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Everything posted by IDBillzFan

  1. I think it fit, not for the sake of staying true as a parody, but because Peter Boyle just owned the scene completely, and Wilder went over the top with him. He puts the world's leading scientists together in a theater, and the crowd oohs and ahhs as the monster takes steps forward. Then Wilder holds up his and and dramatically yells "Now....BACKWARDS!" And the crowd is amazed and applauding. He goes from walking forward and backwards in a hospital gown to tuxedos, top hat, canes, tap dancing, singing Sooper Doooper...just brilliant comedy.
  2. Is there a bigger moron than Anthony Wiener these days? What kind of a freaking idiot takes a junk shot with his child next to him in bed, and send it to some random chick? It's impossible to imagine a bigger fool these days.
  3. Great plan. If we're all covered by the VA, the number of people who will die from neglect will thin the crowds quickly, making is more affordable than anything else!
  4. Congress? I don't need no stinkin' congress! A man nobody trusts making a deal he can't keep about a problem that doesn't exist. This man can't buy a legacy at this point.
  5. And yet, he's still no baskin.
  6. RIP, Mr. Wilder. You were one of the best comedic actors of my lifetime. Little known fact: Wilder said he had to beg Mel Brooks to keep the "Man About Town" scene in "Young Frankenstein."
  7. Disagree. The greatest thing I've ever seen in sports history was this:
  8. It'd be great to get a win in Baltimore, if for no other reason, it's not a stretch to see the Jets, Fish and Pats* all lose their openers.
  9. I see. And who is going to sell these drugs? Are we going to let JoBob down the street set up his meth lab on the corner like a food cart? Or will 'big pharma" start selling them over the counter at CVS and Walgreens?
  10. Let's assume Blacks and Latinos use drugs at the same rate as whites. Do you think there could be any other reason they have a higher arrest rate beyond the color of their skin? Before you answer that, consider this: more than 70% of black children are born outside of marriage. Think about that for a minute. Seventy freaking percent. Any idea why? Now consider this: what is one of the most common threads running among those who are most likely to get involved with illegal drug use and sale, and other related crimes? (Hint: no parents means kids are raised by...?) Now consider this: where are most crimes happening? And when you have a high crime area, what else do you have? High police coverage. More police coverage in high crime area means more arrests in high crime areas. And where are the high crime areas again? If you want to argue that the US oppresses blacks, your best argument isn't this stupid incarceration thing because it starts way before that. Your first step should be to look at the federal and local governments' baby-making incentive plan. Have more babies...get more welfare. The more babies you have, regardless of who gets you pregnant, the more federal money you get. Start there. The incarceration thing is a false flag meant to divide and excuse the real problems.
  11. Exactly. THIS is what makes him a dumbass about this topic. No matter how many times I ask in this thread, literally no one can explain how the United States of America currently oppresses blacks.
  12. How can any conscious human look at the past seven years and somehow think that pumping more money into the economy is the answer? Wouldn't it just be easier to admit you wish the government would eliminate the free markets and just run everything?
  13. Quite honestly I have no problem with him not standing during the National Anthem to make a point. But what makes him a f'ing jerk is that it's difficult to take seriously the point that this country is oppressing black people when that point is being made by a black man who is being paid $19M a year to play a game. If that's oppression, I'm a gonna git me some.
  14. Wow. I hope someone in the Dallas FO is held accountable for this!!!
  15. Then please explain to me how the United States of America, led by a black man, oppresses black people and people of color. What is it this country is specifically doing?
  16. Yes, Kap...this country oppresses black people so much, we elected one to be it's president. Twice. Freaking idiot.
  17. Last week someone in Indy someone had a local station stream. Any chance someone in DC has something similar?
  18. This CNN story kind of cracks me up. Never one to miss a click-bait opportunity, CNN runs a story about a viral photo of an old man and his wife tearing up as they say good-bye to each. The man is suffering from dementia, and was just diagnosed with lymphoma. The headline: This photo of a couple saying good-bye to each other is breaking hearts. But why are they tearing up? Because after 62 years of marriage, the Canadian health care system...you know, the one that progressives wish the US had...is so backlogged that it can't get this couple to stay in the same nursing home for the past eight months. Here is what their daughter wrote on Facebook: Maybe it's not the photo that is breaking everyones' hearts.
  19. Now that's just damn funny.
  20. Thanks. Turns out I was somehow able to get a room at the Comfort Inn after spending the last two days getting told it's sold out. Now to introduce my son to Pinto Ron...
  21. Apparently she had her team use something called BleachBit to flush her emails entirely, but FBI was still able to retrieve them. Such a mess. And yet, there is your faithful left, from baskin to birdog, ready to pull the lever for her.
  22. Okay, forgive me for piggy-backing on Chef's thread, but I am actually coming to town with my 11-year-old son for the Thanksgiving weekend game. I have everything booked but hotel. First choice of Comfort Inn in Hamburg is booked already. Can anyone recommend where they like to stay when the go into town for a game?
  23. Here's my favorite part: Next week we'll get the report that the Clinton campaign is 100% behind Mylan after it was announced the company made a $500,000 donation to the Clinton Foundation.
  24. Maybe your boredom comes from literally copy/pasting the same obscure nonsense every few months, and then arguing hat the reason you don't believe there is a plan is because you don't agree with it. The GOP has a plan to replace ACA, and it's been presented to you over and over and still you can't even remotely digest this simple truth. The fact that you think "leave it to the locals" is bad idea just adds extra mockery to the fact that you were ever, in your lifetime, anything other than a far left progressive because you clearly believe only the federal government can solve your problems. Foreign Policy? I've got a dog that could develop a more cohesive foreign policy plan than the one we've been witnessing for the past seven years. People complain about BO because his idea of foreign policy is to pay ransom to Iran so they'll sign a deal Iran will never honor for the sake of his legacy. Social issue? Which social issues? Please break down the top 10 social issues you feel the GOP needs to address, and how you would address them. And then explain why you think the federal government needs to be involved in whatever divisive social issue is bugging you today. Let's guess...transgender bathrooms? Cross-dresser tampon dispensers? What little whinyass progressive social issue is in your craw these days? Welfare? Really? The party that literally provides financial incentive plans for unwed mothers to have more babies they don't want just to increase their take from the government is trying to suggest the GOP is on the wrong side of welfare? You really are a dumbass. Tell us how voter ID laws pinch minorities. We'll wait.
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