..."?
  12. Wow. Three syllable words. Must be a proud day in the gatorman family basement.
  13. Kamala Harris is pure SoProg to the bone. She has gone full-goose bozo after the Center For Medical Progress, who helped release all the undercover Planned Parenthood videos. The main guy behind the videos is David Daleiden, and she just recently sent 11 agents to raid him home for...y'know...who knows. It's apparently a right of passage for her to make a Senate run. Welcome to Obama's America. You will be made to care. Or get raided to make you shut up.
  14. It's the SoProg way. It's not fair that some people earn more than others, and only the government knows how to make things fair. We should keep their social security, too. I mean, yeah, they paid in, but they don't need it so they should be forced to give it to someone else. Idiots.
  15. This post proves once again that when someone like birdog is constantly telling you how smart they are, it's a sure sign that they really aren't. Thanks for contributing, birdog. We anticipate your next insightful and thought-provoking post. I'm sure it will be riveting.
  16. No question. But here's the thing: he's speaking to a bunch of students at UB. Shouldn't at least SOME of them recognize that what he's proposing is simply impossible? Or did they all get into UB on the Gatorman Scholarship where you just have to show up, copy something, paste something, and put your hand out for your diploma?
  17. I follow Hannah Buehler from 7 Eyewitness news on Twitter, and her feed for the past 30 minutes has been like reading Bernie Sanders greatest hits. It's frankly embarrassing how so many people can be so gatorman-level stupid. He throws them these words, they cheer wildly, but at no point does anyone ask "Hey, Bernie, how are we going to pay for this?" Here's what they're cheering... Sanders sure says a lot of stupid crap.
  18. Almost forgot to point this one out to you as well; despite your again confusing health care and health insurance, let me remind you that prior to ACA, employers were NOT mandated to provide health insurance coverage to their employees. You DID know that, didn't you?
  19. Another problem with your thinking is you try to pass it off as 'metrics.' Here's a metric for you. Either way...it makes it abundantly clear that every industrialized nation does NOT beat the US in performance just because you say it does Oh, wait. Let me guess. The report put out by the Canadian Institute for Health Information is just another anecdote because it doesn't support your made-up view. Give it up. We've seen what our government does for its vets. I'll take a pass, thank you.
  20. One problem with your thinking is you justify single payer based on the fact that health insurance costs are a burden to private and public employers. The truth, however, is that if it was a burden, it was a burden by choice to provide a benefit when hiring and retaining talent. It was no more a burden than offering a cafeteria, or gym membership, or Costo membership. It was considered the cost of doing business to retain good help, and was factored in to your company's cost for whatever product or services they sell. So please spare us with the "We're from the government and want to lessen your burden" crap because only far left nutbags buy that story. The other problem with your thinking is you say Canada, Germany, etc. all have better health care than the US, but what is it that defines "better health care?" Have you talked to everyone Canada? Are you aware of how many Canadians come to the US for health care because their medical profession is so backed up and disorganized? Did you know that the average Canadian has to wait up to almost three months before they can get an MRI? The average wait for hip replacement? Six months. Is that your idea of "better health care?" If you thought you were facing a horrible illness, and were in constant pain and needed help, tell me how happy you'd be if you first had to wait three months for an MRI. You're selling bunk. The only people who think everyone has it better than the US are people who are never, ever, ever satisfied until they can have the government run everything for everyone...because that's the only way you extreme leftists no how to think.
  21. Fine, but you also called the CBO report "propaganda." What is about that report that strikes you as propaganda? Or did you use yet another word for which you don't understand the definition?
  22. He's LeBron, baby. He can play at this level. He's got game!
  23. Never mind him. Stay focused. You called the CBO report propaganda. Why is it propaganda?
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