This is really the problem with the Trump Davidians. They don't understand -- or at least refuse to accept -- what he would genuinely do as President. They just want a scalp. Any scalp.
They can't hear him talk about infrastructure spending (like Obama and Hillary), the love of the individual health care mandate (like Obama and Hillary), the love of Planned Parenthood (like Obama and Hillary), and that doesn't even begin to talk about his "friendship" with Putin under what is an otherwise incoherent foreign policy past some Miss South Carolina-like blabber about how as if, we must, and therefore destroy ISIS.
They want a scalp, consequences be damned.
In fact, they want a scalp so badly, they're turning on the very people they need to help get a scalp that will have any value. I'm watching the Breitbarts and Drudges and Coulters and Hannitys etc. just ravage through anyone who dare challenge them...and unfortunately for them, the people they're ravaging are conservatives who genuinely aren't falling for the con.
Best opportunity in years...and they pissed all over it.