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Everything posted by IDBillzFan

  1. Sadly, I can't tell if you're joking or actually quoting Trump.
  2. Other than that, he's just swell!
  3. From Johnson to Flutie to Losman to Edwards to Fitz to EJ to Tyrod, it amazes me how many of you knew all along that each and every one of them was going to suck. You'd think more of you would work in the NFL instead of the Piggly Wiggly.
  4. Pass. I'll stick with this song, and just wait for rest of you to realize you'll have to sing along before it's over. I genuinely wish the consequences weren't so dire so I could just sit back, point and laugh when it's done. Unfortunately, it won't be funny, and standing around saying "Gee, I guess I was wrong about Trump" won't be enough to make you feel better.
  5. That honestly doesn't even make sense. Trump is poison. But hey..some of you like a whiter shade of Obama, so to each his own.
  6. Schitt. It was so quiet there for a minute. No one was responding to his gradeschool posts. Everyone was just, pretty much, ignoring him. But then came Monday...
  7. Some of us warned about this type of ad when it looked like Trump was gaining steam. The Trumpster Divers thought it was ridiculous. Not so ridiculous. Here's the pig about to be slaughtered by the left..and this is just a down ticket race. Pick an idiot. Lose like an idiot.
  8. Understood, but to me there's a difference between chasing the money and chasing Trump's money. It just seems to me that it's SO MUCH easier to recognize Trump as a left-wing nutbag with nothing but a gimmick that people who make a living chattering to conservatives would try to preserve their brand instead of give in to the low-hanging fruit. Was WAY wrong about that.
  9. One of the things that disappointed me with Trump was how many people I considered true conservatives flocked to his money. Voices like Coulter, Ingraham, Rush, Hannity, Bolling, etc have lined themselves up for his cash. Suddenly I realized that pretty much all of Fox News was Trump all day, every day. Outside of Special Report, you couldn't turn on any Fox opinion show without Trump either in the room or on the phone. I don't watch or listen to Hannity, but Twitter let me know that Trump was a regular "town hall" every other day. Then he was on O'Reilly all the time. Then he was on Greta all the time, which is too bad because she always had a very good show with lots of people from both sides of the House and Senate. I finally couldn't take it any more and just turned it off completely. Apparently I'm not alone. For the first time in 14 years, CNN is now kicking the schitt out of FOX.
  10. So we had a pick in the second round, we used the pick to get this guy in the second round, and that means we lost the pick? Leeeee Haarrrvey. YOU are a MADMAN! I want to party with you, cowboy!
  11. Ummmm...this isn't usually the playground I prefer, but where did we lose a 2nd? I mean, didn't we just USE a second to get him? But hey...love the enthusiasm! Keep it up!
  12. So Cruz wouldn't have made a deal with a guy who everyone knew had no intention on carrying it through? Gee. Sure glad we avoided that embarrassment.
  13. Because gatorman literally knows nothing about the Missing Man Table.
  14. Beating people to silence them. Sending the IRS after people to silence them. Boycotting states to silence them. Blocking entrances to seminars to silence them. Blocking highways to disrupt traffic to silence them. The left sure has a problem when it comes to anyone offering a differing opinion. But...you know...tolerance, amirite?
  15. Ferrell backs out of movie.
  16. gatorman tried to use it to pay for his education...and they accepted it as payment.
  17. It's always someone else's fault with this WH: I really look forward to the day when the WH is occupied by a person who isn't as thin-skinned and quick to blame others . Someone like Donald Trump.
  18. Half of them will probably try to use it to pay their rent.
  19. If they're mad about this, wait 'til they find out the tryout requirements at Club Paradise in Vegas.
  20. Obama reneged on that deal and people on both sides of the aisle agree to that point. At the last minute, after the deal was agreed to in principle, Obama got grief from the far left that he was not getting enough, so like the unseasoned leader that he is, he upped an ante he knew Boehner couldn't get done. Blaming Cruz is just stupid.
  21. When people think of great presidents, they think of great quotes. When they think of dumbasses, they think of Obama. Potus tweets this today:
  22. If Trump gets the nomination, the GOP will burn from the inside out, and you'll sooner see conservatives abandoning the party in droves. Says the guy who retired early because of people like Cruz. I liked Boehner, but he was part of the problem, not the solution. The minute he saw Cantor get killed, he began his exit strategy because conservatives were no longer interested in playing the same role the gatormans play for the left. Think you'll ever see Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi or Barbara Boxer get beat? No way in hell. Because the left does as it's told above all else. The conservatives gave Boehner and McConnell the world, and they pissed all over the opportunity. That is why you're hearing and seeing the GOP schitt the bed on this election.
  23. Maybe this time...
  24. Way to support the leftist narrative. Ensure you point out how she belongs in the kitchen. That's always a winner.
  25. Still waiting to see where I insist -- as you suggested -- that national polls show Cruz wiping the floor with Hillary. You do understand the difference between what you said I said, and what I actually wrote, no? Likely not. One thing I've learned from this election: Trump doesn't draw the brightest bulbs. We'll keep waiting.
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