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Everything posted by IDBillzFan

  1. I'll agree with that. It must be awfully boring to constantly ask people "What is the GOP plan?" and "Where are the GOP bills?" and then when you are repeatedly provided answers to those questions, but realize they don't meet your leftist ideology, you quickly run back to the basement for another slice of mom's apple pie and a Yoo-Hoo. Very boring.
  2. Yes. Though I'm told now it's a metaphorical one. Which is odd because it's not like Trump has a history of saying he's going to do something, and then backing out of it in the end.
  3. Someone better tell Ozy...looks like Trump is a cuck!!! From his interview on the Hannity and Trump Show.
  4. Look around? Seen the normally reliable far left voiceboxes here lately? Birdog? ...lybob/gatorman? It's even too embarrassing for them, but you know...you just KNOW...they're with her.
  5. Can someone please get Hillary a mirror?
  6. In all fairness, it looks like she was able to do the entire interview without being propped up by a pillow, so she has that going for her. Which is nice. Update: CNN is reporting that Hillary is fine, but what about that Trump guy? CNN Is really going full retard for Hillary now. It's like Hillary's own National Enquirer.
  7. This is probably one of those nights where you're all going to break out the 1000-count Egyptian cotton sheets, right? I mean, the hoods don't stay pointy, but it probably breathes well in this heat, right?
  8. I understand your point, and no question I was tweaking the one or two progressives on this board who haven't gone to bunker status in embarrassment over their party lately, but in the end, the system is designed to forcibly take money from those who have it and use to pay for people who don't. I disagree with that on every level. The left loves to make things fair like this, and it drives me crazy because they increasingly make more and more people dependent upon the government because it's how they expand and control their voting base. The ACA has only one redeeming value: that it was passed and signed into law exclusively by Democrats. They own this piece of crap. Now if only there was a Republican presidential nominee who knew how to argue against it. Hell, I'd settle for a Republican presidential nominee who was just a Republican.
  9. Funny how progressives want to blame the problems with health care on "Big Pharma," but the minute anyone questions vaccines that have been rushed to market through bribes, suddenly the problem is that people don't understand science.
  10. LA Times: Why no outrage from media about Obama golfing while people in New Orleans are losing their homes?
  11. It could also be a vodka I.V. because she's got that makeup as well.
  12. More like 'ludicrous speed.'
  13. She is, quite possibly, the only person who could, against all odds, make Trump look like a coherent, viable option.
  14. Pizza worker in Seattle loves new $15/hour minimum wage until, well, you know...
  15. Okay, I just want to go on record to let you know I don't think it's a problem that Hillary Clinton is probably wearing a catheter. If they had one for the mouth, I'd give it to Trump.
  16. Makes no sense given Hillary's virtually free-flowing laundr-o-mat of foreign bribes. She could pay off all the Bernie fans, and still have money left over to hire someone to keep her upright without the use of a handrail.
  17. Thinking people know that health insurance costs, per person/family, were MUCH lower and more easily managed than the ACA ever dreamed of being. In typical liberal fashion, the dream of providing a ridiculously unsustainable universal health insurance program by making the makers pay for the takers and calling it "free" is worth all the problems the law is causing if only they can help one person. By the time Hillary gets done with us, we'll be renaming America the United States of Detroit because most of the country is going to resemble that progressive bastion of stupidity.
  18. $6B in State Dept. contracts screwed up while Clinton was SoS. Gonna be fun watching this woman as POTUS.
  19. Pointing AND shouting? That's a lot of work for a woman in her health. Either pick one or at least ensure someone is nearby with a chair, a pillow and a handrail.
  20. You're going to make someone a great wife one day.
  21. Some people just need to cast blame as a way of dealing with stuff. It's weak, but it's true.
  22. Amen. Anyone stupid enough to be critical of ANYONE in this situation is too stupid to be taken seriously. It's an unfortunate situation any way you look at it, and to be anything other than supportive of this is just ridiculous.
  23. She literally looks like she's trying to pass a DUI test. My curiosity about her health is growing. I think the pillow stuff is silly, but this narrative about her poor health is taking some legs of its own. Her doctor released a report last week stating she is in excellent health, but given Hillary's inability to speak truth, does anyone actually believe her physician?
  24. Spitting on people. Defecating on police cars. Burning down their own neighborhoods. Welcome to the DNC: The party of tolerance.
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