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Everything posted by IDBillzFan

  1. Donald Trump responding to a question from O'Reilly last night about whether there has to be a minimum wage, and what it should be: So in conclusion: There doesn't need to be a minimum wage. I'd leave it where it is, but... I'd raise it. Republicans don't want to help people. Well done Trump Davidians. You really picked an incoherent winner.
  2. Obama's America. Fundamentally transformed.
  3. Then why are they calling it 'free' if everyone knows it's not free? What reasoning is there for that?
  4. Can you imagine that a woman-crushing money-laundering adultery-enabling whore like Hillary Clinton is supposed to be a role model for little girls? It's like saying birdog should be a role model for smart people. More liberal hypocrisy: Tonight: Last week:
  5. You were more coherent when you logged in as gatorman.
  6. Why would a far left nutbag like you heckle the kind SJW that is Eric Holder? I thought he was your hero!
  7. This is for all you Clinton fans out there. Absolutely embarrassing, but the article is kind of funny.
  8. How do you find the liberals up there relative to your previous address?
  9. Not today because I think she's in Philly.
  10. No. Really. This is the story at the Boston Globe: Kerry to North Korea - Learn from the Iran Deal, or else! Or else, what? You'll send them $100M, too?
  11. Yes. What is your point? Please be specific.
  12. And remember, they're only doing this because we're winning!
  13. Why would anyone bring up the JV team that's on the run?
  14. You can absolutely bet that by the time Hillary takes the stage, there will be nothing but adoring cheers. Unless Wiki releases more documents...which is completely plausible.
  15. I popped into our 7-11 one early morning because we were out of milk. The one in the front of the shelf had an expiration date of that day, the one behind it was two weeks later, so I pulled the old one out, grabbed the newer one, replaced the older one, and the store owner came around the corner and started yelling at me for taking the newer milk. And by 'yelling,' I genuinely mean he was yelling at me about this. I explained the expiration date, but he didn't care...he just kept yelling at me. I told him "sell me this or sell me nothing," he relented and I never went back. Oh, and there was a time when I could only afford a 7-11 hotdog for lunch, but 35 years later, every once in a while, I burp and can still taste it.
  16. Funny stuff from #DNCLeaks:
  17. Y'know, I hope I eat those words, too. I genuinely do. I hope Trump makes a complete ass of me and my predictions and becomes a true Republican...or even a conservative in favor of limited Constitutional government, limited spending, promoting self-accountability while reducing the welfare rolls and expanding opportunity for everyone. But, y'know, I'm not holding out hope because everyone knows you can count all the times he's espoused ANY conservative values and principles on the hand of a bad woodshop teacher. I'm just sayin'...
  18. I never would have figured the DNC would produce this kind of a schittshow. I'm reading now that every time someone mentions Hillary, everyone starts to boo. The Republicans picked a crappy year to nominate a Democrat.
  19. Great way to start off the week: Congressman Hank Johnson...the Democrat who was concerned about Guam tipping over...announced that Jews are "termites." Nice to see the left finally admitting this openly. Wow. Now everyone is booing Nancy Pelosi. Reid is probably off stage changing his Depends at this point.
  20. I don't think you'll see anything like that. The Democrats have been very supportive of the police, and I'm sure the police will do what they can to keep the peace.
  21. It's off to a good start. Bernie supporters yelling "!@#$ you, Debbie" outside the convention center.
  22. Man, that's the truth.
  23. Yes, but his actions confirmed it. Everything Trump suggests and discusses is true to Democratic principles. He just does it in a brash way that makes non-thinking people feel happy and warm in their skinny jeans, but all you hear is more spending, more government, more red tape, more "I alone can fix the problems of this country." You should listen to some of Reagan's speeches and you'd understand how ridiculous your comment is.
  24. I sorta rush to judgement because (1) odds are ridiculously high we all know what it is, even if it's just a derivative of what we know it is and (2) it drives the progressives crazy because they're watching their ideology schitt the bed every single week.
  25. Harry Reid. Nancy Pelosi. All of them the most miserable, disrespectful, self absorbed nutbags I've ever seen.
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