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Everything posted by IDBillzFan

  1. My wife suffered from an extreme case of endometriosis, and before they could figure out what it was, they started with pain mgt. because she was in and out of the hospital every week or so. She wore a fentanyl patch for weeks, and while it managed to control the pain, she spent most of her time on the couch basically just staring around at stuff.
  2. Apparently, neither is PPP.
  3. You see a failure. Obama sees everything falling right into place as planned.
  4. How in the world does this kid remind you of someone with ADHD? Did you have breakfast with him before he went to the zoo? Did he come over to your house Christmas morning? Do you vacation with his parents? Or do watch the news and make an assumption for the sake of taking a contrary position? Another name for a 4-year-old boy who is hyper is "a 4-year-old boy." My son was so hyper, he kicked his way out of his mom 5 weeks early. Fortunately the doctor game him ADD meds right after the cord was cut because he clearly saw a child who would one day endanger a zoo gorilla.
  5. Now the four year old has issues because he crawled through a fence to see the gorilla? SMDH.
  6. Ridiculous. You don't know anything more about this event than the next rubbernecker, and the fact that you are convinced of what this mother should or shouldn't have been doing is just nonsense. The woman's son fell into a pit with a 400 lb gorilla, and she's probably STILL crapping purple Twinkies as I type this. People are imperfect. They make mistakes. And frankly it kind of bugs me how so many people find it necessary to stand in judgement of someone when the sum total of their knowledge of what actually happened can be written down on a piece of paper, crumbled up and comfortably shoved up the ass of a gnat.
  7. What you said was this: The reason everyone is mocking your idiocy is because the absolute exact same thing could be said about Hillary. But apparently you're too intellectual to connect those ridiculously simple dots.
  8. No borders. At all.
  9. For crying out loud, you dumbass, and neither of them is a sitting president yet. Either stop posting illogical crap or at least stop trying to pass yourself off as intelligent.
  10. Gee, does anyone remember the old days when conservatives were questoning Trump about the misssing money from his Vets charity, and no one else in the press was interested? Hmmmmm. What could have changed between then and now? Enquiring minds want to know.
  11. Anyone who tries to negatively define one candidate without making the obvious point that what he is saying defines all candidates, is a loser. You would think a 'genius' would have said "I think Trump is a demagogue, but the same can be said about Hillary and Bernie." But no. Because even a genius has to appeal to the lowest common denominator.
  12. He's going to make an awesome president spectacle.
  13. For all the interviewing I do and have done, the simple truth is they can have a wall filled with diplomas and letters of recommendation and I can sniff out an entitled snot in a moment. All the diplomas and letters mean jackschitt...except to the people who either have them, or hand them out. Be on time. Dress appropriately. Ask questions about the company or your role in the company, not how many vacation and sick days you get. Ask about opportunity for growth, not for a special favor to take off your third week at work for a a trip you're thinking of taking. Quite honestly, anyone who is completely stupid enough to scream at the dean of their university is too stupid for retail. They're too stupid for anything. Except maybe community organizing.
  14. Frankly, I can't wait for this schitshow to get started. Think about it...an entire workforce made up of gatormans/...lybobs and birdogs, losing their collective minds when they realize they're too pussified for a real job and unable to land a job at Wendys because the robots beat the $15/hr min wage argument. There has to be money hosting a website where people post videos of these nutbags losing their schit when reality hits them.
  15. Harvard Students turn on their Dean. Ivy league educators lose control of their beast. Impossible to express how embarrassed I'd be if my child were part of this chorus.
  16. Frankly, I was more put off by the photo of the midget chick on the stripper pole. That's just wrong.
  17. Man, some of you guys have long memories.
  18. So sorry to hear of your loss, Guff, but I'm thankful you had that last moment before she was gone. I echo what Darin said. You have just the kind of home a shelter dog would love living in.
  19. It absolutely blows me away how many crazy people there are about this freaking thing. It's even more asinine when they refer to the the gorilla by his first name, like they're pen pals, and lament about how horrible these parents must be. Do me a favor, if you really think this is your idea of bad parenting, get out of your pretty little bubble and drive to poorest part of your nearest city. Spend the day walking around and then get back to me about what you consider to be bad parenting and inhumane treatment of an animal.
  20. The only difference between Trump and Obama is one is white and worked for a living. Otherwise, Trump and Obama are flip sides of the same crybaby.
  21. Unlike HIllary, who we absolutely know will ignore the rule of law, launder funds from foreign countries to cut uranium deals for friends, abuse women who sleep with her husband, and lie directly to the faces of families who lost loved ones that she and the WH left for dead. Hillary 2016: Fighting For Us...And By "Us" I Mean "Me."
  22. Jerry Brown's cap-and-trade scam, designed to make up the "unexpected costs for his over-budget bullet train, is about to implode. My favorite part is the second paragraph; typical far left economics...put in place a $3B spending plan based on money you think might be generated. Well, I'm sure Jerry will find a way to come up with that money one way or another. Time for some Californians to start paying their fair share...again.
  23. If you think Biden and Warren are a good ticket, you're a lot of things, but an independent is not one of them.
  24. What is it with you SoProgs that you are so focused on what someone looks like? Is there a reason you need to do that? If you're not pointing out how white or black someone is, you're pointing out how silly or ugly they look. Party of tolerancy, I guess.
  25. Do you notice how the more this moron speaks before he thinks, the less you see his supporters around here? The entire Trump presidency could literally be "Make a statement on Monday. Spend the rest of the week explaining away the comment until he gets to Friday, when he makes a statement such as "I like banana splits! They're amazing." It's like watching gatorman run for president.
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