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Everything posted by IDBillzFan

  1. It better be, because if this becomes a civil war, it'll be over so quickly the left will be sitting in a pile of their own schitt trying to figure out who they can blame for their historic defeat. Remember who has all the guns. It ain't the ones prancing around in taffeta skirts and punching 78-year-old women.
  2. Oh, please. You're acting like one day they let rioters run rampant destroying the city and the next day they welded the gates to a Jewish playground shut. You're just another conspiracy dude.
  3. Kinda like all those NY nursing home deaths are on Cuomo, right?
  4. The saddest Arkancides are the one you see coming. Let me be the first to say, "Rest in peace, Ghislaine."
  5. That would be fine if Biden wasn't suffering from dementia, or at least facing the belief by millions of people, that he's suffering from dementia. Eliminate the dementia angle, and I get your point. But all Trump has to say is "Is it really my tax returns, or are you afraid to display your dementia to people." He follows this repeatedly with "Biden must fear showing his dementia" over and over and you'll quickly learn that no one of importance cares about Trumps taxes NEAR as much as they are concerned that the next Democratic president looks to have the cognitive skills of a baked potato. UNLESS Biden shows his dementia on the debate stage. The Dems would bleed out voters. They wouldn't vote for Trump, obviously, but they will stay home and refuse to vote for a guy who goes blank because his brain is tapioca.
  6. Terrible idea. I mean, if Biden were running against someone like Pence, etc., I could kind see that strategy, but Trump would destroy Sloppy Joe 24/7 because the dementia thing is being discussed on a global scale by everyone. "Is Sloppy Joe afraid to show his dementia to the world in a debate?" Joe needs the debates to prove he's not a vegetable. Coming up with a childish ploy to avoid debates would seal it for the few people who still think Biden can complete a full sentence without soiling his Depends.
  7. Looks like the NYT is all in on going batschittcrazy left. Good for them. I'm sure it will help their credibility issues.
  8. But also ballsy as schitt. Gotta hand it to her. Hundreds of people tearing down their gate and threatening to kill them, and she stood her ground. God Bless America.
  9. Oh, please. They stood their ground to protect their property. You want to run and hide. It doesn't mean everyone should. God bless that couple for standing up to the pigs who were out to destroy their house.
  10. Or Kamala Harris. It's funny how leftists judge everyone almost exclusively based on skin color, but miraculously become color blind the moment their ignorant narrative falls apart.
  11. Don't mistake "batschittcrazy" with the inability to generate original thought. They simply get told what to be angry about, and then get angry about it, without first making sure there's a reason to be angry. I've said it repeatedly: I could never be a Democrat simply based on how stupid they need you to be.
  12. Meanwhile, in leftist land, Tibs and Penfield go for a walk.
  13. Leftists have the be the dumbest people on the planet. Black Lives Matter! But only the ones who agree with me!
  14. Why do you need to lower their salaries to provide more money for training and education? Why can't they just do better training and education? Why take money from the the people who protect us every day?
  15. But you haven't answered the question. How does less money to the police equal more justice for unarmed black people? This is what you have argued, so you must have some point to support your statement. Also, we discussed the jet skis (for patrolling the three public lakes in Austin) and cheese puffs (snacks on hand for when they bring in victims of domestic violence). But your inability to understand those truths notwithstanding, answer the question above. Or perhaps you really don't know what you mean when you say "Defund the police."
  16. Hey, now that you're back from polluting the football side of the board, let's revisit my previous question. You wrote this: Can you explain to everyone how giving the police less money will reduce the number of times a police officer kills an unarmed black person? Please be specific and use your own words. Thanks.
  17. It'll be fun watching Pat* defenders explain how no matter how many times the Pats* have been penalized for cheating, they were never really cheating. Cheaters gonna cheat.
  18. I'm curious...can the "Oh, no, it was fun while it lasted but now the Bills will suck again" people tell me why, if this is an immediate slam-dunk crusher of a move by the Pats* that ends the Bills 2020 season, why it took them this long to make a deal with Cam? And why only a one-year deal with no incentives? I'll wait.
  19. My bad. I had just pointed it out to him upstream a moment ago.
  20. Skin color. Again. It's all you see and specifically how you judge people. What a POS racist you are.
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