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Everything posted by IDBillzFan

  1. To the extent that it accomplishes what exactly?
  2. There's no need to argue my point. It was a hypothetical presented to the posters at large. You're welcome to argue my point, but seeing as the only argument you are able to consistently present on any topic is "Everyone is stupid but me," I'm not sure you have much of a leg to stand on. Also, leave the passive insults to others. You're barely smart enough to have a discussion. Don't complicate things by attempting to be clever. Every time you try to be clever, all anyone hears is Hillary saying "You mean, like, with a cloth?"
  3. Am I the only one who ever notices that EVERY time birdog whines about something with which he disagrees, it always involves nitwits, idiots or anti-intellectuals? It's like having Elaine May explaining why today's movies suck.
  4. He will now be the champion of the gun control world for his aggressive steps to stop another San Bernardino. Except, of course, that none of those laws would have stopped San Bernardino, Orlando, or any other mass shooting. The only thing those laws do is give him superficial headlines, as well as kudos from the nutbag far left take-everyone's-guns crowd. Background check on ammo? Really? We already have background checks and waiting periods before you can get a gun. What precisely will the 'extra' background check accomplish if you're not going to also restrict the amount of ammo you're buying? Banning magazines with more than 10 rounds? Newsflash, dumbasses. You're already limited to 10 rounds in California. Is your plan to now go door to door and confiscate illegal magazines? Has there ever been a more embarrassing time to be a leftist? Ever?
  5. Exactly. If you honestly let an NFL power rankings list from Forbes bother you, you're going to HATE next month's issue of Tiger Beat.
  6. Rough week for the far left. Between this embarrassment from Lynch, Brexit, Obama's funny looking people, bombs in Turkey done out of 'desperation' and no one at the WH even commenting on the young American Jewish girl murdered in her bed by a Palestinian terrorist...it's almost as if they LIKE the world this way.
  7. You keep telling yourself that, Scooter. Your ideology is blowing up in your face across the globe. No surprise you can't see it. No, no, no! It has nothing to do with this and everything to do with the funny-looking people.
  8. Our president just explained to NPR that the reason Britain voted to leave the EU is because they are afraid of "funny-looking people." What in the holy hell? Could this man sound or act any more stupid? How pathetically disrespectful. If you're not embarrassed by this fool, you have no sense of mutual respect.
  9. This should probably go in a thread more related to racism, but whatever... Ignore, for a moment, that this CNN article essentially argues that white America hates the black President it twice elected because, y'know, he's black. Look, instead, at the first example they give. Joe Wilson yelling "You lie!" when Obama was lying about illegal immigrants getting Obamacare. That was racist, you see. RAAAAACIST. Because everyone knows that Obama was telling the truth, so why would he yell "You lie!" if he just didn't hate the blacks? Maybe because everyone knew Obama was lying, as California is a rat's asshair away from letting illegals on the Obamacare plans. He lied. But pointing it out is racist. Got it. The entire article is absolutely cringe-worthy. I'm astounded CNN would even let it run. Read it at your own risk because you're not going to believe how much white America suddenly hates black people.
  10. Not really. We're here to discuss the male student who thinks he's an it yet is glad to be a queen, but we identify as people who prefer to discuss burgers.
  11. Oh, boy. Now Loretta Lynch has to jump a plane to arrest the author of this article as well as his references.
  12. Ahhh, youth.
  13. Okay, look, you can't talk about a black person AND reference bananas in the same sentence. Not only is it racist, but the banana probably has the wrong curvature to be acceptable to the EU. So that's two strikes against you. Go to your closet and say three "Al Sharptons" and a "Jesse Jackson."
  14. Tthis is the same John Kerry who this week said the Turkey airport bombing shows that ISIS is afraid and desperate.
  15. Free WiFi...well, by 'free' she means part of a $275B infrastructure tax hike through "undefined business tax reform." Yee-ha! Democrat tax plan 101: Free stuff for the takers paid for by the makers. They wanna keep y'all in chains!!! Pathetic nutbags.
  16. If only the GOP had a presidential candidate who could talk about this with authority. But alas...no such luck. They do have a candidate who will make the upcoming debates look like an episode of Battlebots, so they have that going for them. Which is nice.
  17. So I'm curious...are we done talking about the Orlando murders now? I mean, no one seems to be discussing it, and the FBI still has no idea where Omar's wife is. Wouldn't that be kind of important? Murder 50 homosexuals in a nightclub in the worst mass shooting in the history of the US, sit on the floor for a day, and you're old news in a week?
  18. The WH will now release a statement that the bombing in Turkey would never have happened if Rubio didn't spark the idea.
  19. When I read crap like that, I genuinely wonder what took everyone so long to jump ship. Only nutbag far left progressives would be stupid enough to even to think regulation is needed to address the curvature of phucking banana.
  20. The money shot from that article... Someone needed a study to verify this?
  21. Hillary is turning into Bernie...time to give 'free' stuff away. Hillary ClintonVerified account‏@HillaryClinton Two words: free WiFi. In train stations, airports and other public spaces.
  22. And conflicted homosexuals.
  23. I'm increasingly convinced that everyone is just waiting for Hillary to get the formal nod before the schittstorm of released emails makes itself known.
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