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Everything posted by IDBillzFan

  1. They also have a weird definition of the word 'free.'
  2. Give up the use of parenthesis here. It's childish to pretty much everyone but you alt-right Jew haters.
  3. But a lot of people watch her husband, who cheats on her all the time with young girls, being 'best of the besties' with Huma Aberdin, whose husband cheats on her all the time with young girls, and then watch these two women who enable the men who cheat on their wives, and then watch these two women attack the women who sleep with their husbands, and think maybe, just maybe, Hillary and Huma do the huminahumina. Frankly I don't buy it. Huma could do much better than Hillary.
  4. Before Obama went on stage and made everyone forget about Trump's stupid 'joke.' In spite of what you keep saying, being neck and neck with Hillary Trump is NOT something to be proud of for ANY reason. A used mop would be leading her today.
  5. Trump is either doing this for the Clintons, or he truly is the presidential equivalent of Kelly Holcomb coming off the bench.
  6. Yes, but I suspect one of them is only because you prefer the hand soap in the ladies' room.
  7. I think the most interesting part of the Trump scam is that people like myself and JSP, who were always considered here far right wing partisans, have shaken that label off of us, if for no other reasons than because we consider Trump a bridge too far...mostly because while he's a lot of things, a Republican ain't one of them.
  8. You know the best, fastest, easiest way to begin to address the problems with education in this country? Eliminate tenure at all levels.
  9. So you're saying we're not going to hear from the White Congressional Caucus today?
  10. Job they have. Car they drive. Clothes they wear. Diplomas on walls. 'Likes' on social media. Phone we carry. Sports team wins/losses. Our collective sense of importance is in dire need of recalibration.
  11. And what does all this 'free' stuff cost? How do you pay for it? How do you measure success? If you eliminate summer vacation, when are the gatormans supposed to catch up with summer school classes?
  12. At giving speeches.
  13. The Hill is reporting that WIkileaks has just released hacked DNC voicemails. Because the way to outdo the emails is to add audio.
  14. It was a stupid comment. It clearly did what it (apparently) was intended to do, which was make headlines before the convention speeches tonight, but making headlines doesn't preclude you from sounding like a dumbass. We need a strong leader whose words and actions and support can help lift the country out of it's divisive, destructive, fatal behavior. Everywhere you turn, people are gunning each other down, blowing up buildings, slitting the throats of priests, driving trucks over people and murdering others at point-blank range in the name if Allah. What we have as choices to lead are a corrupt money-laundering woman-hating whore and a Democrat moron who virtually no one (other than his fanboys) takes seriously. His schtick is old and childish, and it's not even August.
  15. I just thought they let him out so he could speak at the DNC tonight. That place would go absolutely wild to hear from someone who almost killed Reagan.
  16. Harry Reid: Give Donald Trump Fake Intelligence Briefings. I really dislike Trump, but I would be pleased to see him go after Harry Reid like he goes after Republicans.
  17. First of all, If you're counting on your job to be the reason to wake every day, you have bigger needs than a new job. Second of all, precisely what have you done to better your lot or increase your chances for work at a better job?
  18. This is wrong on a bunch of different levels, but we'll start with the two simplest: (1) there is a difference between a private company's rules and state 'blue' laws and (2) you DO have a voice no matter what because you are not required to work at or patronize the private company, and you are not required to live in that state. You can walk away from both. Other than that, though, you were spot on!
  19. Well, then, it sounds like a done deal. Still, I won't believe it's a done deal until Tim Graham reports on someone else reporting on it!
  20. Interesting article regarding how the daughters are treated differently by the press. Even Chelsea Clinton is questioning Ivanka about how her father treats women, but no one seems interested in asking Chelsea what she thinks of her father being accused of raping and abusing young women.
  21. Funny video...sort of. Marcus Vick runs away from cops...leaves them in the dust. #XMiami Dolphins Lives Matter!
  22. I genuinely don't give a **** what anyone thinks about my anti-Trump yelling. He's a buffoon, and so are the chucklemunchers who support him, of which there are plenty, this message board notwithstanding.
  23. Today's presser from Trump, we get this: Putin calls Obama the n-word. "You know what the n-word is, right?" Said Tim Kaine did a terrible job...governing NJ Tells Russia, "If you're listening, can you find the missing 30,000 emails?" Just brutal.
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