One of the things that disappointed me with Trump was how many people I considered true conservatives flocked to his money. Voices like Coulter, Ingraham, Rush, Hannity, Bolling, etc have lined themselves up for his cash.
Suddenly I realized that pretty much all of Fox News was Trump all day, every day. Outside of Special Report, you couldn't turn on any Fox opinion show without Trump either in the room or on the phone. I don't watch or listen to Hannity, but Twitter let me know that Trump was a regular "town hall" every other day. Then he was on O'Reilly all the time. Then he was on Greta all the time, which is too bad because she always had a very good show with lots of people from both sides of the House and Senate.
I finally couldn't take it any more and just turned it off completely. Apparently I'm not alone.
For the first time in 14 years, CNN is now kicking the schitt out of FOX.