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Everything posted by IDBillzFan

  1. That's crazy. I can only imagine the kind of pain he was in.
  2. Because SJWs never, ever, ever know when to quit. Once this is over, they'll be back tomorrow when they'll be complaining about how you can go into the men's room of a Buffalo nightclub and get a free spritz of Axe body spray, but the women still have to pay a quarter at the tampon dispenser. It shouldn't be long before they're suggesting that since TBD is getting rid of the Consumer message board, perhaps Beerball can turn it into a Safe Zone Message Board where they can gather with other SJWs and talk about things together in manner that is soothing and pleasing and doesn't trigger their microagressions. Get ready, Beerball. You know it's coming.
  3. Can someone explain to me how you dislocate your knee as a non-contact injury?
  4. Yes, they can, and typically they keep using it over and over it until they ultimately find the answer that fits their way of thinking, no matter how ridiculous it might be.
  5. Okay Vikings fans...take a breath and stop replying to your team's Twitter account.
  6. Y'know, I hate to admit it, but there is no woman anywhere in the world with her abilities to sing. It's one of the most amazing voices I've ever heard and I would gladly pay to see her in concert. Unfortunately, her concerts include her talking, and the stuff that comes out of her mouth is just ridiculous.
  7. Really enjoy watching Bridgewater and it absolutely sucks that this happened. Seems to me an opportunity for Chip Kelly to unload Kap cleanly and help Minnesota have a bit of hope.
  8. So in addition to having a poor understanding of the importance of voter ID laws, you also have a poor understanding of what it means to provide substance. Good to know for future tail-chasing.
  9. You should really just step from the conversation because you're either belittling everything being offered as solutions, or taking the lazier route of mocking sources. In other words, you don't add anything to the conversation except the silly concept that everyone who disagrees with you is clearly wrong exclusively because we don't agree with you.
  10. This is where you're making an error. You're assuming it's not a non problem for everyone because it's a non problem for you. Imagine how great it would be for all those people who don't have an ID to finally get one! Why would you want to deny them the chance to get an ID. Go to the library! Have access to computers! Maybe find a job! Don't you want to help these people?
  11. The beautiful thing about small issues is they're easy to fix. There are so many options for people get the help they need to get an ID. Why not promote it more, make sure everyone has one, and let's truly make every vote count? Why wouldn't every American want to help with this effort? Maybe because some of them (not you) need a reason to yell about something being oppressive towards minorities.
  12. Again, let's address the problem. Alabama is opening up local registrar offices, and sending out mobile ID labs, and it's probably not enough, so let's do more. BUT do it while keeping your eye on ensuring that Voter ID absolutely IS the law of the land.
  13. Yes, but wave one at them, and they'll need a microaggression safe space with hot cocoa and marshmallows to soothe their pain while you're hauled away in handcuffs.
  14. By the way...note to mods...thanks for leaving this on the main page. I know you generally push stuff like this to the dark side, but civility has been good here and as a result the conversation has been pretty good as well.
  15. I can't imagine the kind of self-absorbed narcissistic stupidity it takes to do something like that, especially after you already lost your job in embarrassing shame the last time you did it. Dude has a problem. At least Huma decided this time that the answer wasn't to get pregnant again.
  16. I think that's the name the Clinton campaign gives to Republican lesbians.
  17. Cocks for Glocks. Seriously. Yay, feminism!
  18. You didn't refute anything. You just didn't agree with what I posted. If you had the simple ability to just answer my question, you would ultimately realize my intent was to eliminate the objections. If polling places are really closed early in black neighborhoods, let's mandate they all stay open to an agreed upon time. If people are too stupid or lazy to find their way to a DMV, let's send out teams of people to help them get an ID. (Tell them we'll draw names for a free iPhone in each district and watch how long your line is.) Let's drive them to the DMV. Let's drive them to the polling places. Let's get people everything they need so that it truly and genuinely is one person, one vote. Let's invest in this so as to eliminate the ridiculous accusation that voter ID laws keep black people from voting because even the most simple-minded of people saw what happened in 2008 and 20012, when the percentage of black voters were higher than white. They vote when they want to, but it doesn't stop the simple-minded from making yet another ridiculous topic all about racism. So stop with the ridiculous excuses. Let's come up with a plan to get everyone an ID, and they insist they use that ID to vote. We spent $3B giving out money to people to trade in their cars, so surely we can come up with the money to have a program in place to ensure everyone has what they need to get an ID. You with me?
  19. How does it keep blacks from voting? Please be specific.
  20. So tell me: precisely what do you think a voter ID law would do that would keep you from supporting one?
  21. Yeah, okay, I got it. So let's recap. You think voter ID laws are designed to keep blacks from voting because it's too difficult for them go to get an ID. Is that your point?
  22. Go to this link and click the hyperlink in the first paragraph. It'll take you do a PDF.
  23. Facts are also stubborn. Here are 300 convictions...all of them sourced. State by state. Take your time. Dig in. Plenty of 'facts' to digest. But hey, you know, you can find those 'facts' to support your ideology all day long. It's how the media makes such a killing.
  24. Really? Are you suggesting there is no voter fraud?
  25. The right is not trying to take that right away. They are trying to protect it because voter fraud is so rampant. It stuns me, sometimes, how unbelievably uninformed our electorate is.
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