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Everything posted by IDBillzFan

  1. Asked about the Turkey situation, Trump said it was his favorite episode of "WKRP" and that he loves everyone in Ohio hugely.
  2. Which has absolutely NOTHING to do with the ridiculously incompetent way he prepared to roll out the pick. Again...ALL of it should have been done long before he announced. The attack had nothing to do with the complete lack of preparation. If the attack didn't happen, and he announced it as planned today, he would STILL need all of those items done before the announcement.
  3. I didn't say make people 'afraid.' If that's all he did, I'd have called him an Afraidist. And that's too tame for this guy. As a point of reference, I consider Trump an Afraidist because, y'know, he makes me very afraid.
  4. Seriously. If I were a robber in that area, that place would be my next hit.
  5. People in Nice are terrified right now. Good enough for me.
  6. You're kidding me, right? Do you honestly believe that list is a bunch of cool little extras would have been nice if he had the time? These aren't "bells and whistles." These comprise the very basic foundation for any major 'product' announcement...all of which should have been done LONG BEFORE the announcement and LONG BEFORE a terrorist murdered people in France. Do you introduce a new product without providing the consumer a list of your product's features and benefits (before your competition does)? Or without the ability to drive product searches TO your message about YOUR product? Do you not have your product packaging prepared? Do you not inform your sales team (in this case, the surrogates) how to sell your product to a massive marketplace that probably never HEARD of your product? And one last point: do you really think it was a good idea to announce on Thursday night that you're going to postpone your Friday VP announcement, and then wake up on Friday and put out your VP announcement anyway? You Trumpkins really FUBAR'ed this election with your naivete'.
  7. The rollout is getting destroyed in the social media world. Scroll through this Twitter account to see all the basic Marketing 101 things the Trump camp didn't do before the announcement. They did not: Update Trump's website with the news Update Pence's website with the news Buy Google search ads for Secure top domains Update Pence's political home page Put out press release about Pence's accomplishments Put out anything on Instagram Tag Pence in the tweet announcing Pence as VP I'm genuinely convinced Trump has no desire to win. He just likes the audition attention.
  8. Now, now, let's not be hasty with these kinds of stories. The progressive left is going to be VERY upset with you for posting this. It's difficult to get Americans to attack treat our enemies with love if we have to show photos of women with their genitals cut up and eyeballs plucked out of their head. And let's be honest, it will take years to untangle the motives of these terrorists confused individuals, so let's all just relax and try to see what we can do to get everyone to love each other.
  9. Mocking liberal policies never, ever gets old.
  10. Now, now...let's not rush to judgement. What we know from witnesses is that a man drove a truck into a crowd at the height of Bastille Day, then got out of the truck and started shooting people. Here's a photo of the truck. NBC News is calling it a 'mass casualty incident.' We're told President Obama will suggest tonight that it could take years to untangle the truck driver's motive.
  11. This is totally going to skew the Mother Jones Mass Truck Killing database.
  12. Actually, Tom is right and you appear to be looking for something about which to complain. The constitution does not demand that the Congress advice and consent, but rather that the President's nominations REQUIRE Congress' advice and consent in order to be appointed. So if Trump becomes president, which -- let's be honest -- will never happen, he can recommend all the justices he wants, but if the Congress chooses to avoid advice and consent protocol, then that's that...at least until all the lobbying and yelling and complaining starts.
  13. Obama's America. Come on in and help yourself to a big slice of victimhood.
  14. But the reasoning for not holding the vote WAS because Obama was in his last term...whether you agree with that or not. IT was even supported by Obama when he was a Senator. Alternately, the OTHER precedent was Rs hearing and approving the Wise Latina, which is why...to answer your original question...the Ds WOULD hold a hearing on any R president's recommendation. I understand the point you were trying to make. You were just not making it very well.
  15. It must be a good pick because Ann Coulter hates it.
  16. Except that Trump wouldn't be in the last year of his final term when he would appoint a Scalia replacement. Other than that, though, you may have a point!
  17. He'd only get in if Trump had the House and Senate. The left would soil their Depends at the mere mention of it.
  18. She just issued an apology, but most people know it doesn't matter...especially to someone like Trump. To be honest, I'm kind of thankful for her idiocy. My biggest concern with the next president is the Supreme Court seats that will need to be filled. I'm still surprised RBG opted not to retire during Barry's second term. At least two seats will be filled in the next four years, and if by some ridiculously happenstance Trump should win the day, I have to hope RBG's stupidity has him eager to replace Scalia with a like temperament and judgement just to spite her.
  19. Neither does CNN. You're simply not going to get anything but a narrative from any of the news agencies. The headlines alone make my stomach turn every morning. I've tried everything from AP to Reuters, and it simply is all a lost cause. Absolutely no one is interested in reporting the news...only what they want you to read.
  20. It think it would be a cool app to be able to track everyone in a 20-mile radius of you who are out searching for this Pokeman stuff, and you got points for each person you run over with your car. Who's with me?
  21. The photo below was my screensaver for, like, ever....
  22. This from Hillary today. No. Seriously.
  23. FBI Agents Signed NDA Before Interviewing Clinton. They say it's unusual but I have no idea. It would seem to me you don't work for the FBI if you aren't able to be professionally quiet about stuff. Interestingly, the larger point of the story, I think, is buried.
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