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Everything posted by IDBillzFan

  1. Which makes sense since he spent the last 40 years giving money to the left to put people like Obama in office.
  2. To progressives? Anything that is 'scary-looking.'
  3. Trump is really starting to show his conservative chops. Fortune Magazine is running an article that Trump's choice for Treasury Secretary is Goldman Sachs/Hillary Donor Steve Mnunchin. Well done, Trump Davidians. He really is the conservative you were hoping for!!!
  4. When did Gabby Giffords get the Sarah Palin makeover? Holy crap.
  5. You missed the point. I don't recall "our" standing at a microphone as leader of the free world spewing out divisive rhetoric, repeatedly lying to the country on prime time TV about every major event, calling cops stupid, and then pushing our desire to see the far left base "argue with your neighbors," "get in their face" and "bring a gun" to the knife fight. If Barack Obama were a Republican, the Timmah Graham-like far left nutbags and media would be schitting purple Twinkies over his rhetoric, and to think otherwise is an exercise in denial.
  6. Obama's America: Activists from BLM, KKK and Westboro Baptist Church Throwing Urine At Each Other.
  7. Wow, I can't believe they're finally canning that obnoxious liar. And then they replace her with someone who was national political coordinators for the Purple People Beaters. Funny...yesterday Shultz tweeted to Reince Preibus something like "I'm in Cleveland if you need someone to get your convention under control." Who knew she needed a job?
  8. What is depressing to me is watching people I have long considered to be relatively smart, independent thinkers turn into these unbelievably stupid Trump fanboys. The best term I've heard used is calling them Trump Davidians. They are so blinded by whatever Trump is selling, they have lost all ability to reason or think for themselves. They've essentially become the right wing version of birddog, ...lybob/gatormans, etc. Just mindless fools with the kind of intellectual give-and-take you usually expect from pocket lint.
  9. There is no lesser evil here. It's so bad that virtually no one can explain why they're voting for Hillary or Trump without using words like "at least." It's a schitt show with either one because they are, essentially, the same person with the same ideologies. One is true to her form and the other is a con man.
  10. I care, so right off the bat you're wrong in your observation. If you are asserting that the general public won't ultimately care, you're probably right, and to that extent it won't matter much as Trump is going to get destroyed at the ballot box anyway. However, the collective apathy actually makes this a bigger problem, not a smaller one. In the end, we're pretty much screwed for the long term. I only wish the Trump Davidians would have listened to us before carrying him this far. When a man spends 40 years donating to and voting for Democrats, no one should be surprised that he is handing the election to them.
  11. It's being reported that her speechwriter lifted parts from Michelle Obama's speech when she spoke in 2008. It's almost like the Trumps are trying to let Hillary win.
  12. "If I had a dick, there is where I'd tell you to suck it." Betty White's character in "Lake Placid".
  13. Now, now...let's not jump to conclusions. It will take years to untangle this kid's motive. Probably global warming cooling climate change.
  14. Anyone following the GOP convention? Following it online, and it's an unbelievable embarrassing mess. The GOP is handling this Trump-style, which is to say they're total buffoons. Said it before...will say it again...this election is going to be an absolute bloodbath. Trump will be lucky to get three states. Enjoy the disaster, Trumpster Divers. You totally own this one.
  15. Which assault weapons are they referring to? The assault bottle of water on the officer's assault bicycle?
  16. Throw him on ignore. It increases the coherence on the board considerably.
  17. Obama's America. I'm convinced he is as pleased as punch about all that is going on.
  18. Image from BLM protest in Baton Rouge last week..."Oink. Oink. Bang. Bang.":
  19. Seven police shot. Three dead. One still critical. But on the bright side for Democrats, another police officer funeral on TV for Obama to blame guns and racism.
  20. A monkey would be running away with this thing. A stupid monkey. On life support. Covered by Obamacare.
  21. CNN reporting multiple police officers murdered in Baton Rouge this morning.
  22. How is it the French police can round up five suspects after the terror attack in Nice, but our FBI can't even find Omar Mateen's wife?
  23. I ear he had gay dating apps on his phone. When will be more tolerant of the confused homosexual jihadists? Haven't they suffered enough?
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