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Everything posted by IDBillzFan

  1. But hey, SoProgs, please tell us again how screwed up the Republican Party is, okay? I think Bernie is a nutbag, but the DNC is making a mockery of their entire party.
  2. I can never see their names without this coming to mind.
  3. Say again...what are the rules?
  4. I completely agree. I look forward to him finishing his final year in the WH come January. If you can't see what was wrong with Benghazi, no one is going to convince you otherwise, but let me just remind you what happened: Obama and Clinton intentionally left four Americans for dead after refusing to send help, followed by weeks of lying to the American people that it was caused by a Youtube video (for which the video creator was promptly pulled from his house and put in prison before being left to live in a homeless shelter), followed by lying about lying about the Youtube video to the families of the Benghazi victims...followed by the best part of all...Hillary claiming that the families of the victims were the ones lying all the time. It would take a SoProg of Hillary proportions to see that event as anything other one of the most embarrassing moments in recent American history. You should be ashamed of the way that was handled. But of course, we know better, as you prepare to cast your vote for Hillary.
  5. It's amazing to me that you're not a YUUUUGE Donald Trump fan because you sound just like him! SAD!
  6. With respect to the good Mr. Vader, let me suggest you only do this if it's the kind of thing you really enjoy. Everyone told me when I was in Vegas that I should go see Cirque's show called "O!" After 20 minutes, I realized where they got the title of the show. It was short for "O, for phucks' sake, why did I blow $100 a ticket on this crap!?"
  7. They look to have the same tailor.
  8. You would think a successful businessman like Trump would understand it's never enough to be able to get the dishes to spin on sticks. I'm really starting to believe he just thought he was going to win this thing American Idol style.
  9. Low budget and Vegas are generally not two things that work well together, but assuming you don't get out much, I would recommend the Bellagio fountain show at night. Lists of times are here. Walking through the Forum Shops at Caesers is kinda fun if you like to people watch. And if you find yourself in the mood to drop a bunch of dough on an amazing meal, avoid the Vegas standard fare and go old school to Piero's. Eat like it matters to you. If you end up in strip clubs, remember this important rule: the difference between when one EDM song starts and the next one finishes can be the difference between $20 and $120.
  10. Now available from the Cruz camp...some damn funny trolling of the Trumpster:
  11. Yet I'm sure when Hillary releases her personal taxes, she'll have a similar income since she uses her foundation to launder her money.
  12. I had no idea Sanders was wealthy. You wouldn't know it from the way he talks and dresses.
  13. Seriously. "The good news is that there's not really good news, but something that looks like it may be good news for a very small number, but no one really knows what it means overall...but here's a story to make you think there's good news anyway." Tailor-made for the non-thinking nutbags like gatorman.
  14. What are you talking about? The far left absolutely hates Jews. Have you seen the way this WH treats Netanyahu? They overwhelming hate Jews. Period. And talking in favor of Palestine is absolutely playing to the base. That said, I have many Jewish friends and because they're not particularly fans of Netanyahu, the person, they still vote for Obama without realizing that there is a difference between them not liking Netanyahu the person...and the far left simply hating Jews in general. I have no idea why that is.
  15. You're also assuming, I think, that Sanders is a practicing Jew. At a previous town hall, someone asked him about his faith, and his answer was second in comedy only to his answer about how he planned to break up the banks. It was so bad, even Trump was more convincing as a Christian, and that's after he referenced "Two Corinthians" and how the Bible verse he turns to most has to do with that eye-for-an-eye thing. Sanders is no more Jewish than Trump is a Christian, so it means nothing for him to play to the base by sympathizing with the Palestinians.
  16. Which is why responding to his requests are useless. He has no intention of being educated or swayed. He intends, as most die-hard SoProgs often do, to make noise, rattle cages, question results, and then piss himself as he moves the goal posts when someone provides a thoughtful response. Much like gatorman, if your'e not telling him something he already believes, you are unequivocally wrong.
  17. It likely will also be studied in broadcast journalism ethics classes: How To Stay Relevant In The Age of the 24/7 News Cycle. 1. Point camera at complete idiots. 2. Turn on camera. 3. Turn on microphone. 4. Wait. This started the moment the SAG strike took place in 2000. In lieu of actors, TV producers turned the cameras to Joe Average Nutbag, and the concept became unexpectedly, wildly successful. Turns out America loves to watch people who are more stupid than them. In fact, that's why I'm against banning gatorman. He's like the Donald Trump of this board; stupid beyond belief, but sadly fun to watch chew on his foot all the time.
  18. Reuters is what I imagine a news agency would look like if gatorman were the editor in chief.
  19. Oddly, that is precisely how I envision gatorman looking.
  20. Please. I've been banned more times than you've successfully used a toilet. The truth is, most people get banned for beating a dead horse. You're just a waste of bandwidth. What really needs to happen is everyone needs to put you on ignore. The board is a better place when the only person you're talking to is yourself signed in as ...lybob.
  21. +10 My add jumps four spots because based on the number of posts I've got, it makes me a superdelegate.
  22. Gee, imagine if Trump spent more time talking about this crap than whining about how unfair it is that he's too disorganized to understand how the primaries work.
  23. Says the card-carrying member of the Anthony Weiner party. Yeah, that's how freaking stupid you sound. Dumbass.
  24. If HIllary wins, the Senate should do precisely what it is doing: advise and, ultimately, consent. Or not.
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