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Everything posted by IDBillzFan

  1. You have to wonder at what point the Trumpster Divers start realizing the yuge mistake they've made handing him the GOP nom.
  2. Or lying about why you left four Americans for dead in Benghazi.
  3. Such inability to string three simple words together to make a coherent sentence.
  4. I'm surprised you're here today. What, with it being Mother's Day, I figured you were working this day hard to get an extra year in the basement with a wifi password.
  5. And let's not forget gatorman's economics lesson: if all companies are forced to pay $15/hour, there will be greater demand for their product, and their revenue will increase so they can afford to pay the higher wage! I don't know why EVERYONE doesn't increase payroll!
  6. Turns out...the entire deal was a con by the WH. Not that anyone should be surprised. It's just odd that they admit it so openly. Not that the left would care, really, given how little they ever think for themselves.
  7. Who tastes like chicken?
  8. Some would argue this is what happens when the anti-Christian far left dominates the conversation by insisting taxpayers should foot the bill for Planned Parenthood to extract still-living fetuses so they can snip the spine before removing body parts they sell for a profit. Some would argue that this is what happens when the anti-Christian far left insists that a adult man in a dress should be allowed to pull out his dick in the same bathroom as a little girl. Some would argue this is what happens when the far left yells that we must boycott Chick-Fil-A because the owner is a Christian who believes in same sex marriage, but still continue to pay for things with PayPal, who does business in many countries with very, very strict anti-LBGT policies. Some would argue. Not you, I'm sure, because it's easier to just think it's some far right Christian nutbag instead of the ever-present far left anti-Christian nutbags.
  9. All according to plan. Well done, SoProgs. Well done.
  10. Question number 1 for Trump: Do you think Hillary had Vince Foster killed? Go ahead. Ask him. I'll get the popcorn ready.
  11. As you prepare to pull the lever for Hillary, it'll go from cheering to full-throated endorsement.
  12. Says the guy who cheers at the death of American soldiers and ambassadors, and repeatedly cheers the president who is largely responsible for the sorry state of the economy. Who's cheering for American to do badly again?
  13. That's pretty damning. I'm sure the media is going to pounce all over this. Right after they take her to task for her email server and leaving four Americans for dead in Benghazi.
  14. He thinks the Lord came over him and told him to ditch the woman and her car? The DNC has to be licking their chops at what is about to unfold for the next few months.
  15. I have a new favorite website: TrumpBart The headlines are perfect: Democrats Congratulate Themselves for Having Two Liberal Candidates To Choose From Donald Trump Looks to be First Candidate To Win Presidency with 0% Support From Women Despite Media Lies, Trump Steaks is Still A Thriving Business See Here's A Photo
  16. I'll go with Elizabeth Warren.
  17. Given how much Trump is a thin-skinned, whiny, blame-others, mind-changing liberal like Obama, I can see the validity there.
  18. I would not be surprised if this was a Clinton/Trump plan at all. We'll see what position or favors Hillary does for Trump once she gets done with her landslide. And this just in: Ben Carson says Trump could choose a Democrat as VP. Well played, Trumpsters. Well played. Trump-Sanders 2016: Feel The Combover Bern!
  19. No, no...Trump is different! Trump has my back! Trump really cares about America! He's gonna get me my scalp! He's gonna build a wall! He's just like Reagan! Except orange. And liberal. And undisciplined. And thin-skinned. And whiny. Okay, he's nothing like Reagan...BUT HE'S JUST LIKE REAGAN! Best con ever. Gonna hand him that.
  20. Donald Trump Position Flip Flop Checklist 2016 Minimum Wage - Check Self-Fund Campaign - Check Tax Plan - Check Build A Wall Destroy Isis Repeal Obamacare Unite Country
  21. This is really the problem with the Trump Davidians. They don't understand -- or at least refuse to accept -- what he would genuinely do as President. They just want a scalp. Any scalp. They can't hear him talk about infrastructure spending (like Obama and Hillary), the love of the individual health care mandate (like Obama and Hillary), the love of Planned Parenthood (like Obama and Hillary), and that doesn't even begin to talk about his "friendship" with Putin under what is an otherwise incoherent foreign policy past some Miss South Carolina-like blabber about how as if, we must, and therefore destroy ISIS. They want a scalp, consequences be damned. In fact, they want a scalp so badly, they're turning on the very people they need to help get a scalp that will have any value. I'm watching the Breitbarts and Drudges and Coulters and Hannitys etc. just ravage through anyone who dare challenge them...and unfortunately for them, the people they're ravaging are conservatives who genuinely aren't falling for the con. Best opportunity in years...and they pissed all over it.
  22. I can't wait for someone to ask Trump if he thinks Hillary killed Vince Foster. Enquiring minds want to know.
  23. He's JUST the right person to send in to teach the political parties a lesson. Believe me. People tell me all the time. He's the smartest person he knows. This is going to be amazing. Best you ever seen.
  24. Trump changes mind on minimum wage. Gee...ya think, Donald? He sure likes to change his position on things. If only someone saw this coming. Oh, well....
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