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Everything posted by IDBillzFan

  1. Especially after watching it first hand for the past seven years.
  2. If Trump would go after Hillary and Obama like he goes after a dead vet's parents, he might have a shot. But no. Because he's a good, obedient little Democrat.
  3. Exactly. That's Hillary's job. It's almost like he's doing this to help Hillary.
  4. Now she's lying about handicapped kids? It's too bad Democrats aren't disciplined enough with independent thoughts and actions to reject this lying sack of schitt.
  5. Day 4 of CNN letting Khan be their coverboy. Note to Trump -- as a Democrat, you naturally hate all things Bush, but take a page from W and stop trying to pick a fight with the left's shiny new Cindy Sheehan. Note to Khan -- you're allowing yourself to be a puppet of the left, so please do not be surprised when you wake up in the next month and you can't even get a guest-blog published at Slate.
  6. That's a lot of hair for a skinhead.
  7. Editor's Note: A Hillary lie so bad, WaPo wasted no time giving it four Pinocchios.
  8. If you're going to show the GOP first lady in next to nothing, you should at least get close to that with Hillary's first lady. So...here you go...
  9. Trump shouldn't be the agent of change anymore than Obama should have been the first black president or Hillary should be the first female president. All three are important things to have, and yet we pick the three absolute most detestable options to fill all three spots. And they're all Democrats. Coincidence?
  10. That sort of describes Trump, too, which is particularly scary because his reality changes in mid-sentence. "I don't believe think we should have a minimum wage, but we should leave it alone and then raise it to $10/hour." I'm certain, in his mind, that makes absolute perfect sense.
  11. I use Uber/Lift quite a bit, and never once did I pass on a ride because the driver didn't have a 5-star rating. Only two things matters to me: how fast can you pick me up and does your car smell like there's a body in the trunk? Other than that, I see it as a great opportunity to help someone who's trying to help themselves with a second job. Anyone who gets on your case for taking a wrong turn is a giant douchebag.
  12. He lives in a sanctuary state. His vote doesn't matter here.
  13. New definition of #DNCLeak
  14. Thank you. The difference here is if I ask "What can we do about it?", you'd give a thoughtful response about each area of concern based on what you've studied and witnessed, while Ozy would suggest we kill all the blacks and Latinos.
  15. You forget. I'm in California. My vote means nothing. Every person outside my zip code who is breathing, dead and/or illegal votes for the Dem. Perks of a sanctuary state.
  16. Two entire sentences, and I could understand them. Nicely done. At this pace, soon you'll be able to feed yourself.
  17. None of which changes the fact that the GOP is now the party of Trump. Every stupid comment, every stupid policy is the GOP comment and the GOP policy. The GOP is now the party that wants a $10/hour minimum wage. The GOP is now the party that doesn't want to help people. It's the party of "I'll make the military do whatever I want." It's the party of more government, more spending, and "Only I can fix things." I watched the GOP cower against the DNC media machine, and It's no longer acceptable to me. There is no lesser evil here. Trump is Clinton and Obama and Reid and Pelosi, and I want absolutely nothing to do with him. In fact, the ONLY benefit he brings is he makes far left nutbags like Timmah Graham and Gene Frenkle crap their diapers with every comment he makes.
  18. Says the guy twisting himself into a place that makes it okay to vote for a money-laundering women-hating email-hiding sock puppet of Wall Street.
  19. Yes and no. The thing I like about Twitter is it's pretty instantaneous, people are limited to 140 characters (and brevity is always good) and you can tailor it to what you want in your feed. If all you care about is following certain bands, or stuff about the Bills, then you can follow the bands, or band members, or players, reporters, etc., and that is essentially all you'll see. Don't like something? Stop following it. You don't need to 'friend' someone, etc. Just follow or unfollow. Then again, you yell "Get off my lawn" a lot so you'll probably not like all those pesky kids and their fancy gadgets.
  20. Four more years! Four more years!
  21. Unfortunately Wawrow has let himself into the Timmah Twittertantrums, and it's too bad because while JW would tip a few and opine here, he's done a great job on Twitter of just keeping it to music and sports, where Timmah loves to make fun of pretty much anyone who isn't Timmah. I'm partially embarrassed for him because you see genuine BIlls fans who follow him for the team reports get a bit tired of his political childishness, and he can't help but mock them as well. Ironically he's become the Donald Trump of my Twitter feed.
  22. And tell me...why do you think Latinos and blacks drag down the average scores of whites?
  23. I didn't watch last night, but I'm assuming Hillary's speech was boring given that Timmah Graham spent the evening on Twitter making fun of Trump. I really look forward to his Bills articles this year. It's going to make Twitter MUCH more fun.
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