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Everything posted by IDBillzFan

  1. Catch DC Tom and just Jack what? Is Tom cool with this?
  2. If it does, I hope Brady wears his Make America Great Again hat to the hearings. Make him sit in front of RBG.
  3. At this point, Trump is little more than comedic relief for the election. His numbers are so bad, we may as well laugh our way through it. Neither Clinton nor Trump are going to be able to recover from the schittstorm the last eight years have developed. If we're lucky, one of Obama's poison pills will drop hard enough to keep Hillary to one term. That's probably two justices, but honestly, Trump doesn't have the mental ability to do any better so we may as well just let the left take the hits.
  4. This is the gist of what I've been explaining the past week. He's not solely responsible for the divisiveness running through the country, but you better beleive he's at the helm. A day of mourning for five dead cops in a saddened city becomes, once again, a day of Obama-fueled arguing, explicitly because this is the America he wants. He needs the flames of racism burning hot, while millions of minorities sweat in a progressive cesspool of high unemployment, high crime, and Maury Povich DNA tests. Make them miserable...make them desperate...then wait for the right moment to piss on the cops to incite more anger so the violence erupts. It's so much easier to rule with a phone and a pen when everyone is fighting with each other, especially, in part, over the embarrassing actions of a man barely qualified to pour a cup of coffee. Gonna be a long six months. I fear many more are going to die from this anger.
  5. Another article from The Hill, blasting Obama for his bad taste. Another amazing opportunity was sitting right in front of Obama to unite the country with the big mic, and he completely FUBAR'ed it to the bone. How many times has he missed the opportunity to really be a voice for unity? If you have time, here's a great excerpt I read on Free Beacon. The book is "The War On Cops: How the New Attack on Law and Order Makes Everyone Less Safe." It breaks down Obama's speech after the Ferguson incident, which everyone now knows was the legitimate shooting of a man trying to take a cop's gun.
  6. You have to wonder how long they were sitting on that bullet.
  7. Dear leftists stupid enough to follow this idiot, The comment above is precisely why I think Obama is a piece of schitt. This kind of blatant lying tells me Obama knows you're all a bunch of morons. Are you a moron? ARE YOU? Do you believe these words? Are they meant to heal and unite? If you believe this president...if you believe this man...then you really are a phucking moron. Sincerely, Thinking people everywhere.
  8. Hillary and Trump should just run as a single ticket. Ideologically, they're both closer to each other than they are apart. The only real difference is that he bribes...she takes bribes, and she undeniably has blood on her hands. Watching the lead up to the election is like watching the lead up to a Bills v Pats MNF game. You try to tell yourself everything will be okay, but then the clock starts and the ass-raping begins. It's going to be ugly. My only hope is the down-ticket races don't get too out of control. Hillary with control of both houses would make Barry's first year look like a bipartisan effort.
  9. For the Bernie fans: While his policies are chocolate-covered pipe-dreams dipped in unicorn farts, Bernie has always stood for everything that is NOT Clinton. Did Bernie sell his soul today? Does this damage his political value in your eyes?
  10. The simple fact that so many people believe this to be true right now is probably one of the more disheartening legacies of the Obama WH. I'm not one to think (anymore) that Barry would like to be the Grand Empirical Master of the US because you can pretty much tell he's tired of work interfering with his golf. But whenever you see something like Orlando or Dallas happen, you can't help but envision in Barry the lust you see in Brigitte Nielsen's eyes the moment she realizes Drago is going to kill Creed.
  11. This is going to be the best Obama speech ever. Probably better than his Ferguson speech. Gather around kiddies. Turn on the TV. Get ready for another episode of "Divide and Agitate." Now in its final season.
  12. Predictable Obamacare Results in Predictable Obama Calling for Predictable Government-Run Health Insurance Option.
  13. Rick Perry: That wall Trump says he's going to build and make Mexico pay for? Ummm, it's really just a virtual wall...not a real wall.
  14. Fortunately we have a real leader who will take the opportunity to make a speech about the problem with our police forces.
  15. I think they're doing a scene from "Hamilton."
  16. You read something like this in the comments section, and just shake your head in disbelief.
  17. In all fairness, Omar Mateen openly pledged his allegiance to ISIS before murdering 50 people in Orlando, and not only is the WH stumped about his motive, but the FBI can't even find his wife. If you like incompetence, you're going to love my president.
  18. 60 people were shot in Chicago over the 4th of July weekend. 10 of them were killed. Now that's what I call a taste of Chicago.
  19. Uh, gee, Barry...perhaps "I want to kill white cops" might lend a little clue, eh?
  20. Not to mention, he does not speak to all situations equally. He will be quick to judge that police 'acted stupidly' in arresting a black Harvard professor, or he'll explain how Trayvon could have been his son, or he'll explain how we must not rush to judgement when a Muslim murders 50 homosexuals. But let an innocent white girl get murdered by an illegal alien, or a 13-year-old Jewish American girl get murdered in her bed in Israel by a Palestinian terrorist, and you don't hear a thing. Not a peep. Nothing. Because it's never about America for Obama. It's always about Obama for Obama. Well, actually, it's about Obama, and fundraising, and golf. And then there is this from this morning:
  21. I saw this yesterday.
  22. Actually, the Queen was saved by famed opera singer Enrico Palazzo.
  23. Your instincts and expectations were right on. The problem is we elected the wrong black person to answer that call. Instead of a black person who could genuinely inspire and lead (of which there are many), we elected a person who would divide and rile, and at every turn have his surrogates explain that what you were seeing wasn't embarrassing personal failure at every level, but potentially high levels of success that were thwarted by racism. By the time you factor in how much worse his policies have made life for minorities economically and professionally, what we're watching right now should surprise no one.
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