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Everything posted by IDBillzFan

  1. You can pretend I wrote that to make your point, but please go hunting for all the times I wrote that Cruz has been wiping the floor with Hillary in national polls. Go ahead. We'll wait. While you're wasting your time trying to prove something I never said, I don't need to pretend that Trump is anything other than a long-term Democrat, who fed money to Hillary, Reid and Pelosi over the past 40 years, and could not give one living schitt about you, me, or anything that includes the word "America." He's a leftwing nutbag who has managed to con a bunch of previously smart conservative people. That's it. Nothing more. Nothing less. When this is over, we'll all find out who was right and who was conned.
  2. What the hell? Since Obama has been in office, the GOP has gained over 900 state and federal government seats. And when the nutbag who has control of the WH, House and Senate spends his first year forcing a trillion dollar money laundering scheme called "stimulus" on everyone, while also screwing up the country's health insurance with a plan intended to force America to single payer, the best thing to do is obstruct the ever-loving crap out the DNC and get hold the WH again.
  3. What are you talking about? The result is still the same. If Trump wins the nomination, he gets his ass handed to him...and in all likelihood you're looking at all GOP gains at all levels over the last eight years getting wiped out. Hillary with the WH, House and Senate. Every reasonable person sees this with the Trump nomination. Hell, I wish I was at least the kind of person who enjoys saying "I told you so" because if Trump gets the nod, it'll be the biggest, fattest, most amazing "I told you so" of all times. Believe me. I talk to people. They tell me all the time how yuuuuge it's going to be. The biggest. Ever. He's a dump phuck and will embarrass everyone. Mark my words.
  4. Except there will be no Trump presidency. The same people who point to polls with him winning Indiana and California are the same people who refuse to acknowledge the polls showing Clinton beating Trump so badly he'll barely be allowed to clean the toilets at Trump Towers. Then she'll make him a czar of some sort, and you'll all sit around thinking "Why was I the only one who didn't see this coming?"
  5. He didn't mop up. He got what the entire thinking world knew he would get. But hey...I'm sure the media loves you adding to their hype.
  6. What makes you think that?
  7. You mean like Vox? Or Huffington Post? Judicial Watch has been one of the biggest contributors to deeper Benghazi reporting. It's the conservative raspberry seed stuck in the liberal wisdom tooth. Wait. Let me guess. You used to subscribe back when you were a conservative, but then you changed...
  8. I particularly love how stupid progressives sound when, in one moment, they argue it's 'just too difficult' for adult minorities to acquire a photo ID, and in the next moment argue that even a child can legally buy an automatic weapon online. They argue that men are, generally, abusive to women in the way they are treated, hired, and paid, and the best way to ensure that men stop being abusive to women is to ensure it's perfectly okay for the men to use the women's public bathroom and showers. They argue that we need to boycott and fine companies who treat gays poorly, but argue you must not boycott and fine companies who openly do business in countries where gays are hung in the public square. The party of gatorman. In all its glory.
  9. Perhaps it will make it better for you if I tell you that while I'm eating my wings with hot sauce on the side, I identify as someone who eats their wings covered in hot sauce. Are you doing them smash-style? I dig making burgers that way, but lately I sous-vide them first, then char them in the cast iron with butter.
  10. Not if he doesn't hit the magic number. He sounds like gatorman whining about Hillary.
  11. You can't be a conservative arguing (correctly) that the current administration mistreats our vets, then have the GOP frontrunner hold a vet charity where virtually no money can be accounted and, when asked, the reply is essentially "Not my problem." Why, it's almost like laundering money through a "foundation" or something. It should not be acceptable to anyone of any political stripe, but particularly to someone who wants to be president.
  12. I hear tell in some parts that people have a hole under their house and they call it a basement. It used to be a place to keep things like water heaters and ping-pong tables, but nowaways I'm told it's mostly a place where 20-somethings with art history degrees spend their time on the internet arguing over things like "Kirk or Picard" or whether the Bills needs another corner.
  13. A little bit, but nothing like the deep fryer, in part because I never use the same oil twice. I think my problem with the deep fryer was the idea of re-using the oil, even if you strained it.
  14. Trump Raises $6M for Vets...Campaign Doesn't Know Where Money Is. I'm sure the Trumpster Divers are upset about this. Or are they?
  15. There's your problem. I used to use a deep fryer but ultimately had to move it outside because it stunk up the house. Screw that. Cast iron skillet...oil...medium heat...splatter screen...bunch of beers...none of the deep fryer smell...all of the crispy goodness. SAD!!
  16. Not to be outdone, in honor of Prince, William Shatner tweeted out his favorite photo of ... yes...you guessed it... ...the purple nurple.
  17. It's also, however, the absolute easiest thing to make at home. You essentially need six ingredients: wings, oil, butter, Franks, vinegar, and a little pickle juice.
  18. I'll take your word for it. I just don't remember people get this spun up when Slim Whitman died, and he killed Martians.
  19. Forgive me for not reading through this entire thread, but I'm curious: am I the only one who doesn't get why pretty much everyone is making a big deal out of Prince's death?
  20. I'm surprised he responded before the autopsy was released. If Obama finds out Prince was shot by an illegal alien, he may have to retract his comments. "While we're saddened by the loss of the guitar guy, the US wants to apologize to all Mexicans for letting an American get in the way of one of your bullets."
  21. She's Hillary's Valerie Jarrett and wife of Democratic Penis-Tweeter Anthony Weiner. When they're in the WH, it will be a great day for women everywhere who believe the problems with their cheating husbands are the slutwhorebitches their husbands prey upon from a position of power.
  22. If it works for the Clinton Foundation, then yes...yes it is.
  23. For those of you starting to see the light. Relax. You're almost there.
  24. I must have my wings crispy, and the only way I enjoy them any more is with the hot sauce on the side.
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