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Everything posted by IDBillzFan

  1. Back then I used to argue there was no way America was going to listen to the slow, cool jazzy funk of Grand Master Barry O and somehow think it was a good idea to vote for a guy who literally looked like a Tim Conway character from The Carol Burnett show. It was horrible. And somehow, Trump almost makes me miss the McCain campaign.
  2. If Barack Obama was white, absolutely NO ONE in the press would have paid any attention to a first-term senator with literally NO actual accomplishments in his entire freaking life other than getting elected to office by having people's divorce records unsealed. Especially a white first-term senator running against what could be the first FEMALE president. It's stunning to me that you are so naive to these very obvious, simple facts. You see! Billy Idol gets it. I don't know why she doesn't get it.
  3. You should look at this Newsbusters piece about how CNN covered the sister. It's hysterically embarrassing. The next time some liberal nutbag tries to argue that the media isn't biased, just send them this article.
  4. Jauronball...with a cackle.
  5. Hey, look, it's baskin. Let me guess..."blah, blah, blah...George Bush...blah, blah, blah...." Yep...as predictable as any liberal around.
  6. He got ahead because he got ahead? I'm not even sure you know what that means. But what has become increasingly clear through this discussion is that you are precisely the kind of people I am talking about. I've been very clear in my reasoning. You can look up and confirm everything I posted about Obama, and how he got to where he is. And yet you are left arguing against it by explaining that I am either (a) stupid or (b) a racist. You're literally taking the one-hit-wonder line that the DNC has lived off of for the past seven years. Since I'm just another stupid racist, please break down for me all of Barack Obama's collegiate and employment accomplishments before he became a US Senator. Show me how he earned everything. Show me his grades. Tell me about his law degree. List all the things he got done as an Illinois senator. Break it down. We'll wait.
  7. You're splitting points in hopes of being right with one of them. I'm not sure why, but here is what I hope will be my last retort on this as I have a full day ahead: First, I argue Obama wouldn't be president if he were white because it's true, and it does not ignore his success and appeal because absolutely none of this happens -- his candidacy, his successes (be they as they may) nor his appeal -- if he's white. All his education came from affirmative action. He wasn't getting into those colleges with the choom gang grades (which no one is allowed to see), but being of Kenyan descent opened doors just like being 1/32nd Native American opened doors for Elizabeth Warren: it looked good for universities to boast their diversity. Did you ever review how Obama made it to his elected positions in the Illinois state senate? Was it his resume? His grades? His accomplishments? No. He won his seats by getting dirt out on his competition. Getting divorce records unsealed. Look it up. He didn't win. He just made sure his competition lost. Suddenly he is moving ahead in politics not because of anything he did, but because of the missteps of others. By the time he gave his speech at the 2004 convention, the DNC and the media had precisely what Joe Biden meant when he called him "the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy." Next the media jumped on board because there is a ton of money to be made covering the election of the first black president. No one cared that his executive experience was equal to that of a third-grader. It was time to make history. Get tingles. Get rid of red American and blue America and have a united America! He's LeBron, baby! He's got game! It all went fine until he won the WH, House and Senate and immediately told the GOP to go phuck themselves. And here's my ultimate point that you seem to miss: the minute anyone questioned Obama for his actions, it was because they were racist. Period. Just ask the Clintons. By the time Nancy Pelosi walked arm-in-arm with black congressmen through the ACA protesters just to announce someone spit on the black guys, the DNC had their super weapon and the GOP was done. They had no nutsack to fight back against cries of racism. They still don't. Which is one of the bigger contributors to Donald Trump's role as Democrat running as Republican. Because the GOP has become a useless, feckless, cowardly bunch of pussified elected officials who ran away the minute the word 'racist' started...and it hasn't stopped yet. Hillary is different. She didn't get anywhere by being a woman. She got everywhere by being married to Bill. She's only using her surrogates to say "If you have a vagina, you must vote for a woman" because we both know the Gloria Steinem-like headlines will keep the GOP at bay, and they will only increase with every day that passes through this election, and right through her presidency.
  8. The only thing anyone ever needs to know about Obamacare is that the people who passed the law made sure they were exempt from it.
  9. Someone on Twitter had it right: four people shot in Milwaukee this weekend, and silence. Police shoot an armed man with a stolen gun who refused to put the gun down, and it's time to burn the city. Obama's America. Just like he promised.
  10. Looks like it's time for Huma to get pregnant again. What the hell are you talking about? I don't criticize Barry or Hillary over their race or gender. I criticize them for using their race/gender as a reason people don't like them or their policies.
  11. Funny. Have a penis, but say you're really a girl, and the left will build you new bathrooms. But be white, say you're really black, and watch the left implode. The level of stupidity required to be a leftist is often times stunning to me.
  12. California Government: Trying to kill the CA farming business one regulation at a time. Did you know California also bans lead in ammo used for hunting certain animals because if you shoot the animal and it doesn't die, you could give it lead poisoning, and it would, y'know, die that way instead.
  13. Man, all this time I thought Hope Solo was Hans and Leia's daughter in the latest Star Wars movie. Turns out the only thing she has in common with Star Wars is I'm not interested in watching another soccer match either.
  14. The most annoying part to me is how this got to be an issue in the first place. There are 42M teens in the US; the lowest number (percentage-wise) of any time on record. Of those 42M kids, approximately 1.2M identify as transgender. So, basically, the state of Rhode Island, a state which, last weekend, got completely new carpeting. And for this, we're creating all kinds of friction, grief and restrictions on the entire education system, public and private, exclusively because the left needs another wedge issue, particularly against Christians, whose schools are already being forced to get in line or face fines, penalties, etc. But hey...we better not speak out about this or the entire LBGTLMNOPQRSTUV community will bring hellish fire to your world in the name of tolerance.
  15. Yes, but now the 4-year-olds know better than you what's going on with their bodies.
  16. I know Hillary is going to win this thing walking away, but I think her sexist angle is not very smart to play up. I think Hillary sees women as brainless knob-gobbling whores because it makes her feel better about remaining married to an adulterer for the sake of power and money. But the reality is, at least in the professional world, most women I know are smart as schitt, and they genuinely resent being told they need to vote for Hillary just because she's a woman...as if, these women aren't smart enough to have issued they care about. It's embarrassing, but when you consider all the things Hillary has done wrong, the best story she can tell is that she's a woman.
  17. I can't tell you how much I look forward to four or eight years of people explaining that the reason people don't like Hillary's policies is because they hate women. Worked for the black guy. Should work for the vagina.
  18. So in conclusion, Tyrod is either going to (1) get better, (2) get worse or (3) stay the same. Way to go out on a limb there, Cotton. You have to believe the team has options to cut their losses if things go sideways, injury- or performance-wise. Beyond that, it's not our money, so how much they pay him is inconsequential except as it relates to the cap, and I think we all know the cap is just a fuzzy line no one ever worries about.
  19. I live in California. It's one giant Bernie 2016 bumper sticker. He probably has it locked up, too.
  20. Outstanding job by Trump giving the left the opportunity to run against Bush again. Just outstanding. He really is a winner. Is it any wonder he already won Florida.
  21. Oh, well then, I guess it's settled! Glad I didn't take that bet!
  22. What the hell are you talking about? How has he already won the state?
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