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Everything posted by IDBillzFan

  1. Yes, but if it helps just one person get health insurance, then it's totally worth it.
  2. Yeah, like we didn't see that rationale coming. I seem to remember everyone promising Obamacare was going to lower premiums, get everyone covered, let you keep your insurance plan AND your doctor, and not allow illegals to participate...and as it started to fall apart for the predictable abortion that it is, the one thing all the leftists had to say was "If it helps just one person get insurance..." The world doesn't operate in the vacuum of "Everybody sacrifice in hopes of saving just one." It just doesn't. It's feel-good nonsense that literally saves no one. You want to cut down on mass shootings? Allow people to openly carry everywhere. A much better idea than "We're going to monitor your every move and jump in if you look like a nut." And I know you're a leftist because only a leftist would suggest we monitor every move of every person who holds a gun.
  3. I somehow think the people who watch it are the same type of people who kept Happy Days on the air long after Richie Cunningham was gone. Sheldon is Big Bang's version of the Fonz. Throw in Kelly Cuoco cleavage, and it'll have staying paying regardless of how funny it is or isn't.
  4. It's not something....it's a ridiculously stupid idea. Tell me something. Why is it that one terrorist goes through the proper legal channels to purchase a gun to kill 50 people in an isolated room, and everyone on the left wants more gun control But go into Chicago and Detroit, where gangbangers use stolen guns to murder 50 Americans EVERY PHUCKING MONTH...and we hear nothing. Not a ;damn word. In fact, the leftists had full control of the WH, House and Senate, and do you remember all the gun laws they passed? Exactly. Billions on stimulus to launder money to donors, but who really cares about the negros killing each other every weekend, amirite? When you all care about the minorities getting killed every month like you care about one Orlando headline, the maybe we'll take these ridiculous gun control ideas more seriously. As it is now, everyone just wants to do something so they can feel better about themselves. And it's phucking pathetic.
  5. Language police? No. Money launderers? Probably. From the article:
  6. America sees something, says something...and the FBI plays "Sgt. Schultz." I recall neighbors to the San Bernadino terrorists saying they wanted to report the couple, but were afraid they'd be called racist. This is Obama's America. It's becoming everything the left hoped it would be. You get 49 dead gays killed by a gay Democrat Muslim terrorist, and whose fault is it? The NRA and Christian right. That's not just art...it's change you can believe in.
  7. Okay...let's do this simply and try to pull you into a proper state of awareness: In America, what is the one big difference between flying on a plane and buying a gun?
  8. I'll never understand why stuff like this takes place. Everyone who pays even the slightest bit of attention knows how Barry's Sally Fields Foreign Policy works; we stay out of every conflict outside the US until the world likes us. If you aren't going to vote in the US any time soon, you're on your own. Besides...why try to save a people being gassed when you have more important things to do...like sue the Little Sisters of the Poor. I don't know who the 51 are, but they clearly haven't been paying attention to their leader.
  9. Finally, UK is catching up... http://www.dailywire.com/news/6635/5-year-old-boys-skirts-uk-introduces-gender-amanda-prestigiacomo?platform=hootsuite
  10. What'dya get? Annova?
  11. Quite possibly the best video ever.
  12. Barry goes to Orlando...blames terrorism on how easy it is to get a gun in America.
  13. This just in...while all the fear-mongering leftists are yelling that we need to ban guns...the LGBT community gets smart and starts buying them. Good for them. Because an armed lesbian is a safe lesbian.
  14. Sounds like a Cuomo plan to me.
  15. It had to be Trump because everyone knows no one over there has ever owned a gun. Ever.
  16. He'll still be there on Saturday. It wouldn't be an Obama trip if he didn't stay a few extra days to get in 36 holes. All condescension and no play makes Barry a sad boy.
  17. My apologies if this was mentioned elsewhere, but I have to throw in a vote for a Netflix comedy wifey and I started watching called "The Unbreakable Kimmie Schmidt." The premise is good enough as is, but Ellie Kemper in the title role is just perfect. I never watched "The Office," so I had no idea who she was, but her comedic abilities are just outstanding, and it's one of those shows where you are laughing almost from start to finish.
  18. Ladies and gentlemen, I give you another member of the party of gatorman/...lybob and birdog.
  19. Will he say that America needs the same gun laws we see in the UK? I mean...when's the last time you heard of someone getting shot in the UK?
  20. Or what others refer to as due process. Is it possible none of you guys in favor of this understand what due process is about? I mean, the left understands because they prefer you have NO rights at all. But some of you (not you...everyone knows you're a leftist) better pay attention, because Trump's inner-liberal is coming out, and all you're doing is trying to justify it. Be careful what you wish for...
  21. I would like to see specific samples of this, but you can't lose your rights without due process, so whatever it is you're referring to, if we ARE taking away rights without due process, then I have a problem with that as well. We just spent four years listening to phucktards say they were okay with Obama's executive actions because someone else did something like it. We don't need to be that phucktard just because we're pissed about the GOP.
  22. Okay, Trumpettes. The Donald is now arguing that people on the no-fly list should be banned from buying guns. This is the ridiculous position of the left, which sees no need for due process. We've told you Trumpettes repeatedly...Trump is a Democrat. You're being played.
  23. Another article proving that the Orlando shooter was just a misguided homo.
  24. I've always like him, too. Especially when he's on the sidelines. Or when he's not returning kicks vs. the Patriots*. Or is playing for another team. That's how I like him best.
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