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Everything posted by IDBillzFan

  1. So a guy who spends all his time here whining and crying about every tiny little thing that Trump does, in reality, really doesn't pay him any attention? Yeah. Okay. Whatever you say, Skippy.
  2. Man elected to provide local services in a fiscally responsible manner doesn't understand why companies just don't keep people on payroll when they're financially bleeding out. Recently, an elected official in CA publicly pissed all over Elon Musk, and now he's very close to inking a deal in Texas to move Tesla out of CA. So be careful what you wish for, Poloncarz, or you might just wake up and find New Era completely gone, and then you can call the stadium whatever you want while you explain to your constituents why New Era let the rest of their employees go.
  3. You know what else is racist? Traffic signals. Because it means blacks have to wait for little white men to give them permission to cross the street. Some of you have lost your damn minds.
  4. Biden interview today: Police have "become the enemy" and they need to be defunded.
  5. He wouldn't tell them how stupid they are. He'd tell them they ain't black. Because Biden is a racist pig
  6. It's funny to me that they want a fact checker. They don't trust the moderators to fact check for them anymore?
  7. Given how unhinged they are? I'll take the over. And I hope it is a national thing because they're simply not smart enough to understand how tired everyone will get with them whining about such stupid stuff. On the other hand, it looks like they finally waved the white flag on the whole "Trump approved bounties on US soldiers" hoax.
  8. Imagine being so unhinged that you think this is news and deserves its own thread. Man, every time I think this meltdown is starting to slow, libs take it to a new level.
  9. What's funny to me is that his own logic is so flawed. He insists that if the EC format keeps providing a POTUS who didn't win the popular vote, that people simply won't put up with it. But who, exactly, would those angry people be? The people who contributed to the popular vote. So, basically, everyone in NY and CA. The rest of the country won't give a schitt and will only see more clearly the coastal elites for who they are. More to the point: nationwide, Clinton got almost 3M more votes than Trump. Yet she beat him by more than 4M votes in CA and almost 2M votes in NY. Leftists will simply never be able to understand how little the US would want those two states determining POTUS every four years. They simply ain't that smart.
  10. Grandparents on both sides came from Sicily.
  11. Jennifer Rubin has gone Full Kemp/Penfield Unhinged. It's funny to me that he gets his Depends twisted up about Trump being a racist...but have you once heard him criticize Biden as a racist? I mean, this is a guy who literally told black Americans that if they don't vote for him, "they ain't black." This is a guy who said he needs to pick his VP based on skin color. You don't get more racist than that. But here comes BIllstime with his Biden 2020 flag. Because critical thinking isn't his strong suit.
  12. This is where the Kemps and Penfields explain that Communism won't fail in America because this time we'll do it right!
  13. Telling Christians not to sing in church. Welding shut gates to Jewish playgrounds. Telling people we need to dismantle the American economy and embrace socialism in its place. The left is exactly who we think they are.
  14. The idea that everyone in LA did their own fireworks to stick it to Newsome is just not real, in my mind. It happened all over the country because people just wanted their fireworks. That said, CA will never flip as long as they preserve the perfect cocktail of equal parts 'everyone gets a ballot, regardless of residency status' and 'ballot harvesting is legal." It's no accident Dems hold a super majority in Sacramento.
  15. Here's the difference: I know Trump is thin-skinned and I absolutely hate it when he turns into a whiny, petty child with things like his tweet about the race car driver apologizing. He's his own worst enemy right now because if he'd just stop the whiny schitt, he'd stomp Biden in November without losing a breath. But as little as I care for Trump, the person, he also holds the power to make my life worse if he so desires because, y'know, he has a pen and a phone. Folks like yourself and Penfield, however, are of absolutely no consequence to me, and watching you wake up every day intent on hating Trump to the extent that you'll lose your schitt on the tiniest things is absolutely as funny as can be because I know, in my heart, that watching you guys melt down every day accomplishes only one thing: it gets everyone to agree what a bunch of whiny, petty children you are. The entertainment is absolutely priceless. Keep it up. Tell us again how he called all immigrants 'monsters'...or how he praised Confederates in his dark and divisive July 4th speech. Those are some of my favorites.
  16. She'll win and it won't be close, but mostly because of the makeup of her constituents. But she's another famous face of the Democratic Party, begging to dismantle the American economy and get those Marxist flags flying proudly.
  17. You gotta admit...how funny would it be if the mob managed to cancel Hamilton because he's a slave owner? That cast pissed on Pence shortly after the election and was quickly the toast of the nutbag leftists. But only nutbag leftists can be stupid enough to get SO unhinged with their cancel culture that they start cancelling themselves. Dumbest nutbags on the planet.
  18. Be glad her name isn't Tara Reade. Then Kemp would never bring this up.
  19. Let us know when you have an original thought. We'll wait.
  20. No. He just told black people that if they don't for him, they ain't black. Imagine how embarrassing it must be to even THINK this racist pig is the best the DNC has to offer. And hey, you seem to know a lot about being embarrassed, so I'm sure you can relate.
  21. Watching you piss your pants over a TV personality is my point. It never gets old. And there is racist rhetoric everywhere. Hell, I still haven't seen you rip Biden for his racist rhetoric, and he's a notorious racist pig. But that's probably different because you can just blame it on his dementia.
  22. Is there anything funnier than watching leftists lose their schitt over a TV personality? Never change, Penfield. Your daily meltdowns are awesome.
  23. But it's funny because she really is stupid enough to post something like that.
  24. We both know that's the exception to the rule. Plus, the only thing they did at CHOP was shoot each other. That's my kind of enemy.
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