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Everything posted by IDBillzFan

  1. It's not stupidity. It's a plan. When you listen to the rhetoric that comes from leftists like gatorman/...lybob, birdog, baskin, etc., they believe in an America that is controlled exclusively by the federal government. What you eat. Where you go. What you're paid. What you drive. How you're educated. How you get a house. On and on. To them, the citizens can not be left to think for themselves, and only the government can make the proper choices for everyone. In their minds, this would be much easier to do if the only people who had guns worked for the federal government.
  2. This just in: ACLU says Orlando shooting caused by GOP and Christians.
  3. Fixed. As predictable as every other SoProg nutbag.
  4. Unable to develop independent thought, you attempt to mimic and mock your way past the predictability of your ideologies. I'm watching the Twitter world embarrass the living snotrag out of people like you who see a Islamic terrorist attack on US soil against homosexuals, and immediately think 'US gun control.' But hey...at least you didn't piss off any Muslims, so you've got that going for you, amirite? Nutbag.
  5. He's just following script. This is the party of baskin, gatorman/...lybyob, birdog, etc. Over 50 gays murdered by an Islamic terrorist on US soil, and the first thought is about buying weapons at a gun show. Because, y'know, we don't want to offend the Muslims. If you look at what is happening right now in Orlando and your first thought is about gun shows, you really don't give a schitt about what happened in Orlando. You only care about pushing an agenda.
  6. The state is referring to it as Islamic Terror, so yes, if if makes you feel better, it was a hate crime against gays. Right on cue. The nutbag left wants you to know this isn't about terrorism. It's about guns. If there were no gun shows, this would have been avoided. It's amazing to me how much dumbassery comes out of the left when a tragedy like this hits. Will the left be praying for the victims and families, or will they run another Daily News headline explaining that God isn't going to fix this...and that only the government can make this right?
  7. Can you point out in my post where I was specificlly critical of a woman trying to make money as a whore? We'll wait.
  8. I understand that. My larger point was that while using the phrase "out of work" is incorrect, that does mean an unemployment rate of 4.7% due to 94M out of the workforce is a good thing. As I mentioned earlier, suggesting (as the left does) that the economy is doing well because the unemployment rate is 4.7% has all the honesty of saying Clinton created a budget surplus.
  9. Only the recovering ones.
  10. Exactly. There aren't 90M adults out of work. There are 90M adults who are no longer in the workforce because the economy is so craptastic that they are literally unable to find any kind of viable job. Bottom line: 4.7% unemployment! Cha-ching! That's change you can live with!
  11. I believe this is what baskin refers to as Obama having "millions LESS illegal immigrants than the Bush years."
  12. I believe this is what baskin refers to as a "relatively good economy" for which Obama deserves credit.
  13. It seems like only yesterday the GOP was a white hot mess and the DNC was all in line for Hillary. Guess who's the white hot mess now? Sanders: We will have a contested convention. Man, oh, man, this is going to be awesome.
  14. This is one of those posts that make you realize that the Democrat party is filled with a lot of things, but intelligent people ain't one of them. They're going to brag for years about how Obama lowered the unemployment rate. Much like we hear how Clinton created a budget surplus.
  15. This is CA. You don't even have to be a legal resident and you can still vote. And get health care. And free phones. And welfare. And housing. And freedom from being arrested. And the option to sit on jury duty. We're a sanctuary state, baby. Get your piece of it now!
  16. Privileged white B word had it coming.[/tolerantleftposition]
  17. I flew back to LA from Chicago with him about 15 years ago, back when business travel kept me in first class. He was in pretty rough shape on that trip, and what I remember more than anything was how lovingly his wife took care of him; cutting his food and feeding him, etc. She stayed in my mind long after that trip. We landed after midnight, and when we were on the ground I got my first glimpse of professional autograph seekers. They hung around LAX baggage claim with alphabetized files on rolling carts filled with photos of pretty much every celebrity, hoping to catch them sneaking back into the city on late flights. Everyone gathered around him, and he graciously signed until someone mentioned Madonna just arrived two terminals down, and I was embarrassed by how quickly they all left him. RIP, Champ. Fortunately, you fought when people got to enjoy the sport.
  18. If the world's leading democracy...excuse me...ONE of the world's leading democracies... will elect as its president the embarrassing white hot mess that is Donald Trump, what could that possibly say about how ridiculous his opponent must have been? Sheesh. Talk about a mess. Crappy time to be a hard core leftist.
  19. Probably, but I was encouraged to hear her say in an interview that people from all over the world have been offering to send them money (I have no idea why) and she wanted everyone to know she did not want their money.
  20. We start with creating a new department named PSA. Kinda like TSA, but for whores. Then you hire a bunch of lazy liberals to work for the PSA by standing outside the whore houses checking to ensure that no one going in has a disease or gun. Then you get those lazy liberals to join a union. Then you pay those lazy liberals $15/hour as a minimum wage. Then you give those lazy liberals free health care. Then you create a mandate that all whore houses have to be sponsored by Planned Parenthood, who then performs free abortions to any whores who service more than three customers in a day. Then you give them free phones. Wait. What was the question again?
  21. I wouldn't be surprised if this were Obama's screensaver. He finally has the America he craves.
  22. If Bernie beats Hillary in California, we'll finally get a reprieve from all the Trump stories because the DNC will be turned upside down. Remember when all the talk was about the GOP having a contested convention?
  23. Other than that, how was the cruise, Millvina?
  24. I saw the interview with the guy in the picture below. The local TV station asked him what he did to provoke the beating. The funniest part was all the leftists on line complaining that by beating the Trump supporters, they were building sympathy for Trump. The tolerance party of gatorman/...lybob and birdog is here for all the world to see.
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